Liel Abada

Anyone into football should go for that reason football.
Politics and displays which has nothing to do with the game should be left at home.
This outrage in the middle east is worldwide in viewing, thus no need for fans to meddle and highlight which side they support, and also as Celtic fans and history around our upbringings and views a simple message should be we abhor all wars regardless of who started them.
Everyone has the right to breath and live. Celtic is a club for all to come together with no prejudices or bias towards fellow members and newcomers alike.
I posted something ages ago about ex Deidco player Marco Negri. He said once he found out about them he wanted out. His Girlfriend/Wife was a devout Catholic. He stopped celebrating when he scored.
I read that about him as well He said he was disgusted and couldn’t get out quick enough
Sure wasn’t Terry Butcher the same
Giving it large about being up to his knees in Fenian blood - until his wife sat him down and showed just what they were like - vile
I think he left not long after that
I know what you’re saying but Mo Johnston really did double cross us
All that carry on getting his photo taken with Big Billy giving us all a wee lift because he was a very decent player
Then in a matter of days he’s cosying in with the hun mob That is definitely treachery
Wee hun fkr
He left Cesar with egg on his face and all of our supporters raging
Yir spot on shottsghirl,,he was a wee rat cunt,,but if he went anywhere other than the hunz🤷‍♂️..if he was a prod and went to them🤷‍♂️because he was a catholic and our catholic the rage was amped up,,,that’s ma point we celtic fans want to take the moral high ground when it suits.??that wee rat cunt set us back years way that stunt still hate the rat🐭
Even at the Huns. Italian Catholics mustn't have known about the supports hatred of Catholics.
During the diedco years or to this day Ally?
I'd be astounded if any agent neglected to mention Lazios Fascists, Rangers wee brother's Union bears traitors. Celtics green brigade and all the other ultras in Europe.
Those players who've had a big move to a club like Celtic from say anywhere outside the EPL or top 4 clubs in the bigger leagues , plus Portugal and some other nations , quite often they're only here a year and change agencies.
Though granted the level of sectarian bigotry at bigotdome is perhaps beyond even the most experienced agents powers of the gift of the gab alone.
I read that about him as well He said he was disgusted and couldn’t get out quick enough
Sure wasn’t Terry Butcher the same
Giving it large about being up to his knees in Fenian blood - until his wife sat him down and showed just what they were like - vile
I think he left not long after that
Was unaware of this and tbh I for one was glad to see the back of negri a striker I rated highly.
During the diedco years or to this day Ally?
I'd be astounded if any agent neglected to mention Lazios Fascists, Rangers wee brother's Union bears traitors. Celtics green brigade and all the other ultras in Europe.
Those players who've had a big move to a club like Celtic from say anywhere outside the EPL or top 4 clubs in the bigger leagues , plus Portugal and some other nations , quite often they're only here a year and change agencies.
Though granted the level of sectarian bigotry at bigotdome is perhaps beyond even the most experienced agents powers of the gift of the gab alone.
Well Winter m8 I never could understand why Catholics could ever have played for that club before deidco and now.
Yir spot on shottsghirl,,he was a wee rat cunt,,but if he went anywhere other than the hunz🤷‍♂️..if he was a prod and went to them🤷‍♂️because he was a catholic and our catholic the rage was amped up,,,that’s ma point we celtic fans want to take the moral high ground when it suits.??that wee rat cunt set us back years way that stunt still hate the rat🐭
He must’ve thought he was the berries He is all you say and more
Just shows you how wrong the banner at Celtic park was last week when there is chance a star player could leave and us talking about chance no more Jews will play for Celtic ....(hopefully fans going to game against Madrid make it about Celtic and nothing to do with Palestine in the stadium) do money collections etc for Palestine charities etc at the stadium to raise money if they want but hopefully not use this event as an political statement and chance of any big uefa fine........
A UEFA fine is always on the cards for our fans, it only takes 1 flare. What if UEFA have had enough of Celtic and want to teach us a real lesson and they ban us for 2 years, how happy will the GB be then, job done we made a statement and got noticed. A bit extreme but also a possibility.
Scored 23 goals in first ten games winter,,was a pure machine…
He's definately up there with the best strikers I've ever seen both namesakes field his record was outstanding.
The established/ment media's take on it is predictable, the half decent football magazine my arse.
All it says is he was outstanding, who knows what happened, we don't and finally ends with a nudge nudge funny hand shake gesture between Smith and Gattusso.

I'm putting it up to show his strike rate, had they kept him sweet heaven forbid but stopping the 10 would've beenneven more difficult with an on form Negri in the side, hopefully Clement will continue to be player focused which doesn't work in todays game with 5 subs, its effectively 16 a side now.

I have faith Rodgers can with the proper backing see off Clement as well, but he is a manager with credentials so we have to take him seriously, even if our manager has better and more credentials it'd be foolhardy complacency not to.

Negri goalscoring before ....before something...that eh! We don't talk about because that was a different klub anyway DOH!

He's definately up there with the best strikers I've ever seen both namesakes field his record was outstanding.
The established/ment media's take on it is predictable, the half decent football magazine my arse.
All it says is he was outstanding, who knows what happened, we don't and finally ends with a nudge nudge funny hand shake gesture between Smith and Gattusso.

I'm putting it up to show his strike rate, had they kept him sweet heaven forbid but stopping the 10 would've beenneven more difficult with an on form Negri in the side, hopefully Clement will continue to be player focused which doesn't work in todays game with 5 subs, its effectively 16 a side now.

I have faith Rodgers can with the proper backing see off Clement as well, but he is a manager with credentials so we have to take him seriously, even if our manager has better and more credentials it'd be foolhardy complacency not to.

Negri goalscoring before ....before something...that eh! We don't talk about because that was a different klub anyway DOH!

From an Italian Football magazine, an interview with Marco Negri, about Rangers, and life in Scotland.

LB- Luigi Bruno (Interviewer)

MN- Marco Negri

LB- Marco, you left Rangers under very strange circumstances, why was that?

MN- Strange? There was nothing strange in anything that happened there, they simply did not want me there any longer.

LB- Why was that?

MN- The honest answer is that I didn't know then and I still don't know even today. Nobody ever explained why I had fallen out of favour.

LB- Your goal record at Rangers was fantastic and when fit and available you were scoring for fun. I, and many others still do not understand why you left under a cloud.

MN- Let's just say you are getting very close to why I think that I was frozen out. Scotland is a very claustrophobic place where everything is examined and analyzed endlessly. Scottish society is in many ways a backward place.

LB- What do you mean by that?

MN- The culture, the underlying culture of Rangers was not good. The first team players had a habit of drinking vast amounts of alcohol during the week. As you know here in Italy we have a different culture as professional footballers. We know that it is our duty to keep ourselves fit and healthy. Some of the players there like Paul Gascoigne and Andy Goram would turn up smelling of drink BEFORE training. I could not understand why such behaviour was tolerated by Walter Smith who was manager then".

LB- Marco we are well aware of Paul Gascoigne's problems and it is sad to see his decline, we saw it earlier at Lazio. Are you saying that the players were out of control?

MN- Absolutely, I tried to point this out to Walter Smith several times but he became very defensive and said that I needed to understand Scottish footballing culture. He would hear no criticism of Goram and especially Gascoigne who could literally do anything he wanted to and still get away with it! It wasn't just their drinking however, they had some really extreme political and religious views.

LB- Could you elaborate on this please?

MN- Of course. They hated Catholics. All of them. I never understood why they were so filled with hatred. Several of us who were Catholic players and all foreigners were told upon arrival, never to bless ourselves at Ibrox as it could cause problems for us. I began to understand that Rangers was an extreme club very similar to Lazio here in Italy. You know, a right wing club with right wing supporters. I personally am not a practicing Catholic but my wife Anna Maria is, and it used to cause me pain when I heard what they said about my fellow Catholics. Lorenzo Amoruso and Jorg Albertz, just kept quiet and kept their heads down.

LB- What finally brought things to a head?

MN- I was rapidly disillusioned by Rangers and especially their supporters. As part of my professional duties I was strongly encouraged to attend social functions which meant going to several Rangers supporters clubs. The last one I attended really brought home to me the fact that I had nothing in common with these people. The anti-Catholic feeling was venomous and the songs they sang that evening filled me with disgust. It was at that point I decided not to give my all for a club that condoned such behaviour. I went sick. Walter Smith knew the real reason for my 'illness' and he just ignored it. But I wasn't lying, I was sick, sick of Rangers and sick of what they stood for and that is the truth.

A UEFA fine is always on the cards for our fans, it only takes 1 flare. What if UEFA have had enough of Celtic and want to teach us a real lesson and they ban us for 2 years, how happy will the GB be then, job done we made a statement and got noticed. A bit extreme but also a possibility.
It is a tad extreme 2 yr ban!!!for wit??flying a Palestine flag!!!my concern is that they think they’re a law unto themselves,celtic gave them there standing section in good faith and pander to there Tifo and banner preparation,but when celtic ask for a bit in return it’s blanked??