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My mate used to own a Mexican restaurant, and had something called the 'Whole Boot'
It was one of everything on the menu and cost $42, if you could finish it, you ate for free
My two boys got one between them, and polished it all off
But, because they split it, they had to pay for it
When the World Cup of Rugby came to town, the All Blacks dropped in for dinner
Jonah Lomu asked, "FAJITAS...pronouncing it 'FADGE-ITAS ' what's a FADGE-ITA ?"
Jonah then pipes up, "Just bring us everything, and keep it coming mate"

Kelly, liked your story of the 72 oz steak, must have been funny to watch a skinny Scottish guy, wolfing it down, as they stared in awe ;-)
Think about it, almost 5 Lbs of steak, FFS !!!
Used to be a steakhouse here, called the butcher, you would go in and once seated, you'd pick your steak (just like a butcher's shop) they'd then cook it for you
The steak was top of the line, but I could only handle a normal sized one

The American breakfasts are usually huge, when you go to a restaurant, a hearty feast which sets you up for the rest of the day, or a nice long nap

Denny's grand slam breakfast in the early hours after a nights session
Denny's grand slam breakfast in the early hours after a nights session
That's exactly the place I had in mind Kelly
The 'all you can eat 'buffets, with their 'bottomless' soft drinks (free refills) are at fault, for the state of some of the behemoths, waddling around US cities
Look around at some of plates being carried back to tables, piled high with cholesterol loaded food, makes your head spin, and as it's a buffet, they go back 2 and 3 times for platefuls
I'm not hungry anymore:LOL:
I still remember the Carl's Junior burger joint in Anaheim , California, where I had the biggest burger I've ever had (minus the pickles) looked similar to this
Check some of these mammoth burgers out, available in the States:
Carls Junior burger.jpg
I still remember the Carl's Junior burger joint in Anaheim , California, where I had the biggest burger I've ever had (minus the pickles) looked similar to this
Check some of these mammoth burgers out, available in the States:
Oh sorry mate, yeah they're beautiful to drive
Plus, it's a case of almost every household having one pickup truck, as they're very handy
We used to drive about 20 miles for a loaf, or pint of milk, the place is mostly highways, so you needed something big, and reliable, so a lot of people drove trucks
I have had some beauties over the years and miss my pickup truck, for stuff from the lumber yard, hardware store, or just things in general
And you're right, in Winter, especially when we get a dump of snow, it's handy to have the 4X4 feature, and it's always good to have something solid around you, during the rainy, or snowy season

They make them just like big fancy cars, Cadillac's, Lincoln's etc...they ride like a dream, and have all the bells and whistles, built in GPS, Sirius Radio, backup cameras, air conditioning, air bag levelers for the box, when you have a heavy load, or are hauling a trailer
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Seals sunbathing on rocks as we kayak by


The ribbon of white,going along the middle of the mountains is the highway
I used to sit in my kayak, and watch the traffic build up, as I drank the flask of tea I brought with me, a nice way, to get your mind at ease
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