Statement o clock

😂😂 bunch a paranoid scum.. they haven't got there own way so want people sacked.. is one of there own not on the board?? 🤔🤔
I was wondering what was there representative on the board doing?? Wouldn’t he have noticed any shenanigans going on??? They wouldn’t have needed a whistleblower to tell them anything if he was there. Now maybe if all the other members were passing letters under the table without him seeing them???? Tricked him that way????
looking at what is being reported in the BBC

It looks like Dundee actually sent in there vote before the deadline. Somthing has then persuaded them to change there mind after the deadline and send another email to the SPFL to say -'please dont consider our vote cast' the SPFL then denies any vote actually received.
looking at what is being reported in the BBC

It looks like Dundee actually sent in there vote before the deadline. Somthing has then persuaded them to change there mind after the deadline and send another email to the SPFL to say -'please dont consider our vote cast' the SPFL then denies any vote actually received.
Maybe the fact they have been in administration twice n the last 7 years. N owe £450,000 this year.. Maybe they r actually coming to there senses n thinkn we need the cash.. its aw a guessing game mate.. a just think they shud vote n sort aw this shit oot.. conspiracies here n there r just making a cunt of this league.
this is nothing to do with Sevcos finances - it was a vote to end the league early of the lower divisions..
This whole fiasco oj has to do with sevco finances,they are skint and everybody knows it even the zombies know it but refuse to believe it,everything with them is a conspiracy against them unless we are all agreeing with them.
This is season ticket money ,the money which always see,s them over the worst of it but unfortunately not this time,,nobody wants to know them..
Administration beckons if they dont pull this of.
Why do you think they were so desperate for a loan free interest,,do you think for one minute if the SPFL had given them the loan any of this conspiracy shit would have raised it,s ugly head,,of course not,why would they bite the hand which has just fed them...SPFL..
sevco,s biggest problem oj is,,they do not take defeat well,,just like you are witnessing now..

Saturday, 11 April 2020, 15:00
by Rangers Football Club

WE have been presented with evidence via a whistleblower that raises serious concerns surrounding the SPFL’s processes relating to its stewardship of the voting on the resolution presented to member Clubs.
Rangers’ Interim Chairman, Douglas Park, attempted to discuss this evidence with SPFL chief executive, Neil Doncaster, who initially refused to do so. The SPFL followed up that call with an e-mail, which we believe was a thinly disguised attempt to silence legitimate concerns.
Rangers will not be bullied into silence. We believe it is in the interests of all Scottish clubs and supporters that the evidence, which is alarming, be addressed as quickly as possible.
The voting debacle and the evidence we possess raise serious questions concerning the corporate governance of the SPFL.
Mr Park said: “The lack of leadership and responsibility from the SPFL as a members’ organisation has shocked me. If ever there was a time for complete openness and transparency, it is now. Crucial decisions are being made on the issues of promotion and relegation behind closed doors and without proper time for consideration or debate.
“The farcical conduct of this affair seems to me to bring the corporate governance and business operations of the SPFL into sharp focus. It is an example of an undemocratic culture, which has existed within the SPFL for far too long.
“As a member club, we are disturbed by the evidence that has been presented and feel there is no choice but to call for an independent investigation into this entire matter. Each member of the SPFL board has a duty to its members to ensure that such an investigation is instructed without delay.
“All we ask for is equality and respect. In the past few days, we have become alarmed at a seeming lack of even-handedness and fair play from the SPFL. This is surely unacceptable and, if substantiated, must be remedied.
“Other member clubs, who have seen the evidence we hold, share our concerns.
“We call for the suspension of the SPFL’s Chief Executive, Neil Doncaster and its legal adviser, Rod McKenzie while an independent investigation is conducted.”



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This whole fiasco oj has to do with sevco finances,they are skint and everybody knows it even the zombies know it but refuse to believe it,everything with them is a conspiracy against them unless we are all agreeing with them.
This is season ticket money ,the money which always see,s them over the worst of it but unfortunately not this time,,nobody wants to know them..
Administration beckons if they dont pull this of.
Why do you think they were so desperate for a loan free interest,,do you think for one minute if the SPFL had given them the loan any of this conspiracy shit would have raised it,s ugly head,,of course not,why would they bite the hand which has just fed them...SPFL..
sevco,s biggest problem oj is,,they do not take defeat well,,just like you are witnessing now..

Totally agree if Celtic is given the title they are going to be struggling with season ticket money, how can they come back stronger next season this was all in, King has left and that should have alarm bells ringing, litigations are mounting for the debts owed to Ashley, Memorial walls, Clos bros, Hummell and Elite and accounts will need submitted for Europe, they and the three goons from the lower leagues wanted void seasons but prize money for points won and places, Inverness wanting second place money, Partick to stay up and Dundee denying Utd the title through void.
Wee collusion has backfired and the email shite does not wash technology is a fingerprint if it was sent it is lying in the server it was sent to still.
28 days and counting Bhoys forget the statement bluster they know the squirrel has 28 days before they withdraw it, meanwhile we wait to see who blinks and who will be the first club without any credit line not maxed out to go into admin and then its over.

So another 28 days of lockdown and jelly and ice cream to get through.

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Totally agree if Celtic is given the title they are going to be struggling with season ticket money, how can they come back stronger next season this was all in, King has left and that should have alarm bells ringing, litigations are mounting for the debts owed to Ashley, Memorial walls, Clos bros, Hummell and Elite and accounts will need submitted for Europe, they and the three goons from the lower leagues wanted void seasons but prize money for points won and places, Inverness wanting second place money, Partick to stay up and Dundee denying Utd the title through void.
Wee collusion has backfired and the email shite does not wash technology is a fingerprint if it was sent it is lying in the server it was sent to still.
And our house of cards is still standing strong!