Ibrox players caught breaking Covid rules.....Edmundson and Jones.

I, for one, look forward to watching boyd and smiths ongoing battle to have points deducted from teams who's players break covid rules continue. I imagine they are furiously tapping at their keyboards, or gripping at their crayons as we speak. Demanding, as they did with Celtic and Aberdeen, that sevco have points deducted. Keep up the good fight gentlemen....over to you 👍👍
At the end of the day....sevco arent known for their honesty. These to players could have been dressed up as goats and passed around the training ground and sevco will still come out and say they never mixed with anyone at the club...move on. Nothing to see here
Won't be so easy for them to lie there way out of this one so easy especially with a trip to Portugal looming. Say an example has to be made of them in terms of world football and if they were to test positive then the inplacations would be massive
Won't be so easy for them to lie there way out of this one so easy especially with a trip to Portugal looming. Say an example has to be made of them in terms of world football and if they were to test positive then the inplacations would be massive

I dont think the sevco board really give a shit. They were happy to field 9 players, who's results hadn't come back yet, at the beginning of the season. I wouldnt be surprised if the lied about where the players had been and if they do test positive the scum will just lie about when and where they could have picked up covid.
I, for one, look forward to watching boyd and smiths ongoing battle to have points deducted from teams who's players break covid rules continue. I imagine they are furiously tapping at their keyboards, or gripping at their crayons as we speak. Demanding, as they did with Celtic and Aberdeen, that sevco have points deducted. Keep up the good fight gentlemen....over to you 👍👍
"erm.... But, erm.... Eh, but..... Erm, huh..... But, the situation is different this time.... Erm..... Watp!"
"The situation is different" is the excuse I've read all day over on Bookface. The difference being Bolingoli went to Spain. I do not give one iota of a fuck if he went to Mars. Once the rules have been broken, it doesn't matter if you hop, skip, or shoot yourself through a cannon over that line, you’ve crossed it regardless and the punishment that has been set must be met.

We'll see if that happens though.