Irvine Welsh. Legend

Here's a wee song Primal Scream done with Irvine Welsh doing the voice over

In every hick town in Caledonia
Across this pseudo nation
You can see the most fucked up scum
Ever shat into creation
Where a blue McEwans Lager top
Equals no imagination
You're hunbelievable
You're hunbelievable"

And the guy running Bank of Scotland Gavin Masterton happened to be in on the deal with Murray and as fate would have it for the cheating years, we know what happened when Llyods stepped in and took over after Bank of Scotland and called in the debts after clocking the fuck ups..........Enter Craig White, the poundland sale and the rest is history and the end of the huns history. As fate would also have it Murray closed down Airdrie and liquidated them after all a debt is a debt, I love a good story and one with a happy ending......Goodnight MD that was one of our many convos, and oh how we laughed on the blog hunskelping the poundland tribute act, Rangers 1872 in liquidation sold for the price of below.

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There's an Irvine Welsh film in there somewhere
If they push him too hard, he might just get some of his pals involved, and make it happen
DeidCo Inc
Pretty sure that was the maribou stork nightmares.....that book is seriously fucked up
I saw Maribou Stork Nightmares on stage - it was amazing. The poor lass I was going out with at the time didn't have a clue what was going on as she hadn't read the book. I think Maribou would have been before those players' times as it was based around the 1991 (or 1992?) cup tie between Hibs & Airdrie.

Trainspotting was brilliant on stage too - it was all the really dark bits from the book with only 4 actors and pretty much no props or sets, as stories morphed into each other and sometimes the actor turned round and had become a different character.
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Was unsure whether to put this wee true story into the 'we could all use a good laugh' thread but since the thread is titled Irvine Welsh I'll put it here. It was about 99/00 & my other half was in Robbies bar in leith walk and was trying to get to the bar where the bar was mobbed , my partner in trying to negotiate her way to the bar was saying "excuse me , excuse me" as you do trying to get to a crowded bar. Suddenly she was confronted by 2 big bouncers who told her " sorry pal but hes not giving out autographs " to which she replied "eh ? Who?" , " Irvine Welsh pal" my partner said " oh no , sorry mate I'm just trying to get a pint" 😆
I saw Maribou Stork Nightmares on stage - it was amazing. The poor lass I was going out with at the time didn't have a clue what was going on as she hadn't read the book. I think Maribou woulf have been before those players' times as it was based around the 1991 (or 1992?) cup tie between Hibs & Airdrie.

Trainspotting was brilliant on stage too - it was all the really dark bits from the book with only 4 actors and pretty much no props or sets, as stories morphed into each other and sometimes the actor turned round and had become a different character.
There's lots in book that disna make it into the movie including the scene that gives the book it's name.
I remember people slamming Trainspotting as glamourising heroin abuse.
Dead babies, overdose, withdrawal, prison, HIV/AIDS, death and total misery, Glamourous ? Their definition of Glamourous differs wildly fae mine!
A Decent Ride is a good laugh too. I started the one about the Masterchefs but never finished it.
I have never heard of Maribou Stork Nightmares until a minute ago. Totally missed that one.
I went and seen that as well, wife’s been trying to get me to go and see plays, I enjoyed that one, all the rest she’s dragged me along to have been shite, usually 4 people 2 chairs, a suitcase and a table 💩
Also went to see Orwells 1984 and that was disappointing 💩

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