New Year - whatever it is to you all, lets make the most of it

Aye, me anaw, cannae seem to get past 10.30, so I wish you all a guid new year and all the best.
see you on the far side.☘️🍻☮️
Used to go to the local hostelry for 4PM our time, and 'the bells' but prefer to just toast all in Scotland, and family & friends worldwide, while staying at home
Usually in bed before midnight, due to indifference now
The neighbours usually get out onto their decks and bang pots and pans to 'celebrate' the New Year's arrival at the stroke of 12 midnight
Bastards wake us up with their noise...dafties
Apart from that, I wish everyone a Guid New Year and hope 2023 is a much better one for all of you

New Year has always been the in-law of XMAS but evokes many memories for me

when very young...staying up late, getting a babychamb, wee blue bottle, rikki fulton etc....staying in greenock, you heard the boat horns....

walking the streets at 16 years, £5 case of bier d'or in hand (who remembers them) spending the night at the wrong party, knocked the next door neighbours of intended at 4am, they let us in cos we knocked......thats the way it used to be.......doors were open

apart from that i only remember the millenium, my paw sent me in toon for lightbulbs at 2pm, but never made it by the local.
So i fell in the door at 23.45, fell asleep at 23.46 and there video footage of me snoring through the millenium bells....
No matter what year or age, i try to spend it with my maw or paw, which hasn't been possible for years through having very young kids

The older i get, in theory the wiser i get. long story per any thread i start...

I never made it to my maws on XMAS day through trying to placate everyone else. Last time i'll put anything before my folks.
They were fine, but it really got to me.
I heard their day involved a million phone calls from my junkie sister begging to come up and see her kids in my folks care.
For the first time ever, they said no, she had no right to be there on the day

I spent the next day with them and my brother and soon to be wife were there with beautiful 1 year old, the 9th grandkid...

As usual folks have spent fortunes on my kids and every kid they call family.
I bought them tickets for a show in Edinburgh, aftershave/perfume and had £200 in a card for them.
They got me 2 vinyl records, small shit..... i opened my card and my mum flies over the room, hide that..... you got more than your brother and i dont want him to see it.........
The £200 they gave me went back in their card.........i love the fact they feel the need to give me that much...but i don't want it nor need it.
The 2 vinyl albums they bought me were thought out........a present can be worth a £1 or a grand, but the joy of getting something you would have bought yourself..

My bro is a miserable cunt....i got him and soon to be wife £190 in tickets to a gig as well as £200 in clothes for my beautiful niece,
i never even got a card..... my maw was fucking sick .... for could see it knock her for 6

so while this might sound like therapy and a spewwing in true STG style..... it's exactly that while its not that....the only person that i was concerened with through XMAS was my maw. i have kids but their joy was easy, you could buy it. My maws joy was dependant on everyone elses.

So, Instead of putting this New Year down as just another forgettable one.......... there's someone in our lifes that we can make it special..
My maw n paw are not going to bed at 12.01 as per last few years, after spending the bells together themselves.....

For too long they've been taken for granted, a steak pie on Jan 1st hungover they guarantee......

my folks may have 2 new years, hopefully 20 left each, i don't know

But this New Year will be memorable for me because i'll make it memorable for them,
this will be the year that their son made an effort by simply spending it with them.........
i won't say a single word that i've typed here to them, thats just not how it happens, if i could say it to them, i wouldnt need Dr Fis ...
but, they'll be outwardly delighted that i'm spending it with them, while secretly hoping i'll fuck off early

Make this New Year special by making someone deserving feel special......
Its just another year is fucking selfish and lazy, make it the year you went out your way for that person/s that have spent a life going above and beyond for you...

Have the happiest year you can folks, in the grand scheme of things, take the opportunity for one day to look beyond what pisses you off and realise then bask in the good that surrounds you that you can be thankful for....... you can go back to being pissed of at them for the other 364 days of 2023

My best to you all, thats the peace pipe nearly broken, i have kids tomorrow so tonight, i've seen my way to getting drunk and high. But tonight being wrecked for me ain't the usual, i need a blow out, lifes tough, poor me, or feeling sorry.......... thats for the other 51 nights of the year

There are many we know and don't that would have given everything to have seen 2023, there are many that would have given everything for those same people to have the same opportunity to live in 2023.

The moral of the story is don't take today or the people around you for for granted

Oh what fun it is to fuck the huns on ..

PS Whats others NY habits
All the best mate,hope you and your family (including the miserable cunt brother 😁)have a happy 2023….cause am a nosey bastard wit we’re the vinyls??
New Year has always been the in-law of XMAS but evokes many memories for me

when very young...staying up late, getting a babychamb, wee blue bottle, rikki fulton etc....staying in greenock, you heard the boat horns....

walking the streets at 16 years, £5 case of bier d'or in hand (who remembers them) spending the night at the wrong party, knocked the next door neighbours of intended at 4am, they let us in cos we knocked......thats the way it used to be.......doors were open

apart from that i only remember the millenium, my paw sent me in toon for lightbulbs at 2pm, but never made it by the local.
So i fell in the door at 23.45, fell asleep at 23.46 and there video footage of me snoring through the millenium bells....
No matter what year or age, i try to spend it with my maw or paw, which hasn't been possible for years through having very young kids

The older i get, in theory the wiser i get. long story per any thread i start...

I never made it to my maws on XMAS day through trying to placate everyone else. Last time i'll put anything before my folks.
They were fine, but it really got to me.
I heard their day involved a million phone calls from my junkie sister begging to come up and see her kids in my folks care.
For the first time ever, they said no, she had no right to be there on the day

I spent the next day with them and my brother and soon to be wife were there with beautiful 1 year old, the 9th grandkid...

As usual folks have spent fortunes on my kids and every kid they call family.
I bought them tickets for a show in Edinburgh, aftershave/perfume and had £200 in a card for them.
They got me 2 vinyl records, small shit..... i opened my card and my mum flies over the room, hide that..... you got more than your brother and i dont want him to see it.........
The £200 they gave me went back in their card.........i love the fact they feel the need to give me that much...but i don't want it nor need it.
The 2 vinyl albums they bought me were thought out........a present can be worth a £1 or a grand, but the joy of getting something you would have bought yourself..

My bro is a miserable cunt....i got him and soon to be wife £190 in tickets to a gig as well as £200 in clothes for my beautiful niece,
i never even got a card..... my maw was fucking sick .... for could see it knock her for 6

so while this might sound like therapy and a spewwing in true STG style..... it's exactly that while its not that....the only person that i was concerened with through XMAS was my maw. i have kids but their joy was easy, you could buy it. My maws joy was dependant on everyone elses.

So, Instead of putting this New Year down as just another forgettable one.......... there's someone in our lifes that we can make it special..
My maw n paw are not going to bed at 12.01 as per last few years, after spending the bells together themselves.....

For too long they've been taken for granted, a steak pie on Jan 1st hungover they guarantee......

my folks may have 2 new years, hopefully 20 left each, i don't know

But this New Year will be memorable for me because i'll make it memorable for them,
this will be the year that their son made an effort by simply spending it with them.........
i won't say a single word that i've typed here to them, thats just not how it happens, if i could say it to them, i wouldnt need Dr Fis ...
but, they'll be outwardly delighted that i'm spending it with them, while secretly hoping i'll fuck off early

Make this New Year special by making someone deserving feel special......
Its just another year is fucking selfish and lazy, make it the year you went out your way for that person/s that have spent a life going above and beyond for you...

Have the happiest year you can folks, in the grand scheme of things, take the opportunity for one day to look beyond what pisses you off and realise then bask in the good that surrounds you that you can be thankful for....... you can go back to being pissed of at them for the other 364 days of 2023

My best to you all, thats the peace pipe nearly broken, i have kids tomorrow so tonight, i've seen my way to getting drunk and high. But tonight being wrecked for me ain't the usual, i need a blow out, lifes tough, poor me, or feeling sorry.......... thats for the other 51 nights of the year

There are many we know and don't that would have given everything to have seen 2023, there are many that would have given everything for those same people to have the same opportunity to live in 2023.

The moral of the story is don't take today or the people around you for for granted

Oh what fun it is to fuck the huns on ..

PS Whats others NY habits
That was great stg
Embdy know what happened to Cairnsybhoy? Did I miss an argie bargie?
No, I don't think he was involved in the bickering about the queen. Bhoy4life disappeared about the same time too. I'm hoping John no, kelly, Rose, Hoopy and the rest return soon after a wee break. If we get a victory on the 2nd maybe they'll come back to join in the celebrations.

Have you heard from SP? This has been a very tough time for him so I hope he is keeping OK.