
The Lawell strategy of first secure my bonus then pray everything is great has reduced us to a team simply nowhere near good enough.

I want him sacked.

Rogers signings have also been on the whole, a fucking waste of time and money. They pissed all over us. We couldn’t even find a glove to lay on them.

No quality signed, three quality go. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that’s a recipe for disaster.

I know a lot of people think the sun shines out of Lawells arse, none more so than him, but he’s a fucking bonus focused chancer.

Every time we have an opportunity to move forward he fucks it up. McGinn and crashing out of the CL has cost us £60m in the CL and McGinns sell on of £20m in a year or so.

The tradgedy is no one is surprised Celtic have faltered. We are brought up on being led by shitebags and in Lawells case, an egomaniac who believes his own hype.

We can kiss goodbye to the EL after Christmas, if there isn’t a dramatic rise in form, that includes being able to defend and pass s ball ten fucking yards. Too many players with too little class. That’s our problem. Waiting for the Disco Kid to sort it fills me with utter dismay. Get him to fuck and get someone in who has the balls for a fight. Oh, and cancel his bonus. £1m for abject failure? Fuck of.
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It’s maybe not PL getting it right,would you give BR more money based on what he’s bought & bringing in Lee Congerton?
Hiya pal, defo see what your saying. For me LC out. At this moment in time its hard to say as theres dubiety in roles.

BR plays favourites imo he is wrong to do so and LC is gonna bury his career.

I want PL to stay out of BR role with man city connection. I want to trust him with cash and see what he is all about.

Better find out now but no point getting rid till we know for sure who is not up to the job. HH buddy ☘️
Just remember that Salzburg have gone undefeated at home for nearly two years. and if we had the guy on loan from Leicester and Scott Brown last night, we may have got something from the game.
He’s good just not as prolific as naka nor maloney. We have money so can spend it on locating the talent we need after LC gets the bullet ?
yes i compared the team that the huns beat to the dundee of austria and on another point we have two billionares on the board so why are we always pleading poverty when we cant shell out for players are they just on the board for publicity or are they just not interested in how the club is underperforming
I worry that the problem is far deeper than Lustig and Hendry. Watching that horror show last night, I couldn't believe the lack of passing ability and heart from the team. Too many didn't look interested. I wonder about Brendan too....
one of the problems that have sprung up is that they did not forsee the huns finding money all of a sudden to pay gerrard and buy a whole new team overrated i might add but have got momentum off the back of it still wonder where the money came from lets say they have previous for mysterious deals
I still get the feeling that we don't really know the true reasons for the deep malaise that afflicts the club right now. It could be that all the negative issued have combined in a unique way and we're paying for that on the pitch. I'm not sure that the Gerrard express features too highly as there are many more concerns that are worrying.
Jan is a big window for the club as a hole. Fans I think need to see ambition or the board really risk people turning on them big time. The manager will go if he thinks we can't progress and the board will be blame.
We need a GK who can play Brendans system better than Gordon.
RB is essential.
2 CBs but as Boyata is away and Bencovic is a loan.
Proper, quick, 10 who can link with midfield and move at pace in behind a defence.
A target man who can score a few goals.

A lot of bodies but with a few put the door and the fact we haven't spent the dembele and Van Dijk money we should be able to get it done.
Get it right and we will be sorted for the summer anyway so no need to spend then.
The thing I don't get is SS some say is a one trick pony and teams up here have sussed it, i do not believe that, but even if so, teams who are not in this league have not sussed it so were is the problem? Last night he did one of the run associated with the guy he took the guy to the byline with pace and got a ball in from a near impossible space to get it through. So we know what he has in his locker and he has came out and stated he loves when he comes on, is their problems elsewere and is he torn between loving Celtic but hating Glasgows dark side. Just a thought if anybody wants to put their opinions on him and his performances.
love this photo and love the backdrop happy days.
Ayrton Inacio and Marco Di Sousa 65.jpg
i remember many years ago after celtic won the european cup that with another couple of quality additions to the team we could have gone on and won it again several times but the then board did not pay any heed to him and the chance was lost although we did reach another final which we lost 3 years later it highlights a long historical failure of celtic boards to invest when we are on top this was a request made by jock stein himself at the time
Fair point, but how many goalkeepers who are as you describe, a wonderful shotstopper, are as good with their distribution? Being a shotstopper is the main job of a goalkeeper.
Don't disagree Johnny but still think as a Pro he should be working on weaknesses in his game come to think about it there is a number of players in team and pool who should be doing the same thing, also as a team our shy taking and movement is shocking another thing to work on
Jan is a big window for the club as a hole. Fans I think need to see ambition or the board really risk people turning on them big time. The manager will go if he thinks we can't progress and the board will be blame.
We need a GK who can play Brendans system better than Gordon.
RB is essential.
2 CBs but as Boyata is away and Bencovic is a loan.
Proper, quick, 10 who can link with midfield and move at pace in behind a defence.
A target man who can score a few goals.

A lot of bodies but with a few put the door and the fact we haven't spent the dembele and Van Dijk money we should be able to get it done.
Get it right and we will be sorted for the summer anyway so no need to spend then.
Target man must be able to hold up ball take pressure off defence and bring others into game more important than just scoring goals
Really wanted my first comment on here to be a positive one but after last night's showing it's a bit of a tough ask. Still there was one positive from last night, Youssouf Mulumbu.

I think he added something we only get from one maybe two others but it's something we desperately need more of, he added dig! He got into the faces of the opposition all night, his dogged and relentless tackling and harrying got right under the skin of the Salzburg players to the point where they were constantly whinging about him to the ref. I was highly critical of Mulumbu's signing, not because of the player himself but because of what his signing represented, to me it was just another example of Lawell viewing player recruitment as an irritating inconvenience he has to tolerate and this was him throwing the manager a few scraps, I still hold to that view but Mulumbu proved last night he has something to add that we desperately need right now, the character to go out onto that pitch and make his presence felt and the heart to battle for 90+ minutes.

We have a fair few problems on the park right now but one of the biggest imo that never seems to get a mention is that as a team we're soft. We lack characters with the heart, grit and bite to get in faces and unnerve the opposition, characters who's battling qualities can drag the team up from it's knees when the need arises. Sure we can play some lovely stuff when it all clicks but when it doesn't you need players like Broony and Mulumbu who'll get stuck in and mix it up a bit and right now we could be doing with more of that.

Really wanted my first comment on here to be a positive one but after last night's showing it's a bit of a tough ask. Still there was one positive from last night, Youssouf Mulumbu.

I think he added something we only get from one maybe two others but it's something we desperately need more of, he added dig! He got into the faces of the opposition all night, his dogged and relentless tackling and harrying got right under the skin of the Salzburg players to the point where they were constantly whinging about him to the ref. I was highly critical of Mulumbu's signing, not because of the player himself but because of what his signing represented, to me it was just another example of Lawell viewing player recruitment as an irritating inconvenience he has to tolerate and this was him throwing the manager a few scraps, I still hold to that view but Mulumbu proved last night he has something to add that we desperately need right now, the character to go out onto that pitch and make his presence felt and the heart to battle for 90+ minutes.

We have a fair few problems on the park right now but one of the biggest imo that never seems to get a mention is that as a team we're soft. We lack characters with the heart, grit and bite to get in faces and unnerve the opposition, characters who's battling qualities can drag the team up from it's knees when the need arises. Sure we can play some lovely stuff when it all clicks but when it doesn't you need players like Broony and Mulumbu who'll get stuck in and mix it up a bit and right now we could be doing with more of that.

100% agree Andybhoy. 100% pal ☘️
Noticed on Celtic Blog the topic is SRTRC and is stating the Celtic board have backed it even though we found it to be a shitey organisation shit scared to attack any real issues, however, everything comes round to the board and rightly so most of it does but what i find annoying is, Celtic have a PR department and to date they have had an easy ride, its these spongers who give us tipp tappy interviews on Celtic TV and provide shite propaganda to the Celtic View, its time to weed out these cretins and demand real news and power. Why are they so shitty, simple they want to tippy tappy and not upset the apple cart, these are the clawns who will not call them out, when asked they give it, We call it the derby now, when asked why is that, they shite bthemselves to state because the other mob that was a part of the firm died, like Scrooge and Marley one left the fucking scene and the other scooped up the business. Tell it like it is, the huns died, there is no santa claus or tooth fairy when you die thats it, gone, forever, no more, end of.
100% agree Andybhoy. 100% pal ☘️

Hey Maria hope your well pal. Good to be able to talk about the fitba again without all the zombie zoomers polluting the blog with their rancid nonsense, they ruined The Celtic Blog and turned it into a swamp and if you see this post James Forrest you really need to sort that out pal because it's beyond a joke.

HH Maria.
It makes you wonder what is going on at training? Are the things getting worked on not registering with the players? What is getting worked on? A lot of the things going wrong seem to be basic things like passing ball from a to b,taking throw in’s & finding your man & the one I really hate is corners.These prove ineffective for us time & time again.Sometimes we get up to 12 in a game with nothing coming from them.For a team of our size & resources plus the wage bill we have these examples aren’t good enough.Corners,throw in’s,free-kicks & passing & holding the ball up are pretty much the main thing in games,if we can’t do these we’re as well chucking it.
It makes you wonder what is going on at training? Are the things getting worked on not registering with the players? What is getting worked on? A lot of the things going wrong seem to be basic things like passing ball from a to b,taking throw in’s & finding your man & the one I really hate is corners.These prove ineffective for us time & time again.Sometimes we get up to 12 in a game with nothing coming from them.For a team of our size & resources plus the wage bill we have these examples aren’t good enough.Corners,throw in’s,free-kicks & passing & holding the ball up are pretty much the main thing in games,if we can’t do these we’re as well chucking it.
Great points made two last week I said that teams defending will do anything but give away a corner teams quite happy to concede corners as we r crap and cause no danger at all and on throw in No Movement most time