Liel Abada

Beram Kayal Nir Bitton two players who played at Celtic Park and to my knowledge were never boo’ed. By the support
And the same will happen to Lidl Abada.
But don’t support any ban on political views being expressed
Feeding the poor is a political issue right now it’s also the reason we get to support this football club. Brother Walfrid
The tricolour and the poppy porn feast.
Coming soon.
We’re always targeted we always will be
No matter the reason this media will target Celtic no matter the reason
But even the Tory board haven’t called for the GB to be banned that may change after the next CL game. Hope it doesn’t happen
Hope they behave politics aside they make the stadium rock. They need to do that

HH 🙏
OK I’m going to say this about the situation in Gaza. Hamas started this not the Israelis. They killed hundreds of innocent people including foreigners and Palestinians. They knew what the Israeli response would be but they went ahead and did it anyway without caring that hundreds more of their ‘own’ people would die. They are a shower of thugs. Nobody would be dead if they hadn’t started this. Does anybody really think that ANY nation would just take this lying down?
Let’s ask ourselves about the Israelis and why they act the way they do.
When the Nazis tried to deport Jews prior to WW2 many countries refused to take them. And where were we (and the yanks) in 39-45 when millions of them were killed? That’s right..nowhere. We weren’t fighting the war because millions of Jews were being massacred-that was for completely different reasons. Is it any surprise then they act as they do and protect themselves? In their shoes I sure wouldn’t respond well to any threats of extermination (as has been muted by other arab countries) or any other such violence ever again.
Am I sorry that hundreds of Palestinians are dead? Certainly. I don’t wish death on anyone. But as I said let’s remember the Israelis didn’t start this a crowd of Palestinian hoodlums did knowing full well what the consequences of their actions would be.
OK rant over.
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OK I’m going to say this about the situation in Gaza. Hamas started this not the Israelis. They killed hundreds of innocent people including foreigners and Palestinians. They knew what the Israeli response would be but they went ahead and did it anyway without caring that hundreds more of their ‘own’ people would die. They are a shower of thugs. Nobody would be dead if they hadn’t started this. Does anybody really think that ANY nation would just take this lying down?
Let’s ask ourselves about the Israelis and why they act the way they do.
When the Nazis tried to deport Jews prior to WW2 many countries refused to take them. And where were we (and the yanks) in 39-45 when millions of them were killed? That’s right..nowhere. We weren’t fighting the war because millions of Jews were being massacred-that was for completely different reasons. Is it any surprise then they act as they do and protect themselves? In their shoes I sure wouldn’t respond well to any threats of extermination (as has been muted by other arab countries) or any other such violence ever again.
Am I sorry that hundreds of Palestinians are dead? Certainly. I don’t wish death on anyone. But as I said let’s remember the Israelis didn’t start a crowd of Palestinian hoodlums did knowing full well what the consequences of their actions would be.
OK rant over.
Better get yir crash helmet oan barrow field bhoy⛑️incoming expected❎🧨
There's perhaps another side to this conversation; does Abada fancy bein' reminded for the rest of his life that he played for a club that had a section of their support who supported one of Israel's sworn enemies?

I believe the bloke is in a very difficult situation as things stand. Football is his job at present, no more, no less. He hopefully has a long life after Celtic. For me it's unthinkable that he isn't considering his options.

I hope I’m wrong, but I think he will be for the off…..there will be too much pressure put on him to leave I reckon…
Beram Kayal Nir Bitton two players who played at Celtic Park and to my knowledge were never boo’ed. By the support
And the same will happen to Lidl Abada.
But don’t support any ban on political views being expressed
Feeding the poor is a political issue right now it’s also the reason we get to support this football club. Brother Walfrid
The tricolour and the poppy porn feast.
Coming soon.
We’re always targeted we always will be
No matter the reason this media will target Celtic no matter the reason
But even the Tory board haven’t called for the GB to be banned that may change after the next CL game. Hope it doesn’t happen
Hope they behave politics aside they make the stadium rock. They need to do that

HH 🙏
Correctamoondo,,,,by the way Paulo di canio was a mad facist brought to the club by the most beautiful souled guy on the planet,and adored by myself and the whole celtic support,never once was he booed or mistreated for his views 🤷‍♂️we need to get over ourselves here?something stupid happened,offence was caused,they weren’t to know it was gonny explode like it has?time for calm many on this forum would take mo Johnston back??why not??don’t go way the auld shite he double crossed us please!!
OK I’m going to say this about the situation in Gaza. Hamas started this not the Israelis. They killed hundreds of innocent people including foreigners and Palestinians. They knew what the Israeli response would be but they went ahead and did it anyway without caring that hundreds more of their ‘own’ people would die. They are a shower of thugs. Nobody would be dead if they hadn’t started this. Does anybody really think that ANY nation would just take this lying down?
Let’s ask ourselves about the Israelis and why they act the way they do.
When the Nazis tried to deport Jews prior to WW2 many countries refused to take them. And where were we (and the yanks) in 39-45 when millions of them were killed? That’s right..nowhere. We weren’t fighting the war because millions of Jews were being massacred-that was for completely different reasons. Is it any surprise then they act as they do and protect themselves? In their shoes I sure wouldn’t respond well to any threats of extermination (as has been muted by other arab countries) or any other such violence ever again.
Am I sorry that hundreds of Palestinians are dead? Certainly. I don’t wish death on anyone. But as I said let’s remember the Israelis didn’t start a crowd of Palestinian hoodlums did knowing full well what the consequences of their actions would be.
OK rant over.
Not a rant, BB; just an opinion on a very worrying situation. I have no difficulty in agreeing with you regarding Israel's right to protect its citizens. I happen to believe that's sacrosanct. I would however extend the same rights to Palestine.

Let me be clear, last weeks terrorism was a crime against humanity; I in no way support Hamas. However I have to say the baggage of history probably has more to do with this awful situation than the barbarous events of last week. Most definitely, last week was more a continuation than the beginning.

I also believe Israel is using the full weight of their propaganda machine, along with their allies, ( including leaders of the "free") world, including the UK to take this opportunity to obliterate Palestinians.

I'm not clever enough to know the answer to this age old calamity. But I doubt very much if escalation will end it. More likely that it will lead to a massive recruitment drive in the ranks of Hamas.

I would pray...but unlike the folk involved in this terrible situation, I don't think there's any one listening. Maybe there's a wee hint as to an answer there.
Not a rant, BB; just an opinion on a very worrying situation. I have no difficulty in agreeing with you regarding Israel's right to protect its citizens. I happen to believe that's sacrosanct. I would however extend the same rights to Palestine.

Let me be clear, last weeks terrorism was a crime against humanity; I in no way support Hamas. However I have to say the baggage of history probably has more to do with this awful situation than the barbarous events of last week. Most definitely, last week was more a continuation than the beginning.

I also believe Israel is using the full weight of their propaganda machine, along with their allies, ( including leaders of the "free") world, including the UK take this opportunity to obliterate Palestinians.

I'm not clever enough to know the answer to this age old calamity. But I doubt very much if escalation will end it. More likely that it will lead to a massive recruitment drive in the ranks of Hamas.

I would pray...but unlike the folk involved in this terrible situation, I don't think there's any one listening. Maybe there's a wee hint as to an answer there.
I find it troubling that I’m reading stories about Putin supplying weapons to Hamas for this attack. If true I guess he thinks it’s fair enough as NATO countries are giving military aid to the Ukraine. Concerning if the Russians had any hand in this.
I find it troubling that I’m reading stories about Putin supplying weapons to Hamas for this attack. If true I guess he thinks it’s fair enough as NATO countries are giving military aid to the Ukraine. Concerning if the Russians had any hand in this.
Be surprising if that’s the case,hard enough getting food and medicine in..but they did have a surprising amount of hardware?
OK I’m going to say this about the situation in Gaza. Hamas started this not the Israelis. They killed hundreds of innocent people including foreigners and Palestinians. They knew what the Israeli response would be but they went ahead and did it anyway without caring that hundreds more of their ‘own’ people would die. They are a shower of thugs. Nobody would be dead if they hadn’t started this. Does anybody really think that ANY nation would just take this lying down?
Let’s ask ourselves about the Israelis and why they act the way they do.
When the Nazis tried to deport Jews prior to WW2 many countries refused to take them. And where were we (and the yanks) in 39-45 when millions of them were killed? That’s right..nowhere. We weren’t fighting the war because millions of Jews were being massacred-that was for completely different reasons. Is it any surprise then they act as they do and protect themselves? In their shoes I sure wouldn’t respond well to any threats of extermination (as has been muted by other arab countries) or any other such violence ever again.
Am I sorry that hundreds of Palestinians are dead? Certainly. I don’t wish death on anyone. But as I said let’s remember the Israelis didn’t start this a crowd of Palestinian hoodlums did knowing full well what the consequences of their actions would be.
OK rant over.
Im guessing you are talking about the recent events alone when you say this was Hamas who started this?
In that respect alone you're correct Hamas struck first this time ( as the IDF attacks in the Golan Heights werent and never are reported here but Israel ( backed by the British and Americans, then the UN when Britain backed out) most certainly started all of it first.
A lot of people forget there was no ' Israel ' at the end of the 2nd World War.

Wouldn't be surprised if we don't go back into market for Jewish players. I Abada will be the last. What jew would want to play for us now after the GB banners. Time GB was hit hard by the club.
Wouldn't be surprised if we don't go back into market for Jewish players. I Abada will be the last. What jew would want to play for us now after the GB banners. Time GB was hit hard by the club.
True mate, but as one door closes another door opens, all the Arab football world sees us in a different light, Israel is a small nation with no superstar players, but on the other hand the Arab world has
Just shows you how wrong the banner at Celtic park was last week when there is chance a star player could leave and us talking about chance no more Jews will play for Celtic ....(hopefully fans going to game against Madrid make it about Celtic and nothing to do with Palestine in the stadium) do money collections etc for Palestine charities etc at the stadium to raise money if they want but hopefully not use this event as an political statement and chance of any big uefa fine........
Im guessing you are talking about the recent events alone when you say this was Hamas who started this?
In that respect alone you're correct Hamas struck first this time ( as the IDF attacks in the Golan Heights werent and never are reported here but Israel ( backed by the British and Americans, then the UN when Britain backed out) most certainly started all of it first.
A lot of people forget there was no ' Israel ' at the end of the 2nd World War.

True there was no Israel at the end of WW2 but there was until the 1st century AD when the Romans (yeah us Europeans again) destroyed the country and dispersed the populace. Since then the Jews have been persecuted everywhere and had no country to call their own. So at the end of WW2 they decided to take back what had been theirs and re-establish the state of Israel where they would not be at the mercy of unsympathetic peoples and their governments. They were determined that another holocaust would never happen. After centuries of persecution I find it hard to fault them for taking this approach. As I say Israel was theirs in the beginning. It was taken from them.
After the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WW1 the League of Nations declared Palestine a British Mandate. Syria became a French Mandate. Before the French pulled out they cut off a wee bit of Syria and gave it to their Arab Christian allies this how Lebanon came to exist. The Muslim Ottomans ruled Turkey, Arabia, the Southern Balkan’s and some of North Africa for 500 years. The British and French Politicians, Sykes and Picot, created the modern Middle East by taking a ruler and pencil to a map and drawing straight lines across what used to be the Ottoman Empire and chopping it up into easier to manipulate and manage chunks. These lines on a map took no account of ethnic or religious sensibilities. Palestine remained a British mandate until 1948. Britain pulled out after Zionist terror groups Irgun and Hagenah waged a terrorist campaign against the British mandate. The straw that broke the camels back was the bombing of The King David hotel (HQ of the British Mandate) in Jerusalem, by Zionist terror group Irgun, that killed 91 people. Irgun were the first to use car bombs. Future Israeli Prime Minister Menachin Begin was one the Irgun bombers.
These Zionists, mostly immigrants from the US and Europe, founded the The State of Israel on Palestinian land and without the consent of the people who lived there. The Palestinians call this the Nakbah (catastrophe). This was not enough for some Zionists who said God gave them Judea and Samarra (The West Bank of the River Jordan). Israel has occupied this land illegally since 1967 and in breach of UN Security Council Resolution 242 which calls on Israel to withdraw to its 1967 border. Israel’s response? To build settlements on land they occupy illegally. This is a crime under international law. Israel continually flaunts international law without consequence. They stole the Golan Heights from Syria very recently too after Trump gave them the go ahead. They occupy The Shebba Farms area of Southern Lebanon too and have diverted rivers and streams in Southern Lebanon to Northern Israel.
Now they have announced they are to commit another war crime by expelling 1.2m people from their homes.
After the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WW1 the League of Nations declared Palestine a British Mandate. Syria became a French Mandate. Before the French pulled out they cut off a wee bit of Syria and gave it to their Arab Christian allies this how Lebanon came to exist. The Muslim Ottomans ruled Turkey, Arabia, the Southern Balkan’s and some of North Africa for 500 years. The British and French Politicians, Sykes and Picot, created the modern Middle East by taking a ruler and pencil to a map and drawing straight lines across what used to be the Ottoman Empire and chopping it up into easier to manipulate and manage chunks. These lines on a map took no account of ethnic or religious sensibilities. Palestine remained a British mandate until 1948. Britain pulled out after Zionist terror groups Irgun and Hagenah waged a terrorist campaign against the British mandate. The straw that broke the camels back was the bombing of The King David hotel (HQ of the British Mandate) in Jerusalem, by Zionist terror group Irgun, that killed 91 people. Irgun were the first to use car bombs. Future Israeli Prime Minister Menachin Begin was one the Irgun bombers.
These Zionists, mostly immigrants from the US and Europe, founded the The State of Israel on Palestinian land and without the consent of the people who lived there. The Palestinians call this the Nakbah (catastrophe). This was not enough for some Zionists who said God gave them Judea and Samarra (The West Bank of the River Jordan). Israel has occupied this land illegally since 1967 and in breach of UN Security Council Resolution 242 which calls on Israel to withdraw to its 1967 border. Israel’s response? To build settlements on land they occupy illegally. This is a crime under international law. Israel continually flaunts international law without consequence. They stole the Golan Heights from Syria very recently too after Trump gave them the go ahead. They occupy The Shebba Farms area of Southern Lebanon too and have diverted rivers and streams in Southern Lebanon to Northern Israel.
Now they have announced they are to commit another war crime by expelling 1.2m people from their homes.
Great Post.