Manager/Chief exec’s first SMSM conference

Everyone an their dug knows I was very sceptical about the appointment of AP. I even put a poll up to get everyone's views on the matter.
I left the poll open for people to change their mind and reverse their vote.
That's exactly what happened. At the beginning it was mostly votes against the appointment but as the days passed more and more changed their minds as we began to find out more about the guy.
It ended up a very close thing with the sceptics just shaving it (I'll have to check).
For myself I can only say I am now fully on board, especially after the pressers last week. Dom McKay impressed me also.
I was never keen on Eddie Howe as I thought the move away from his beloved South coast and the pressures of life in the mean streets of Glasgow would prove too much for him.
This proved to be correct as the events of the past few months scared the shite out of him and he backed out of any verbal agreements he had previously made before a ball had been kicked.
His stock has taken a tumble in footballing management circles as a result and I think many now look on him as a bit of a bottler who's flight instinct is far stronger than his fight.
JF posted the other day he is also on board the Ange and Dom bandwagon
and the way things developed may well be a blessing in disguise. I agree and feel the appointment of Ange has Doms fingerprints all over it, with the added bonus of its nothing to do with PL.
They say everything happens for a reason an as ma granny used to say, what's for you won't go past you.
It remains to be seen, but there certainly is more of a feel good factor in the air these days. HH.

Update: Just went back to my poll and changed my own vote, so it finished,
49.3% for
50.7% against.
I have to admit that I thought howe would've been a good appointment. He played a good brand of football plus I think he would've revolutionised the club from top to bottom.
However, in hindsight, I think we may have dodged a bullet. He hadn't the stones for the job.
Ange on the other hand seems to be the type of lad you'd want standing beside ye in the middle of a scrap. A no nonsense fuck you I don't give a fuck sort of a lad.
One thing that stood out to me in his and doms interview was when dom said he phoned him first to see would he be interested in the job and he didn't hesitate. He said yes straight away. That to me sums the man up. He was ruthless.
That's the type of manager we need right now.
I have to admit that I thought howe would've been a good appointment. He played a good brand of football plus I think he would've revolutionised the club from top to bottom.
However, in hindsight, I think we may have dodged a bullet. He hadn't the stones for the job.
Ange on the other hand seems to be the type of lad you'd want standing beside ye in the middle of a scrap. A no nonsense fuck you I don't give a fuck sort of a lad.
One thing that stood out to me in his and doms interview was when dom said he phoned him first to see would he be interested in the job and he didn't hesitate. He said yes straight away. That to me sums the man up. He was ruthless.
That's the type of manager we need right now.
Your a mind reader too .....
If ever my thoughts over the last few months could be condensed into 10/11 sentences, there it is
Lets just hope he gets the required ammo to get his tenure off to a flyer
I have to admit that I thought howe would've been a good appointment. He played a good brand of football plus I think he would've revolutionised the club from top to bottom.
However, in hindsight, I think we may have dodged a bullet. He hadn't the stones for the job.
Ange on the other hand seems to be the type of lad you'd want standing beside ye in the middle of a scrap. A no nonsense fuck you I don't give a fuck sort of a lad.
One thing that stood out to me in his and doms interview was when dom said he phoned him first to see would he be interested in the job and he didn't hesitate. He said yes straight away. That to me sums the man up. He was ruthless.
That's the type of manager we need right now.
Impossible to say just yet who could have been the better appointment between Howe and Ange and possibly a question that will never be answered.
You also have to take into consideration howe possibly done all his dealings through PL traitor and at a guess I would say that the coaching roles remained a huge issue and problem.
But we've moved on thankfully, and at least we know now Ange is all the doing of Dom and already a huge and brave decision to make.
I am critical by nature and did believe in the beginning it was more of a marketing appointment than one based upon football. I now have changed my mind and like you rightly said seems perfect for the role and the task ahead.
Any appointment comes with risk but already seems like Ange and Dom have a good understanding and think that they can and will form a very strong working relationship which can only be good news for us and the club going forward.
Think they showed enough unity for potential players to feel far more comfortable about joining us now, which in turn should allow many more opportunities with player recruitment.
Loved the discipline aspect and this seems to have been lacking very badly throughout the club and sure now this will be addressed very quickly now.
Still an awful lot of work needs to be done, but feel far safer that we are in better hands now than we have been for a good while now.