Outside Hampden

no idea

I cant rule them out as being accurate but no idea if they are good guess or genuine pre ww1 documents
Are you familiar with the 19th and early 20thC significance to the (arbitrary) 6 million European Jews figure often referenced as under threat from various regimes?
I try not to feel Matthew he aint my type.

on serious note I haven't paid much attention to that quotation before

what does it say to you?
Writes like Roman propaganda to me. All about the territorially-vital spice / silk route after all.
Could even be the inspiration for the origin of Islam as a stigma-escape mechanism for the tribes of the region
just off top of my head the reference to Christs blood is recurring theme in new testament

a couple verses before 26;28 matt

Then He took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. 28This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 29I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in My Father’s kingdom.”

could be a link to the New Testament which is the holy blood that was drained from his body

but who knows?
just off top of my head the reference to Christs blood is recurring theme in new testament

a couple verses before 26;28 matt

Then He took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. 28This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 29I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in My Father’s kingdom.”

could be a link to the New Testament which is the holy blood that was drained from his body

but who knows?
That whole blood thing's a metaphor to get the plebs to quit sacrificing first borns to the sun god /son of god. Control that territory and you had untold wealth from taxing the silk and spice routes. Ridiculous that numpties are still enthralled by 2000 year old Tory propaganda
That whole blood thing's a metaphor to get the plebs to quit sacrificing first borns to the sun god /son of god. Control that territory and you had untold wealth from taxing the silk and spice routes. Ridiculous that numpties are still enthralled by 2000 year old Tory propaganda
thats definitely a new one?

Jesus was a tory

and the apostles worked for Rome.

Not sure how you got that from your quotes

but FairPlay to you for having an opinion, even if its a bit odd :p
That whole blood thing's a metaphor to get the plebs to quit sacrificing first borns to the sun god /son of god. Control that territory and you had untold wealth from taxing the silk and spice routes. Ridiculous that numpties are still enthralled by 2000 year old Tory propaganda
was it the elite or the plebs who killed kids?
Do you think the early christians worshipped the sun? if so why?

why would you control the silk routes if you control human sacrifice?

Anyway I thought you wanted pagan idolatry brought back and liberation for the plebs with big raves all round?
thats definitely a new one?

Jesus was a tory

and the apostles worked for Rome.

Not sure how you got that from your quotes

but FairPlay to you for having an opinion, even if its a bit odd :p
The Roman imperial mindset is that which is best typified by the Tories. It's how they are educated.
It's no accident that Judaism, Christianity, Islam and many other belief systems arose in the territorially-significant lands of modern Israel which controlled the vast wealth of the silk and spice trades. Rome was exposed to the social-engineering weapon of monotheism when they put down the Jewish rebellion and perfected the method in a slave religion which has endured millenia.
Blessed are the meek. We'll look after things in the meantime.
was it the elite or the plebs who killed kids?
Do you think the early christians worshipped the sun? if so why?

why would you control the silk routes if you control human sacrifice?

Anyway I thought you wanted pagan idolatry brought back and liberation for the plebs with big raves all round?
The Roman imperial mindset is that which is best typified by the Tories. It's how they are educated.
It's no accident that Judaism, Christianity, Islam and many other belief systems arose in the territorially-significant lands of modern Israel which controlled the vast wealth of the silk and spice trades. Rome was exposed to the social-engineering weapon of monotheism when they put down the Jewish rebellion and perfected the method in a slave religion which has endured millenia.
Blessed are the meek. We'll look after things in the meantime.
the greeks controlled that region before rome

the Phoenicians (the crafty devil worshippers and semites btw) controlled it before them and the Egyptians had intermittent ownership

all of them loved the sun god and were partial to a bit of moloch sacrificial style rites.

still no sure why you think Jesus was made up by these peoples in order to control them if they were mostly all into sun worship prior to christ.

at no point did the jews or even Israelites ever control the trade routes of these big empires

the jewish rebellion was after christianity was born

the modern version of rabbi (no temple) jews comes after the rebellion and temple destruction which was 35+ years after Christs ascension

Rome killed christians as atheists

if you didn't worship the Gods and thought a bloke from Israel was god to them that was atheism

and they tortured anyone who refused to worship emperor as god.

so I cant see why you think Jesus was made up as a roman joke?

And tbh

I suspect you are reading zeitgeist gash

which has been debunked

so would it be foolish to believe people who tell lies

or the one bloke that no-one can find anything where he told a lie

in fact nearly every time. he spoke in New Testament

he begun amen amen

which means truly truly

and despite people thinking his words are lies they can never identify a single lie in what he said

all the blokes wo did the devil worship and child sacrificial hedonistic party thing speak lies as commonly as they can

for they are not of the truth

and want no part in the truth

but chose a lie to suit their ego instead :p

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