I'm a bag of nerves

It's no fair ye know...after dominating for the last 8 years, all the champions league money, transfer fees from Dembele, Virgil VD and Stuart Armstrong; and with sevco on their knees, why the actual f*ck have our board let these creatures back from the brink. We should be light years ahead of them by now yet I'm actually nervous for tomorrow, something I've not been for nearly 10 years.
I've got those old heebeejeebees again, and every time they get a corner or come into oor half tomorrow, i'll be bricking it. Ma mate thinks that Lawell wants the league to be more competitive as season book sales increase and fans get more interested, well no me. I'd take skelping them 5-0 every game and winning the league by 30 points every season, thank you very much. I remember the EBT/Murray years and I've been loving the last wee while!
Please giez an early goal tomorrow to calm me doon.
Whitdid I tell you CF no stopping us HH

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