Maradona wants to be Edouard

For me it's maradona hands down. Messi maybe second followed probably by Ronaldinho (Pele was before my time so can't compare him). maradona got the shit kicked out of him in every match and just got up and played on. If it was any of the modern day players the game would be stopped for a half an hour and the offender charged with attempted murder. I know maradona was no saint, but neither was pele.
Plus the English hate maradona, so all the more reason to pick him!
Spot on
I watched Brazil playing in the World Cup, unbelievable Pele, Rivellino, Garrincha and the rest, fantastic team and individual players, but for me, the best player, who lead his team to victory, was Diego Maradona
His footwork and ability, was off the charts
Spot on
I watched Brazil playing in the World Cup, unbelievable Pele, Rivellino, Garrincha and the rest, fantastic team and individual players, but for me, the best player, who lead his team to victory, was Diego Maradona
His footwork and ability, was off the charts
I don't think that they had much in the way of drug testing when Maradonna was playing though. Maybe he thought he was in Saturday Night Fever with the fancy footwork๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
You trying tae say he was line dancer? I'll get ma coat.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜†
The theory doesn't really bear up though. You do a bump of coke and go on the field where it might provide an advantage for at best up to 10 minutes. What about the 35+ minutes to half time when your head's up your hole? Not that one as righteous and beatifcus as oneself would have direct, ecumenical experience of the Columbian catechism, Bolivian beatitudes or Nacho's nosecandy.
The theory doesn't really bear up though. You do a bump of coke and go on the field where it might provide an advantage for at best up to 10 minutes. What about the 35+ minutes to half time when your head's up your hole? Not that one as righteous and beatifcus as oneself would have direct, ecumenical experience of the Columbian catechism, Bolivian beatitudes or Nacho's nosecandy.
What about taking a provincial team to 2 scuddettos Napoli, when the real Riches lay in the North? Look up Napoli's Lost title it's a belter.๐Ÿ˜‰
What about taking a provincial team to 2 scuddettos Napoli, when the real Riches lay in the North? Look up Napoli's Lost title it's a belter.๐Ÿ˜‰
Man was a fucking legend; hard as fuck. He had to be because every jealous cunt was trying to break his legs but he played in an era when the jealous cunts were not as athletic as the jealous cunts of today. That is a technicality just as any modern (non_Scottish if he wasn'r playing against Celtic) Referee would't allow the level of brutality meted out against him.
Great players arise in every generation but the conditions in which they arise vary with every generation. We are so lucky to be fans of a club which has greats for every generation.
Man was a fucking legend; hard as fuck. He had to be because every jealous cunt was trying to break his legs but he played in an era when the jealous cunts were not as athletic as the jealous cunts of today. That is a technicality just as any modern (non_Scottish if he wasn'r playing against Celtic) Referee would't allow the level of brutality meted out against him.
Great players arise in every generation but the conditions in which they arise vary with every generation. We are so lucky to be fans of a club which has greats for every generation.
Footballing genius in my eyes so much talent. Seriously look up Napoli's Lost title.๐Ÿ˜‰
Just remember Pele got the shit kicked out of him when he played the Germans in Paris
During the war. But did he shy away no he was hurt yes he went off but right at the end he came on and scored a wonder goal that even Hollywood producers wouldnโ€™t go for
Goan tell has Marafuckingdonna done that no
So girfuy HH

HH ๐Ÿ˜‚
For me it's maradona hands down. Messi maybe second followed probably by Ronaldinho (Pele was before my time so can't compare him). maradona got the shit kicked out of him in every match and just got up and played on. If it was any of the modern day players the game would be stopped for a half an hour and the offender charged with attempted murder. I know maradona was no saint, but neither was pele.
Plus the English hate maradona, so all the more reason to pick him!
The English hate Maradona for his 'Hand of God' goal but they overlook the goal he scored after that when he left Englanders trailing in his wake... from an England team that, I seem to recall, was going to win the world cup! :ROFLMAO:
The English hate Maradona for his 'Hand of God' goal but they overlook the goal he scored after that when he left Englanders trailing in his wake... from an England team that, I seem to recall, was going to win the world cup! :ROFLMAO:
I always find it sad that they only ever focus on the slightly dodgy goal, any football fan, even an England fan should celebrate his other goal, greatest moment in world Cup history for me, other than wee Archie Gemmill! ๐Ÿ˜น
Did you see Messi's goal against Getafi (I think) almost identical to Maradona's against engerland, spooky!
I always find it sad that they only ever focus on the slightly dodgy goal, any football fan, even an England fan should celebrate his other goal, greatest moment in world Cup history for me, other than wee Archie Gemmill! ๐Ÿ˜น
Did you see Messi's goal against Getafi (I think) almost identical to Maradona's against engerland, spooky!
Pretty sure when he scored that goal Hoopy he beat some of the same players again it was just genius. Great Solo along with Archie G
But have you seen the Brazil goal in the 1970 game best ever must be up there almost as good as Moussa Dembeleโ€™s goal when every player had a touch against St Johnstone.

I always find it sad that they only ever focus on the slightly dodgy goal, any football fan, even an England fan should celebrate his other goal, greatest moment in world Cup history for me, other than wee Archie Gemmill! ๐Ÿ˜น
Did you see Messi's goal against Getafi (I think) almost identical to Maradona's against engerland, spooky!
I just looked it up there. Great goal and great dribbling to create it.