Matt O'Riley appreciation thread

To say O'Reilly is impressive is a understatement imo, as he is another fantastic find with a huge career ahead of him.
To step into the team and having to replace rogic to the degree that we never missed rogic whatsoever tells us just how good this player already is.
Only 21 still with the maturity and discipline of someone way beyond his years adds testament to his ability and willingness to become even better and believe he will also.
Also looks to have the ability to play any of the 3 midfield roles if needed.
Very bright future ahead with us imo, and going to enjoy what he brings to the club also.
I think we need to be careful to not get too carried away yet. He is still young and inexperienced so no doubt he will a bit of a drop-off in form. But that is the beauty of having such a good squad of many fantastic players is that he can be rested to get refreshed without harming the team.

I can't remember do many newbies having such incredible fast starts to their Celtic careers as we have been privileged to enjoy this season. Especially when they are settling into a new country and a completely different physicality (brutality) than they will have experienced before.

Targeting the right kind of player with the correct skillsets and mental toughness has been key to this success rather than buying which ever random player happened to be offered to you on tge final day of the transfer window.
To say O'Reilly is impressive is a understatement imo, as he is another fantastic find with a huge career ahead of him.
To step into the team and having to replace rogic to the degree that we never missed rogic whatsoever tells us just how good this player already is.
Only 21 still with the maturity and discipline of someone way beyond his years adds testament to his ability and willingness to become even better and believe he will also.
Also looks to have the ability to play any of the 3 midfield roles if needed.
Very bright future ahead with us imo, and going to enjoy what he brings to the club also.
John, see that bit about maturity and discipline way beyond his years? Well, it' s a dawddle. Ah've got loads of it......feck..did Ah just say ?
Heard yir a bit John Merricky mm
I was forced to rite that Frank honest 😂

HH 😂
Well, you know what they say...walk a mile in a man's shoes before saying anything derogatory........then say what you like because you've got his shoes and he's a feckin' mile away. Am away tae ma kip noo....before Ah say something sensible. Night folks, and may your God be with you.
Well, you know what they say...walk a mile in a man's shoes before saying anything derogatory........then say what you like because you've got his shoes and he's a feckin' mile away. Am away tae ma kip noo....before Ah say something sensible. Night folks, and may your God be with you.
Can I get your insoles ma feet ur killing me
That’s been a hard mile Ma Hooves ur sair
Goodnight young man

HH 😂
My predictions are never wrong...
I predicted Ange would be amazing from day one.
I predicted hatates 1st goal would be the best goal ever scored since the discovery of football.
I predict the O'Rileys goal on Sunday will be an absolute wonder goal and the 1st of many!!
You shouldn't drink too much Lucozade, sunset yellow and E numbers are bad for you😅😅😅

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