Shocker as Celtic’s Ryan Christie likes Rangers signing’s social media post

Shocker as Celtic’s Ryan Christie likes Rangers signing’s social media post...

Did they not know each other from before???if so hes just wishing his pal well I dont think the pitchforks shud be coming out for this theres more important things to get angry about this season tbh
A mate of mine was with Celtic Boys Club, same time as Kenny Dalglish, even though he supported Rangers
I asked him, if Celtic asked him to sign for them, would he, and he said "Absolutely"
We've been friends for 50 years
The Wright/Cheistie thing is a non story, imho
There's enough hate in this world, without adding to it
i used to get into well deep and meaningfuls about the difference between rangers and celtic fans, apart fae the obvious, my point was we hate the club and what it stands for, line drawn
they hate almost everything thats not Rangers and embrace this idea they were born and are entitled to superiority over us
that to me is the difference, got into many situations for that opinion, but turned the other cheek, honest
i used to get into well deep and meaningfuls about the difference between rangers and celtic fans, apart fae the obvious, my point was we hate the club and what it stands for, line drawn
they hate almost everything thats not Rangers and embrace this idea they were born and are entitled to superiority over us
that to me is the difference, got into many situations for that opinion, but turned the other cheek, honest
Life is so much easier now they have died, its fun watching them pretending to be alive.
i used to get into well deep and meaningfuls about the difference between rangers and celtic fans, apart fae the obvious, my point was we hate the club and what it stands for, line drawn
they hate almost everything thats not Rangers and embrace this idea they were born and are entitled to superiority over us
that to me is the difference, got into many situations for that opinion, but turned the other cheek, honest
Well Stg just goes to show what a waste of time it is trying to educate such a shower of thick, uneducated pricks, that are nothing but zombie scum of the earth and that's how I was educated and have remained constant at passing that wisdom down
Installs aeriels? Eh? Is that not like being a chimney sweep these days. Who needs an aeriel 🤣
i always remember my mate saying to me,
getting sky fitted yesterday
the guy comes doon the stairs and says,
you might huv a bit o a problem with the placing of the dish pal
oh whits that ?
if i put it where it needs to be, the dish will block the sun getting through your skylight and erm tae your christmas tree in the loft
daft CNUT he was,
his brother tells me, he just gets the house and 2 months later he goes up tae visit him.
He walks in and he's handed a fleece jacket and says the place is feckin frozen,
'stick this oan am trying to keep the energy bills doon so i dont get rumbled with the lamps in the loft'
brother 'but you've got radiators and they're gas ya nutter'
aye but i stupidly took one of those duel fuel options .............
Shocker as Celtic’s Ryan Christie likes Rangers signing’s social media post...

This doesn't shock me at all, hes liked an old teammate getting a move, someone who he played a few seasons with. It was Ill advised but its overhyped for me. We have always known that many of our players are not Celtic supporters and whether or not Christie is I dont care. We cant be watching every single post, like, tweet that players make online, though many people are doing just that. I'm more concerned with his form of late rather than his likes and tweets. If he can regain some of that form we can sell him and get him tf. Ntcham has taken a lot of stick for being a disruptive influence on the dressing room but all we ever heard was he wanted away, I reckon that Christie and Da are a more disruptive force than a young Frenchman who wants to return home.

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