Questions for Crawford Allan and the SFA

I dont think his appearance has anything to do with his wife or his association with hearts, although I believe this is what has forced him into the open. There is a genuine fear within the corridors of power that Celtic will win the league and, in doing so, kill off sevco. At the beginning of the season it looked like the refs were doing their job quite well in preventing this. But week by week we grow stronger, making the MiBs job harder. This was a very public announcement to the SPFL blazers, referees, hun board and celtic board that things are going to be quite dramatically stepped up in the piss poor (corrupt) standard if refereeing in our matches, with the weekends match a prime example of this. On sides flagged as offside several times and a leg breaking challenge punished with a yellow card. Things are going to get a whole lot worse I'm afraid.....and there is nothing Celtic, as a club, are going to do about it.
Unfortunately we are in bed with them for the cash, plain and simple, the money guys have made it clear that the “old firm” brand must endure or Sky etc ain’t interested, why do u think they persist with that cretin Boyd? Because it maintains the interest in the brand, doesn’t matter to them how toxic it is.
Sevco will win the league this time round because everyone needs them too, including DD and our board, as distasteful as that is, I am resigned to that fact.
The only hope we may have is to hammer them into the ground like tent pegs every time we play them, but even those games would ALL need to be 4 or 5 goal cakewalks cos the MiB’s ain’t giving us shit in close calls.
Single handedly the most corrupt football institution on the planet…it would gi ye the boak.
I have the following questions for Crawford Allan.

Why do the same referees who get so many decisions wrong, on such a consistent basis continue to be appointed to officiate at subsequent matches ?

Is there accountability or not, for glaringly wrong decisions ? If so, what does it entail ?

Is he concerned about the allegations of favourable bias, by certain Scottish referees towards a particular club ?

Is there a procedure in place to establish if referees in Scotland are truly independent and free from the possibility of conscious or subconscious bias?

Can he explain why there is so much inconsistency in refereeing decisions from one match to another. Both by the same referee and by referees in general ? After all, it is the exact same rules they are applying everytime.
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Unfortunately we are in bed with them for the cash, plain and simple, the money guys have made it clear that the “old firm” brand must endure or Sky etc ain’t interested, why do u think they persist with that cretin Boyd? Because it maintains the interest in the brand, doesn’t matter to them how toxic it is.
Sevco will win the league this time round because everyone needs them too, including DD and our board, as distasteful as that is, I am resigned to that fact.
The only hope we may have is to hammer them into the ground like tent pegs every time we play them, but even those games would ALL need to be 4 or 5 goal cakewalks cos the MiB’s ain’t giving us shit in close calls.
Single handedly the most corrupt football institution on the planet…it would gi ye the boak.

Unfortunately I believe you are's looking like 2010 all over again.....the cheating and corruption is only going to get worse...
Unfortunately we are in bed with them for the cash, plain and simple, the money guys have made it clear that the “old firm” brand must endure or Sky etc ain’t interested, why do u think they persist with that cretin Boyd? Because it maintains the interest in the brand, doesn’t matter to them how toxic it is.
Sevco will win the league this time round because everyone needs them too, including DD and our board, as distasteful as that is, I am resigned to that fact.
The only hope we may have is to hammer them into the ground like tent pegs every time we play them, but even those games would ALL need to be 4 or 5 goal cakewalks cos the MiB’s ain’t giving us shit in close calls.
Single handedly the most corrupt football institution on the planet…it would gi ye the boak.
nail on 👏👏the head
It cannot and should not be allowed, for any officer of the SFA to make any personal comment, or give any public opinion on any contentious matter in relation to the game, an official, or a member club, without definitive supporting proof on the matter.....especially when any said officer is potentially conflicted by having a direct or indirect relationship with the matter at hand.
As his bosses, administrators and managers within the SFA, Allan has to have had the backing of them to say what he has said.
Otherwise, he must be reprimanded and punished for speaking out of turn and Celtic given an apology,
If neither of these things happen then we can fairly assume by their silence, THEY are ALL as one and agree with him and his anti Celtic discrimination.

This is proof incarnate that the SFA has seen it necessary to single Celtic out for criticism (via Allen) when there was nothing to criticise Celtic the man THEY selected and put in place found nothing wrong at the time.. and is always given a carte blanche adjudication to govern the whole 90 minutes of said match.
Yet when it suits them, they challenge his decision.
This allows us to refuse acceptance and question future decisions that we find wrong and unfair.

This is an unprecedented outcome and has never been heard of before (I have given it some research and found no copycat incidents to date) and proves beyond doubt that the SFA are seething with us getting a goal potentially offside and where there is no proof of it being so.
Moreover it states that their anger (the entire Scottish SFA operation) is upset at us for:

A) stopping Hearts receiving 1 point at least and:
B) Celtic keeping up with the Rangers by the two points gleaned from the offending goal.

To me, this is the most frightening of all the imponderables here.
It is as good as an admission we will ever get from the Scottish governing body that they dislike Celtic above all other teams and now openly saying so by their stance alongside Allan..

Allan has opened up a Pandoras' box here by saying what he has said and it's taken me two days to calculate just how many material points we can glean from this. In fact there are so many it actually allows us litigation after every match we care to argue about, where serious contentious incidents arise.
His words protect us from being punished by going to court as his own words state his partiality and favouritism towards every other team and his dislike for Celtic, and now we have the evidence.

Being cognisant of this we can now fire into them accusing them of double standards whenever their adjudicating lacks the balance and fairness we demand and sign up to.

This is a win-win situation for us that even the SFA cannot argue or refute, and all done by their own brotherhood's hand.
My father said years ago, "one day they'll slip up and there'll be no escape for them, and that's when we must take charge, or leave this country's leagues"
Adding that, back then when Celtic had between 91,000 to 120,000 at home games "Celtic are the biggest team in Britain and have been taking shit without comeback since he was a boy. He called me and other Celtic fan idiots for giving them our money while our board meekly and unquestioningly accept shocking decisions like sheep to the slaughter, and while being the biggest financially contributing club in Scotland.

Question everything?
That's if Celtic's board had grown a pair since then.
Allan's singling out of Celtic is tantamount to saying "If Celtic get a refereeing decision we don't like then we will over-rule it in future games, and this is excepting all others.

If just one of our directors has a civil brain in his head he will use this moment to inspire us forward.
I hope Celtic can see what we now have on them......after what we suffer, we have an amazing opportunity here, only a stupid person would let this slip.
This year is crucial for them and will allow us to tighten the boot on their throats.

Allan does not realise what he has given us.
The SFA hope we are too stupid to realise it.

Non Effugiet Eus,
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Now they all want a piece of their favourite referee after the catastrophic interview crawford allan gave,but they still leave it up to Celtic fans to do the heavy lifting and name the people responsible
for the sad sorry state our refereeing in Scottish Football is in.
Probably the biggest mistake crawford allan has made in a long time..
I mean an honest mistake...obviously..

PROBABLY is his new favourite word
I dont think his appearance has anything to do with his wife or his association with hearts, although I believe this is what has forced him into the open. There is a genuine fear within the corridors of power that Celtic will win the league and, in doing so, kill off sevco. At the beginning of the season it looked like the refs were doing their job quite well in preventing this. But week by week we grow stronger, making the MiBs job harder. This was a very public announcement to the SPFL blazers, referees, hun board and celtic board that things are going to be quite dramatically stepped up in the piss poor (corrupt) standard if refereeing in our matches, with the weekends match a prime example of this. On sides flagged as offside several times and a leg breaking challenge punished with a yellow card. Things are going to get a whole lot worse I'm afraid.....and there is nothing Celtic, as a club, are going to do about it.
I heard he's related to that fucking elf
Another reason to dislike the prick..."probably"
I listened to the podcast

Its so biased its quite scary

I would like a Celtic spokesman to comment on this interview.


It sounds like VAR is not to fix cheating, its there to help justify only decisions they want to justify

Refs making mistakes will only be rectified if it suits the VAR peepo

The fact the bias is so inherrent that they have balls to say its inconclusive from video footage but if you look at wonky footage you can justify claim Celtic got an offside goal as FACT???

But in next paragraph that wonky footage wil be used to justify not looking at factual proof when they want as well

all refs want it???

But the vast majority of refs are inherrently biased

So VAR will be inherrently biased imo and worse incognito

No refereeing decision they dont want to overturn will reach the debate but wonky footage will be utilised as fact anytime they want to review split moment decisions but only if it helps 1 team

Anyway thats my take from the interview with Crawford Allan

here is the full interview with Crawford Allan part extracted from podcast

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I listened to the podcast

Its so biased its quite scary

I would like a Celtic spokesman to comment on this interview.


It sounds like VAR is not to fix cheating, its there to help justify only decisions they want to justify

Refs making mistakes will only be rectified if it suits the VAR peepo

The fact the bias is so inherrent that they have balls to say its inconclusive from video footage but if you look at wonky footage you can justify claim Celtic got an offside goal as FACT???

But in next paragraph that wonky footage wil be used to justify not looking at factual proof when they want as well

all refs want it???

But the vast majority of refs are inherrently biased

So VAR will be inherrently biased imo and worse incognito

No refereeing decision they dont want to overturn will reach the debate but wonky footage will be utilised as fact anytime they want to review split moment decisions but only if it helps 1 team

Anyway thats my take from the interview with Crawford Allan

here is the full interview with dude extracted from podcast

You make some very relevant points.....they will make VAR work only for what suits them...
I don’t and wouldn’t ask any fkg questions of the corrupt football authority in Scotland. We all know what is going on it’s staring us in the face.

while their allegiance is to the Masonic Lodge and add to that the secret 5 Way Agreement then we can forget about any change to their protection of their Establishment team/club.

Stating the bloody obvious here but how can we have a level playing field while Scottish Football is run under auspices of secrecy.
I dont think his appearance has anything to do with his wife or his association with hearts, although I believe this is what has forced him into the open. There is a genuine fear within the corridors of power that Celtic will win the league and, in doing so, kill off sevco. At the beginning of the season it looked like the refs were doing their job quite well in preventing this. But week by week we grow stronger, making the MiBs job harder. This was a very public announcement to the SPFL blazers, referees, hun board and celtic board that things are going to be quite dramatically stepped up in the piss poor (corrupt) standard if refereeing in our matches, with the weekends match a prime example of this. On sides flagged as offside several times and a leg breaking challenge punished with a yellow card. Things are going to get a whole lot worse I'm afraid.....and there is nothing Celtic, as a club, are going to do about it.
100% Lubo,these have been my thoughs since the start of the season and anybody who did not see this happening obviously have blue tinted glassess.
The referee brothers definitely did their job at the beginning of the season but somewhere along the line it went badly wrong for the corridors of power,it was as if the referee,s said to themseves before every game,I have Carte Blanche here to do what I like when I like how I like and if it goes wrong for me the brothers in power have my back.
Unfortunately the brothers in power are now willing to throw some of their puppet referee,s under the bus to save themselves.
IMO Crawford Allan was told by his boss to get his arse out there and sort this mess created by one of their most trusted brothers but as far as I can see all he did was agree with some peepul Kyogo was off-side but the only way to prove conclusively Kyogo was off-side would be to have had VAR in operation but unfortunately the powers that be want to hold off for another 12 months before they invest in VAR..
Would that by any chance be something which could further help sevco win the league for the second time..

I don’t and wouldn’t ask any fkg questions of the corrupt football authority in Scotland. We all know what is going on it’s staring us in the face.

while their allegiance is to the Masonic Lodge and add to that the secret 5 Way Agreement then we can forget about any change to their protection of their Establishment team/club.

Stating the bloody obvious here but how can we have a level playing field while Scottish Football is run under auspices of secrecy.
The 5 Way Ageement CelticRose is IMO Lawwells fault,
he told the us at the AGM 2 years ago that he had not read the agreement
which I would say was a blatant lie,he also told us that day he had phoned UEFA
about RES12 and was told by UEFA because it was more than 5 years old UEFA
were no longer interested in RES12,,my point being CelticRose is,if our board cant tell us the truth how can we expect the corridors of Scottish Football to tell us the truth..

The 5 Way Ageement CelticRose is IMO Lawwells fault,
he told the us at the AGM 2 years ago that he had not read the agreement
which I would say was a blatant lie,he also told us that day he had phoned UEFA
about RES12 and was told by UEFA because it was more than 5 years old UEFA
were no longer interested in RES12,,my point being CelticRose is,if our board cant tell us the truth how can we expect the corridors of Scottish Football to tell us the truth..

5 way agreement is more the smoking gun than Res 12 in my opinion ,we've already seen Reagan and Lawwell run for the hills when questioned about it