I hate all religion but for those who think I focus only on Catholicism

Deflection there gimp. I've better things to be doing than wasting mental energy on a pathetic waste of wank.

Better things like what?Counting your empty whiskey bottles ya wank
What is a belief ? to me it’s just a thought or an idea that someone had accepted as fact invariably it’s not even their own thought or idea but one dreamed up hundreds or thousands of years ago,sometimes by very dodgy characters like the Mormon guy, I don’t give a toss what ideas anyone holds in their head or what they they cling on to for comfort or to get them through each day as long as the fuckers keep it to them selves and don’t go chapping at ma door wanting me to listen to their utter drivel or try to impose their backward 6th century head chopping life style on the rest of us so worship, pray, light candles, grovel around in the dirt facing East West North or fucking South take part in your rituals what ever they are, knock yourself out Ive no more interest in someone’s religion than I have in their sexuality or any other life style choice they make each to their own I just wish they’d all keep it to themselves
Have no idea why you would want to start a thread like this on the forum 26, but very inappropriate imo.
Most people are given there religion as a child, so haven't been given a choice in their beliefs as such imo.
Got no problem with being given the Catholic religion as such, even if I don't practice it as was drummed into me and never had a true belief in everything that the Catholic religion stood for, but that opinion goes with any religion as such for me.
However I do have a very strong belief within the spiritual belief within this world, where many humans are quite prepared to destroy them spiritual beliefs as such.
The lucky ones like ourselves have been given a choice in how we choose to live our lives, yet so many millions haven't been given that choice within this world, more of humanity decisions been made, more so than wanting to blame a God of your understanding imo.
I had to learn a very hard way and paid a very big price for the nonsense I used to believe in, and even today I still hold a hatred towards hun scum and loyalist and that remains my own cross to carry for the rest of my natural, and one I'm still prepared to carry, even now with the knowledge of knowing that it's not right to be having that way of thought and goes against the religious beliefs I was though as a child with the commandments as such.
Yet thankfully now, I have been given a choice these days, even if I still make many mistakes still, and instead of living with that hatred and bitterness towards hun scum and everything that the bastards stand for within my own head, I choose to live with the love and joy that my club Celtic and the people within that family provides me within my heart.
A simple solution to a problem that has cost me so much in the past including nearly my own life.
To gain that strength and faith again to rebuild a life again, I still think was gained when I actually gave in and asked for the help of a God of my understanding, not to much different from the one I was taught as a child, but certainly one I feel far more comfortable with these days.
Wouldn't preach to anyone about my beliefs, nor would I dismiss anybodys else's beliefs either, but I do strongly believe that if you choose to try and live your life in a good spiritual manner and however you choose to live it, weather it be with the help of a church, God or whatever then you wouldn't go to far wrong imo, no matter how hard things might get within this world, as there always will remain a choice.
At the age i assume is 16 you are an adult, now in-between you learn, when you feel you are able then you choose, now different lifestyles do factor in, so when you are say ( comfortable) with your choice then you will know, this is the the way i will pursue until ?
You got papped off your seat at Celtic Park...only a gimp would let that happen.Big hard IRA man my arse ,you hid in the house when the Ra were shootin Brits ya gobshite.You and your mate Deadner.Two gobshites.
What have I to do with your argument fatballs? Fuck off and leave me out of it. If I'm a gobshite then what are you ye sad waste a space. Spin us yarn there Casanova about your shaggin exploits with married women. Ye fuckin dafty.
What have I to do with your argument fatballs? Fuck off and leave me out of it. If I'm a gobshite then what are you ye sad waste a space. Spin us yarn there Casanova about your shaggin exploits with married women. Ye fuckin dafty.
Shagging exploits and a casanova?You think way too much of me but thanks for the compliment gobshite👍
Shagging exploits and a casanova?You think way too much of me but thanks for the compliment gobshite👍
I think you name checked me first ye fat mess. I have no desire to converse with or about an imbecile like your blubbery self. Which proves the reverse of your claim. You name checked me......
Am I on your mind fat Tony?
Rent free???
I think you name checked me first ye fat mess. I have no desire to converse with or about an imbecile like your blubbery self. Which proves the reverse of your claim. You name checked me......
Am I on your mind fat Tony?
Rent free???
Where are you getting thos fat mess from mensa?Name checked with who?Why would i care about some nugget from the North of Ireland?Youre not that important big man and i dont know were you get your shite from.Have a nice night gobshite
Where are you getting thos fat mess from mensa?Name checked with who?Why would i care about some nugget from the North of Ireland?Youre not that important big man and i dont know were you get your shite from.Have a nice night gobshite
You name checked me in your argument. I don't want anything to do with some fat dafty from wherever the fuck you're from. Leave me out of your usual petty squabbles. You don't even have the mental capacity to realise that you named me in an argument that had fuck all to do with me.
Rent free in your fat head!
You name checked me in your argument. I don't want anything to do with some fat dafty from wherever the fuck you're from. Leave me out of your usual petty squabbles. You don't even have the mental capacity to realise that you named me in an argument that had fuck all to do with me.
Rent free in your fat head!
Youre not important enough to be rent free in anyones head.Leave that to Broony .Again...have a nice night gobshite
I obviously am fat boy. The irony being you're the biggest gobshite on this forum and you're not as well got as you think you are.
Aye and youre the most likeable member of the forum.Its good to be well liked and i could probably guess who youre talking about ...the ones with more faces than big Ben .I dont believe for a second im "well got" and people are entitled to their opinions on me😂 the bottom line here is youre a gobshite
Aye and youre the most likeable member of the forum.Its good to be well liked and i could probably guess who youre talking about ...the ones with more faces than big Ben .I dont believe for a second im "well got" and people are entitled to their opinions on me😂 the bottom line here is youre a gobshite
You have a very limited argument. It seems you've just discovered a new buzzword. Your so called "friends" talk behind your back you know? Your argument has very little clout because you're a wee bit of a laughin stock.