Steven Gerrard - A star is Born

we're gettin the feelin wee uztai's an infiltrator....

The style of writing is familiar from somewhere else I just can't put my finger on at the moment. Subtle but with a purpose I would suggest.

Pushing the agenda of Scottish referees being mainly incompetent at times as opposed to them deliberately cheating poses serious questions in my mind as to the validity of the argument.

This type of argument imo is proposed to create doubt where there is none.

The paranoia angle they used to try and attack us with is dead and buried and I think it's wise to seriously question those who try to resurrect it.

Ingratiate and divide? A distinct possibility methinks.
assuming,whit! you've never debated a single point, regarding basque culture i'm from "somewhere else" so i'm not arrogant enough to state i understand that culture through reading books!

You can't really be serious. I've never debated a single point? I have repeatedly argued my point, which is very, very simple: if there was something resembling a true conspiracy against us, other than a bunch of referees having an anti-Celtic bias, it would have yielded better results by now. Both against us and for Sevco. I have also repeatedly argued why you shouldn't dismiss my opinion just because I happen not to be Scottish. Also a very easily understandable point, I won't repeat it again. You can agree or disagree with it, it's fine. You can't say I have "never debated a single point". It's not serious. Have a word with yourself.

iam sure you would understand the Celtic culture is not a culture that turns its back on anyone because of their place of residence or birth, therefore if you are a true believer in all things celtic you would have had the decency to return the persons line of communication with you.

You can't possibly be serious. I needed to go to sleep, but I shouldn't have if I was "a true believer in all things Celtic"?????? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Some of us work, you know.

I think you're taking the piss. If you're not, grow up. This is a forum, messages are recorded and can be answered whenever it suits you. I'm having breakfast and then I'm gonna leave for work and I won't answer again until the evening. I guess I'm not a true believer in all things Celtic then.

If you are a little behind on certain aspects of a culture or fail to understand certain things been asked, then ask yourself for clarity on what is not understood.

But it's not the case, so don't worry for me. I'm fine. I don't "fail to understand certain things". I just disagree with you on the interpretation of a fact we both agree on (there is anti-Celtic bias among certain referees, we all agree!)

You are a man i presume and you come from a region you state close to the heart and soul of various Celtic fans who hhave different affinities to that aprticular region and ahre many of their joy and happines culture and politics, therefore i am sure you would be only to willing to speak of the motherland and enrich as many people as possible and btring to them the joy you shared and maybe share some stories.

Of course. No one has asked so far. If you have questions, go ahead.


The style of writing is familiar from somewhere else I just can't put my finger on at the moment. Subtle but with a purpose I would suggest.

Pushing the agenda of Scottish referees being mainly incompetent at times as opposed to them deliberately cheating poses serious questions in my mind as to the validity of the argument.

This type of argument imo is proposed to create doubt where there is none.

The paranoia angle they used to try and attack us with is dead and buried and I think it's wise to seriously question those who try to resurrect it.

Ingratiate and divide? A distinct possibility methinks.

Put yourself in my shoes. You are a foreign Celtic supporter, and you get attacked and called a sevconut because you happen to write too well in English or whatever. You would think people are being paranoid. Fortunately a majority of Celtic fans are unlike that.

Many years ago (10? it was during the Strachan years that's for sure) I had an account at TalkCeltic and I chatted with many people and they were much nicer. It might have been that my English was worse and my background was therefore more believable. I dunno.

PS: I'm not pushing any agenda. Re-read the thread if you need to. Someone talked of a conspiracy, I replied something along the lines of "I don't believe in conspiracies, some referees are huns and some others are pish", and it took off from there, with accusations against me. I didn't want to talk of refereeing at all. In fact, it's getting very, very boring.
You can't really be serious. I've never debated a single point? I have repeatedly argued my point, which is very, very simple: if there was something resembling a true conspiracy against us, other than a bunch of referees having an anti-Celtic bias, it would have yielded better results by now. Both against us and for Sevco. I have also repeatedly argued why you shouldn't dismiss my opinion just because I happen not to be Scottish. Also a very easily understandable point, I won't repeat it again. You can agree or disagree with it, it's fine. You can't say I have "never debated a single point". It's not serious. Have a word with yourself.

You can't possibly be serious. I needed to go to sleep, but I shouldn't have if I was "a true believer in all things Celtic"?????? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Some of us work, you know.

I think you're taking the piss. If you're not, grow up. This is a forum, messages are recorded and can be answered whenever it suits you. I'm having breakfast and then I'm gonna leave for work and I won't answer again until the evening. I guess I'm not a true believer in all things Celtic then.

But it's not the case, so don't worry for me. I'm fine. I don't "fail to understand certain things". I just disagree with you on the interpretation of a fact we both agree on (there is anti-Celtic bias among certain referees, we all agree!)

Of course. No one has asked so far. If you have questions, go ahead.

Put yourself in my shoes. You are a foreign Celtic supporter, and you get attacked and called a sevconut because you happen to write too well in English or whatever. You would think people are being paranoid. Fortunately a majority of Celtic fans are unlike that.

Many years ago (10? it was during the Strachan years that's for sure) I had an account at TalkCeltic and I chatted with many people and they were much nicer. It might have been that my English was worse and my background was therefore more believable. I dunno.

PS: I'm not pushing any agenda. Re-read the thread if you need to. Someone talked of a conspiracy, I replied something along the lines of "I don't believe in conspiracies, some referees are huns and some others are pish", and it took off from there, with accusations against me. I didn't want to talk of refereeing at all. In fact, it's getting very, very boring.
The general consensus, in any point of debate, would be that (when the discussion reaches an impasse) it is probably best to leave it and move on.

Perhaps it is a common trait between the Basque population and the Celtic nation, but you have been comfortable to re-ignite the confrontation at every possible opportunity, Uztai.

It may be that you think we are being wholly unreasonable and that you are more objectively based to re-educate us on the agenda of Scottish refereeing.

If so, then you have competely misjudged the anger and frustration that a century's worth of blatant and overt cheating has instilled into Celtic supporters.

It is true that you have the right to defend your stance when you feel your position is being attacked, but it is the manner in which you have parried the attacks which may lead some of us to believe that you may have an alternative agenda.

I sincerely hope that I am wrong. I really would like to believe that you are an extremely intelligent European supporter of our Club, who may not be particularly au fait with the idiosyncracies of Scottish football and refereeing.

I don't think that is wholly feasible.

The Spanish league has been subject to corruption over the years and it would seem, to the neutral spectator, that the major beneficiary has been Spain's own "establishment" club.

That's not really the point here though.

The actual point is that you display an outstanding knowledge of the written English word. That in itself is not entirely inconceivable; however - where there is a suspension of belief is that you can contextualise and fully interpret nuances of the Scottish dialect in the written word.

What makes that especially peculiar, is that Celtic fans situated all over Scotland and throughout the UK and Ireland have difficulty understanding each other due to the variations in dialect and meaning from region-to-region.

I live in the North-East of Scotland and often struggle to understand the subtleties of our Glaswegian fans.

But you know that, don't you.

There is no Basque born English language tutor who can display the skill that you have in producing the written word as you.

Not one!

I genuinely believe that you have adopted a position and a guise which allows you the platform to deflect or reinforce a point that you can then mitigate by using the language barrier.

I'm not convinced, Uztai. I am suspicious by nature and across various online resources, we have been subject to infiltration by other parties with an alternative purpose.

Again, I hope i'm wrong in this assertion, but it doesn't knit well together in this particular case.
Uztai have you watched the Paul Larkin documentary yet. You would make a fantastic politician. You constantly bring the argument back to you not being Scottish. A tactic to make it look like we are all somehow attacking you for that purpose, which we are not. You can read all the history of Scotland you want but yes I do believe you have to live it and experience it to some extent. How many history books have you read of Scotland that speak about the great hunger? The influx of Irish refugees? The "what school did you go to" culture? That culture still exists. Do you read newspapers? Do you know anti-irish and sectarian attacks against Catholics in Scotland are on the rise? I doubt you do because Scotland has a fantastic talent of acting like none of this shit happened or is still happening today. You asked for proof of a conspiracy against Celtic. We have sent you a film made by a guy who has dedicated his life to uncovering that proof. Have you watched? If not, why are you still arguing against corruption? It's all there to see. If you have watched and still don't believe there is corruption then you are blind my friend.
The general consensus, in any point of debate, would be that (when the discussion reaches an impasse) it is probably best to leave it and move on.

Perhaps it is a common trait between the Basque population and the Celtic nation, but you have been comfortable to re-ignite the confrontation at every possible opportunity, Uztai.

It may be that you think we are being wholly unreasonable and that you are more objectively based to re-educate us on the agenda of Scottish refereeing.

If so, then you have competely misjudged the anger and frustration that a century's worth of blatant and overt cheating has instilled into Celtic supporters.

It is true that you have the right to defend your stance when you feel your position is being attacked, but it is the manner in which you have parried the attacks which may lead some of us to believe that you may have an alternative agenda.

I sincerely hope that I am wrong. I really would like to believe that you are an extremely intelligent European supporter of our Club, who may not be particularly au fait with the idiosyncracies of Scottish football and refereeing.

I don't think that is wholly feasible.

The Spanish league has been subject to corruption over the years and it would seem, to the neutral spectator, that the major beneficiary has been Spain's own "establishment" club.

That's not really the point here though.

The actual point is that you display an outstanding knowledge of the written English word. That in itself is not entirely inconceivable; however - where there is a suspension of belief is that you can contextualise and fully interpret nuances of the Scottish dialect in the written word.

What makes that especially peculiar, is that Celtic fans situated all over Scotland and throughout the UK and Ireland have difficulty understanding each other due to the variations in dialect and meaning from region-to-region.

I live in the North-East of Scotland and often struggle to understand the subtleties of our Glaswegian fans.

But you know that, don't you.

There is no Basque born English language tutor who can display the skill that you have in producing the written word as you.

Not one!

I genuinely believe that you have adopted a position and a guise which allows you the platform to deflect or reinforce a point that you can then mitigate by using the language barrier.

I'm not convinced, Uztai. I am suspicious by nature and across various online resources, we have been subject to infiltration by other parties with an alternative purpose.

Again, I hope i'm wrong in this assertion, but it doesn't knit well together in this particular case.
Just new to this forum but i think Scott Brown has a role to play and perhaps even after hanging his boots up.

I totally agree He does still have a role to play but to a lesser extent than previously as younger fitter and more adaptable options are available to BR This has become apparent not through trial and error but through necessity of finding a replacement through Broony's injury

After a period away from Celtic to experience football in a different culture Broony will get his Coaching Badges and will return as Celtic Manager in the future

Just new to this forum but i think Scott Brown has a role to play and perhaps even after hanging his boots up.
The general consensus, in any point of debate, would be that (when the discussion reaches an impasse) it is probably best to leave it and move on.

Absolutely true. But your answer is very well written and it's very respectful (unlike many other messages I've received and yes, I'm well aware, unlike some I've written myself). So I think it deserves an answer before we move on.

Perhaps it is a common trait between the Basque population and the Celtic nation, but you have been comfortable to re-ignite the confrontation at every possible opportunity, Uztai.

I have to acknowledge I'm quite stubborn and I like arguments. I don't think I'm the only one here, but point taken :D

It may be that you think we are being wholly unreasonable and that you are more objectively based to re-educate us on the agenda of Scottish refereeing.

If so, then you have competely misjudged the anger and frustration that a century's worth of blatant and overt cheating has instilled into Celtic supporters.

I have no intention to re-educate anyone on any agenda. I stated my belief that biased referees do not equal an organised conspiracy. Nothing more, nothing less.

It is true that you have the right to defend your stance when you feel your position is being attacked, but it is the manner in which you have parried the attacks which may lead some of us to believe that you may have an alternative agenda.

It's not particularly pleasant being called a liar, a troll, a hun, a MSM submarine and the likes. But I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

I sincerely hope that I am wrong. I really would like to believe that you are an extremely intelligent European supporter of our Club, who may not be particularly au fait with the idiosyncracies of Scottish football and refereeing.

I don't think that is wholly feasible.

That's your problem though. Because I am an European supporter of the club. I won't be the one judging my own intelligence. In fact, had I known that being proficient at English would have been such an issue, I would have faked a worse written English.

Again, not particularly interested in explaining again the reasons for which I'm good at English. I've been an English teacher and now I teach my own language, so languages are generally what I'm good at. But I don't feel the need to justify myself with an autobiography. If you or any other user don't believe me it's fine, I would just appreciate if people would stop calling me an infiltrator every other post.

The Spanish league has been subject to corruption over the years and it would seem, to the neutral spectator, that the major beneficiary has been Spain's own "establishment" club.

Very good point. Do (some, many) Spanish referees have a soft spot for Real Madrid or, more probably, have they favoured this team because of its status and the pressure of media and other elements inside the Spanish football system? No doubt!

Does that equal a coordinated conspiracy so that Real Madrid win as many trophies as possible? I don't believe so. In fact, as a supporter of a small Basque team, I'd say Barça are also favoured because they also have their big team gravitas and it's not the same to make a mistake against them or against a small, peripherical team. Some of them might do it because of their bias, others because they fear retribution, negative press or whatever. I'm not an expert, it's what I perceive.

That's not really the point here though.

The actual point is that you display an outstanding knowledge of the written English word. That in itself is not entirely inconceivable; however - where there is a suspension of belief is that you can contextualise and fully interpret nuances of the Scottish dialect in the written word.

I have been reading Scottish people for over a decade now. On Twitter, on blogs, in the media, in forums. Again, I shouldn't have to justify myself for being able to understand dialectal traits I have long been in contact with, but ok. You're wrong. It's entirely conceivable. I'm telling you because I know, and I know because I can. So.

What makes that especially peculiar, is that Celtic fans situated all over Scotland and throughout the UK and Ireland have difficulty understanding each other due to the variations in dialect and meaning from region-to-region.

I live in the North-East of Scotland and often struggle to understand the subtleties of our Glaswegian fans.

But you know that, don't you.

Entirely true... when it pertains to spoken English.

If I went on the bus in Glasgow and tried to pick up what a random person was telling another Glaswegian I would probably understand a tiny fraction of it. Because I have only been to Glasgow for the better part of a day, and I have only been to Scotland twice. So I haven't had enough contact with their spoken English.

But I have been reading Irish and Scottish people for years, on a regular basis. So, wrong again.

There is no Basque born English language tutor who can display the skill that you have in producing the written word as you.

Not one!

Thanks for the compliment. You're wrong.

I genuinely believe that you have adopted a position and a guise which allows you the platform to deflect or reinforce a point that you can then mitigate by using the language barrier.

I'm not convinced, Uztai. I am suspicious by nature and across various online resources, we have been subject to infiltration by other parties with an alternative purpose.

Again, I hope i'm wrong in this assertion, but it doesn't knit well together in this particular case.

Okay then.

Look, I'm gonna be around for a while, especially if people stop calling me a secret agent every other message. I like it here. So you'll be able to see for yourself if I have a secret agenda or not. You might never be entirely sure if I am who I say I am, because I don't intend to prove it to you somehow - I don't feel the need to, same as you don't feel the need to prove you're not Santa Claus. So wait and see. Back to work, read you later.

Uztai have you watched the Paul Larkin documentary yet.

Not yet. A hypothesis: I think that when I watch it it will reinforce my already held view that there are plenty of anti-Celtic biased referees and people in positions of power in Scotland, but that I still won't believe there's a coordinated black hand trying to doom us. Again, it's just what I expect. But I will get back to you.

You would make a fantastic politician. You constantly bring the argument back to you not being Scottish. A tactic to make it look like we are all somehow attacking you for that purpose, which we are not.

You might have not. Some definitely have.

You can read all the history of Scotland you want but yes I do believe you have to live it and experience it to some extent. How many history books have you read of Scotland that speak about the great hunger? The influx of Irish refugees? The "what school did you go to" culture? That culture still exists. Do you read newspapers? Do you know anti-irish and sectarian attacks against Catholics in Scotland are on the rise? I doubt you do because Scotland has a fantastic talent of acting like none of this shit happened or is still happening today. You asked for proof of a conspiracy against Celtic.

Once again, I have been following Celtic for many years now. Yes I've read about the great famine and Irish immigration to Scotland, yes I do know what "what school did you go to?" means, yes I do know those prejudices and discrimination are still alive and kicking. Once more, I have been following Celtic and in contact with Celtic supporters for years, so I do know those things.

Have I experienced them first hand? No. Do I portend to know more about them than someone who did? Hell no. Am I entitled to my opinion re: the existence of a deep refereeing conspiracy? I'll let you decide.

We have sent you a film made by a guy who has dedicated his life to uncovering that proof. Have you watched? If not, why are you still arguing against corruption? It's all there to see. If you have watched and still don't believe there is corruption then you are blind my friend.

I'm not arguing against corruption, and I'm getting tired of you putting words in my mouth. I know for a fact corruption has been and still is widespread in Scottish football. To me it still doesn't equal a big conspiracy. We as a club are arguably living the best moment in our history, bar 1967. If there's a conspiracy it's the worst conspiracy ever.

I'm really, really tired of your distortion of my words and I think I have made myself clear, Lubo. So I'm gonna leave it at that with you. If you wanna have the last word, have a go. See you around in other threads.
It is a good site, plenty of debate and threads of interest. Not as many huns as other sites but we keep our eyes peeled for those that try to divide us and have some anti-Celtic ideas.
The lassie uzetai doesn’t sound celtic minded. Seems to be twisting things.

Is this normal on here because i cant be botheted with argy bargy.

Its not me.
Uztai you keep speaking of this black hand that you don't believe in. You are trying to say all Celtic fans believe in a massive conspiracy...everyone is involved...I to do not believe that all refs get together and plan our downfall. It's not that complicated at all, it doesn't have to be. Only 4 or 5 people at the top need to know the goals of what has to be achieved. They hire people they know will help achieve those goals, like in any business. In this instance they hire and promote people who have a dislike for Celtic. They don't have to brief them everyday. They are confident that the dislike of Celtic will hinder us. That's why you can kick fuck out of a Celtic player all game and get away with it. It's very lazy to just say Scottish refs are pish. There's a reason they are the way they are. So no, it's probably not a massive government conspiracy where secret documents are passed around all refs to "fuck Celtic over". But there are definitely people at the top of the organisations within the SFA and the referees associations who want to stop us.
Absolutely true. But your answer is very well written and it's very respectful (unlike many other messages I've received and yes, I'm well aware, unlike some I've written myself). So I think it deserves an answer before we move on.

I have to acknowledge I'm quite stubborn and I like arguments. I don't think I'm the only one here, but point taken :D

I have no intention to re-educate anyone on any agenda. I stated my belief that biased referees do not equal an organised conspiracy. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's not particularly pleasant being called a liar, a troll, a hun, a MSM submarine and the likes. But I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

That's your problem though. Because I am an European supporter of the club. I won't be the one judging my own intelligence. In fact, had I known that being proficient at English would have been such an issue, I would have faked a worse written English.

Again, not particularly interested in explaining again the reasons for which I'm good at English. I've been an English teacher and now I teach my own language, so languages are generally what I'm good at. But I don't feel the need to justify myself with an autobiography. If you or any other user don't believe me it's fine, I would just appreciate if people would stop calling me an infiltrator every other post.

Very good point. Do (some, many) Spanish referees have a soft spot for Real Madrid or, more probably, have they favoured this team because of its status and the pressure of media and other elements inside the Spanish football system? No doubt!

Does that equal a coordinated conspiracy so that Real Madrid win as many trophies as possible? I don't believe so. In fact, as a supporter of a small Basque team, I'd say Barça are also favoured because they also have their big team gravitas and it's not the same to make a mistake against them or against a small, peripherical team. Some of them might do it because of their bias, others because they fear retribution, negative press or whatever. I'm not an expert, it's what I perceive.

I have been reading Scottish people for over a decade now. On Twitter, on blogs, in the media, in forums. Again, I shouldn't have to justify myself for being able to understand dialectal traits I have long been in contact with, but ok. You're wrong. It's entirely conceivable. I'm telling you because I know, and I know because I can. So.

Entirely true... when it pertains to spoken English.

If I went on the bus in Glasgow and tried to pick up what a random person was telling another Glaswegian I would probably understand a tiny fraction of it. Because I have only been to Glasgow for the better part of a day, and I have only been to Scotland twice. So I haven't had enough contact with their spoken English.

But I have been reading Irish and Scottish people for years, on a regular basis. So, wrong again.

Thanks for the compliment. You're wrong.

Okay then.

Look, I'm gonna be around for a while, especially if people stop calling me a secret agent every other message. I like it here. So you'll be able to see for yourself if I have a secret agenda or not. You might never be entirely sure if I am who I say I am, because I don't intend to prove it to you somehow - I don't feel the need to, same as you don't feel the need to prove you're not Santa Claus. So wait and see. Back to work, read you later.

Not yet. A hypothesis: I think that when I watch it it will reinforce my already held view that there are plenty of anti-Celtic biased referees and people in positions of power in Scotland, but that I still won't believe there's a coordinated black hand trying to doom us. Again, it's just what I expect. But I will get back to you.

You might have not. Some definitely have.

Once again, I have been following Celtic for many years now. Yes I've read about the great famine and Irish immigration to Scotland, yes I do know what "what school did you go to?" means, yes I do know those prejudices and discrimination are still alive and kicking. Once more, I have been following Celtic and in contact with Celtic supporters for years, so I do know those things.

Have I experienced them first hand? No. Do I portend to know more about them than someone who did? Hell no. Am I entitled to my opinion re: the existence of a deep refereeing conspiracy? I'll let you decide.

I'm not arguing against corruption, and I'm getting tired of you putting words in my mouth. I know for a fact corruption has been and still is widespread in Scottish football. To me it still doesn't equal a big conspiracy. We as a club are arguably living the best moment in our history, bar 1967. If there's a conspiracy it's the worst conspiracy ever.

I'm really, really tired of your distortion of my words and I think I have made myself clear, Lubo. So I'm gonna leave it at that with you. If you wanna have the last word, have a go. See you around in other threads.
"To me it still doesn't equal a big conspiracy."

Its not a conpiarcy mate , hatred is not a conspiracy its simply the hatred of another persons religion and faith. There was no conspiracy to rule the black man, gas Jews, Poles, Romainians, Hungarians etc it is simply a prejudicial hatred. We have seen it raise its ugly head in our game and in your time, Hugh Dallas a refereee makes a sick joke regards child abuse, and without thinking in his Neanderthal brain, and only meaning yet to be fully advanced brain and not to discrimaniate against Neanderthals, he finds the need to share it online.
Who is he sharing the sick joke with, people who share the same mindset, the same people who carry out the same role he carries out, who is the butt of the tweet aimed at its not one person it’s a race or religion or faith he is attacking.
When a football manager is attacked at his place of work for been simply a Roman Catholic from Northern Ireland and a compliant media state he brings it on his self, then we are not in conspiracy theories, we are in sectarianism territory and this is coming from above and funnelling down to the orc mentality. And its not even corruption its hatred.
"To me it still doesn't equal a big conspiracy."

Its not a conpiarcy mate , hatred is not a conspiracy its simply the hatred of another persons religion and faith. There was no conspiracy to rule the black man, gas Jews, Poles, Romainians, Hungarians etc it is simply a prejudicial hatred. We have seen it raise its ugly head in our game and in your time, Hugh Dallas a refereee makes a sick joke regards child abuse, and without thinking in his Neanderthal brain, and only meaning yet to be fully advanced brain and not to discrimaniate against Neanderthals, he finds the need to share it online.
Who is he sharing the sick joke with, people who share the same mindset, the same people who carry out the same role he carries out, who is the butt of the tweet aimed at its not one person it’s a race or religion or faith he is attacking.
When a football manager is attacked at his place of work for been simply a Roman Catholic from Northern Ireland and a compliant media state he brings it on his self, then we are not in conspiracy theories, we are in sectarianism territory and this is coming from above and funnelling down to the orc mentality. And its not even corruption its hatred.

Ah ok, so we were in agreement all along! There is anti-Celtic bias and hatred in very relevant segments of Scottish society, including referees, and that doesn't equal a coordinated deep conspiracy with the goal of making us fail! Glad we agree.

(ah, but there was a conspiracy to gas Jews, Poles, Roma and so on, just saying. It was called The Final Solution. Official, classified documents from the Third Reich)

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