SFA: Not fit for purpose

I agree totally mate but that seems to be the major stumbling point with regards all of this, getting the supporters of other Scottish clubs to come together on it. Pretty much everything that's wrong with the SFA, the issues we have with them are already being dismissed as a 'west of Scotland' thing within the country's media.
Fuck knows what we do to be honest but clearly something HAS to be done. Hopefully this forum can help bring that something about.

I'd be happy to arrange delegated authority on behalf of members of this forum to be represented as a group in the Scottish Football Supporters Association. The sticking point just now is the number of members. This forum is growing exponentially right now.
An exceptional reply mate.

The problem is, the SFA isn't run on the same lines as the FA in England, which is effectively a public body and answerable to Parliament. You only have to watch the SFA guys meeting with the Scottish Parliament to see their contempt for the political class and their total belief that they are untouchable.

The English FA seems to have a public charter. It seems to be accountable. Whilst having our politicians involved in football would not be a good thing - Strict Liability? Give me a break - having the SFA act like the sport here is their own wee fiefdom is just wrong.

These people are answerable to the clubs, yes. But because the clubs don't want to hold them to account the SFA Board is practically able to do what it likes. That definitely needs to change. Some form of oversight beyond that which the clubs are willing to do is a must.

I'll tell you who I'd give the oversight role to; Henry McLeish. I've always been hugely impressed by him and his Scottish football reform report was spot on. As a former First Minister he has gravitas and the necessary media skills to get shit done. If we appointed him the next chairman instead of Petrie - it would require a major rewrite of the rules, but that's overdue - and gave him a wide remit to make changes as he saw fit - a benevolent dictatorship - I'd support that wholeheartedly.

Incidentally - Henry McLeish is on the Board of the Scottish Football Supporters Association who are campaigning for an overhaul of the SFA
We should try and come at this from several angles. I suggest contacting the SFA's sponsors and partners and ask them whether they are satisfied that the organisation they sponsor or are in partnership with, operate in a closed, non-transparent and frankly embarrassing fashion which brings discredit in turn to their own organisation. A quick look at the SFA website shows their partners and sponsors. They include:

IMG (Sports marketing)
William Hill

They also include Sport Scotland which is funded by the Scottish Government, i.e. us. The Scottish Government will increase sportscotland’s core funding by £2 million in 2018-19, from £29.7 million to £31.7 million, to prioritise the development of sport within Scotland.

SportScotland's values are:
  • Sport should be open to everyone and conducted in a way which promotes equality and respect for others.
  • Competition should to be fair and take place within the spirit and rules of (the) sport. Success should result from honest endeavour, training and preparation by the athlete and impartiality by those who officiate
  • Athletes must comply with the World Anti-Doping Code and those who work with athletes should put their interests first and not abuse their trust.
  • All those involved in sport should put its interests before any personal or financial gain.
  • Sponsorship and other commercial involvement should be compatible with the ethics and values of sport.
Their relationship with the SFA, imo, does not sit well with these values. SportScotland currently have a survey running on their website which is interesting.
Saw this on James Forrest's pinned thread. Another avenue that might be worth looking at?
Saw this on James Forrest's pinned thread.
That’s a whole lot of “what the SFA is”, JimboH. Don’t allow them to be that. It only happens because it’s allowed to happen. They’ll give tokens away
- like Farry’s sacking, or a nominal fine for years of cheating - when pressure builds. It just needs enough - and constant - and all inclusive pressure for long enough.
Farry's sacking came as a direct result of Wee Fergus taking the SFA to court. Do you think PL & the present Celtic Board would. I doubt it very much. Celtic should have strangled the bastard offsping that is Sevco at birth. I'm begining to think that the Celtic board was complicit in the 5 way agreement. Aye on ye go sevco come oan in. No questions asked. Ah but Scottish fitbaw needs the ranjurs. the truth is Scottish Football does not need them The Championship and SPFL were booming when Aunt Sally were making their not so royal Progress and meeting friends through the lower reaches. Celtic Football Club (CFC) does not need them. Maybe Celtic Football Club PLC feels they need them. Got to keep them pesky shareholders happy or we won't get our bonuses.
I think Peter Lawwell is a pragmatist, but I know he’s a Celtic fan through and through too. I believe he would take things to court if it came to it, but would prefer to avoid that if possible. He’s actually not a bad guy, especially goes out his way at times to engage with fans and their families. He’s a businessman at heart though and must know that if an injustice is big enough Celtic has to represent their fans.
Run for the benefit of freeloaders, masons and the Huns.

Run by men of self interest and institutional bias

Run by racists, cheats and corrupt to its core

Run by men who are neither transparent nor accountable

Can you add to the "Do you remembers?

Do you remember Farry?
Do you remember the conditions that Celtic had to meet when playing at Hampden when Celtic Park was being rebuilt?
Do you remember how much Celtic were fined when Tommy Burns left Kilmarnock to join Celtic?
Do you remember how much the Huns were fined when the cardigan left Scotland as manager to rejoin the Huns?
Do you remember AlexanderTonev and the balance of probability?
Do you remember LNS?
Do you remember Bryson?
Do you remember G. Smith?
Do you remember Dallas?
Do you remember the 5 way agreement?
Do you remember the 3 way disagreement?
Do you remember which end at Hampden was covered back in the day and why?
Do you remember who controls the referees?
Do you remember when the ball mysteriously popped open when drawing the Scottish Cup draw?
Do you remember how many times the Huns have been drawn at home in recent times in the Scottish Cup?
Do you remember how consistent the SFA are when it comes to sanctioning selective clubs and managers? Neil Lennon? Steve Clarke?
Do you remember how consistent the SFA are in deducting points against clubs who breach the rules?

This was just off the top of my head. Anyone care to add anything?
Gerrard says what he pleases about referees and even has the temerity to talk of "historical" transgressional issues.

Yep! That's right, issues he has no personal knowledge of......and not a peep from the SFA nor any referees spokesperson.

Level 666 memorandum - "Here's the script Stevie boy just read what it says. The gullibillies will love it and the SFA and referees will fall in to line. Trust us we've been getting away with it for ever"

There is and never has been any consistency when applying fair rules to the Huns.

The Masonic call for help has gone out and is loud and clear. We very well could be heading for 2010 all over again if we don't do something about it soon.

I now believe we need to make the SFA a stand alone issue.

We need to come together with a plan, with one voice and devise a way of acting in unison to make this rancid organisation accountable and transparent.

I would like to see every Celtic supporters association, every blog, every one of us get together and speak with a unified voice and sense of purpose to rid Scottish Football of the corruption and the people who run the SFA.

The time for action is upon us and make no mistake about that.

And imo it will all revolve around money to do so.
Gerrard says what he pleases about referees and even has the temerity to talk of "historical" transgressional issues.

Yep! That's right, issues he has no personal knowledge of......and not a peep from the SFA nor any referees spokesperson.

Level 666 memorandum - "Here's the script Stevie boy just read what it says. The gullibillies will love it and the SFA and referees will fall in to line. Trust us we've been getting away with it for ever"

There is and never has been any consistency when applying fair rules to the Huns.

The Masonic call for help has gone out and is loud and clear. We very well could be heading for 2010 all over again if we don't do something about it soon.

I now believe we need to make the SFA a stand alone issue.

We need to come together with a plan, with one voice and devise a way of acting in unison to make this rancid organisation accountable and transparent.

I would like to see every Celtic supporters association, every blog, every one of us get together and speak with a unified voice and sense of purpose to rid Scottish Football of the corruption and the people who run the SFA.

The time for action is upon us and make no mistake about that.

And imo it will all revolve around money to do so.
You are so right with your assessment above H.H.
Dear Mr Maxwell,

We have never met so I’ll introduce myself. My name is Joe O’Rourke, I’m General Secretary of the Celtic Supporters Association. I met your predecessor Stewart Regan on several occasions, and swapped many emails with him.

I thought when Mr Regan came into Scottish Football he would be a force for good, and a breath of fresh air, that turned out not to be the case, I felt the same about you when you were appointed to your post, I sincerely hope you are not following on from where Mr Regan left off.

Scottish Football for many years was run by people who were less than honest, and seemed to favour one team over the rest of Scottish Football, I am saddened to say that it appears to be heading in that direction once again.

One of the biggest scandals in world sport was washed over by the SFA, that scandal being the tax evasion by Oldco Rangers. There is also an ongoing investigation into the awarding of a European Licence to the same club in 2011, so I won’t go into that at this stage, suffice to say that the Resolution 12 Bhoys and Celtic FC will be watching with interest.

My real concern at this stage is the way the disciplinary decisions are being made, and by the faceless people who are making those decisions. I’m sure you are aware of some of the incidents, but let me refresh your memory.

The most recent incident occurred at Celtic Park on September 2nd. Rangers goalkeeper Allan McGregor (not to be confused with the one who was banned for life from playing for Scotland, surely can’t be the same one). McGregor kicked out at Celtic defender Kristoffer Ajer , as nothing was given by the match officials, it was thought they missed the incident. The incident was shown widely on television, and all the commentators agreed it was a red card offence, including now retired top referee Dermot Gallagher. But lo and behold at the compliance hearing McGregor gets off with the assault.

At least this time the player was cited. Earlier in the season Stephen Naismith kicked out at Celtic Player Jonny Hayes and got away with it, the same player had a horrendous tackle on Celtic Captain Scott Brown last season, again he got away with it.

This is not just happening to Celtic, every team in Scotland is suffering, well except one team who appear to get all the decisions from the match officials, and if the don’t, they certainly seem to win all their appeals. Aberdeen and Kilmarnock have this season had cause to complain about decisions going against them.

I have to conclude that the system in Scotland is flawed, or maybe more to the point, the people operating within the system are flawed. Bullying and intimidation appears to be working, and it’s all coming from one team, and their supporters.

I’m not sure a panel made up of former referees is the best was to handle charges or appeals. Like other walks of life, the referees like doctors or teachers tend to support each other. A panel of former players might be better, especially one whereby the former players have no emotional attachment to the club the players being charged play for.

You have a chance Mr Maxwell to stand up to the bullying and intimidation, and if you do that you will get the support of most of the teams in Scotland and their supporters. If you don’t, then you just become the latest fall guy, just like your predecessor, maybe you should take your lead from the late Turnbull Hutton, he stood up to the bullies, it’s a great pity there are not more like him in Scottish Football.

Having said all that, let me wish you all the best in your very difficult position. We need greater transparency and accountability, I sincerely hope you are the man to provide it.

Yours sincerely,

Joe O’Rourke,
General Secretary,
Celtic Supporters Association,
Well said Joe !!
Very well put, I’d have added that not only did the commentators think that MacGregor should have been sent of but even his own manager admitted as much after the game.
You will see things changing now . There has been players let away with kick outs to favour certain clubs , but now the spotlight has severely been pointed at the SFA so expect the new rules to be blamed and that the SFA have seemed out guidance from UEFA and things will now be changed and referees have been informed appropriately and everything will be swept under the carpet.
Tictastic and Selbhoy,

It appears the SFA have requested clarification from FIFA on the regs surrounding the issuing of red cards. Is this Maxwell’s influence or is it obfuscation? Je ne sais pas! Time may tell.

Gerrard says what he pleases about referees and even has the temerity to talk of "historical" transgressional issues.

Yep! That's right, issues he has no personal knowledge of......and not a peep from the SFA nor any referees spokesperson.

Level 666 memorandum - "Here's the script Stevie boy just read what it says. The gullibillies will love it and the SFA and referees will fall in to line. Trust us we've been getting away with it for ever"

There is and never has been any consistency when applying fair rules to the Huns.

The Masonic call for help has gone out and is loud and clear. We very well could be heading for 2010 all over again if we don't do something about it soon.

I now believe we need to make the SFA a stand alone issue.

We need to come together with a plan, with one voice and devise a way of acting in unison to make this rancid organisation accountable and transparent.

I would like to see every Celtic supporters association, every blog, every one of us get together and speak with a unified voice and sense of purpose to rid Scottish Football of the corruption and the people who run the SFA.

The time for action is upon us and make no mistake about that.

And imo it will all revolve around money to do so.
Maybe we should be asking all football officials and organisations to state if any are members of any secret or orange order.
Tictastic and Selbhoy,

It appears the SFA have requested clarification from FIFA on the regs surrounding the issuing of red cards. Is this Maxwell’s influence or is it obfuscation? Je ne sais pas! Time may tell.


Definitely a smokescreen. Just like their 3 way disagreement initiative.

If it was the regs there would have been consistency and everyone would have got off.

It was obviously just purely coincidental then that it was only those of a Sevco persuasion and their affiliates who benefited. Yea right!
The SFA are a joke and it’s time for action as I’ve been saying for years we all need to stand up and let these fuds know we want change as there is no need for fans to spout paragraph after paragraph about the long drawn out FACTS that there is DOUBLE standard with the laws in football in this country . Stevie Clark and Kilmarnock have been treat like SHIT ??? Time to rid our game of these corrupt Fanny’s that continue to DICTATE to the HARD WORKING PAYING FANS ?

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