Stunned , shocked and all the words that go with it

I think if it was a case of forcing him he wouldn't entertain it, if its true then he has probably agreed to it. Either way I'm sure we will all get behind him and next season it wont be a case of Eddie why?🤔
Agree 50. Don’t think he would be ‘forced’ into anything by the yoyos on our board. If he doesn’t want them they have to be removed. If he says OK that’s his call but I think it’s a mistake.
What bothers me is Kennedy still hanging around. I personally don’t want him as manager....ever.
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Agree 50. Don’t think he would be ‘forced’ into anything by the yoyos on our board. If he doesn’t want them they have to be removed. If he says OK that’s his call but I think it’s a mistake.
What bothers me is Kennedy still hanging around. I personally don’t want him as manager....ever.
What bothers me is Kennedy. There's no way Celtic will road him. He's like a bad smell at this stage. He has been the conduit between the team and the board and they will never remove him. It's just fuckin sickening.
What bothers me is Kennedy. There's no way Celtic will road him. He's like a bad smell at this stage. He has been the conduit between the team and the board and they will never remove him. It's just fuckin sickening.
I wonder if Howe knows this guy is just a mole for the board in the dressing room.
Watch your back Eddie if you agree to let him stay on.
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You know troops, as well give the job Kennedy. Seems like he's untouchable. Imo Howe not up to job and any manager not up to it if they take on a staff that DD insists on. This is the perfect time for a stronger manager to stand up DD and tell him if I'm hired as the manager, then I will bring in my own personal.
Fs that just gave me a flashback to about 6 years old , we had a cat ' sooty " cos it was jet black ( and mustve iwent up chimneys 👋) . I mind that the cats box was a rectangle wash basin tub with newspapers at the bottom. Even worse often my wee sister and I would get sent out with poly bags and wee hand shovels to the fitba' pitches to collect the top gravel for the cats box haha 🙈 . My wee ma god rest her she could make a fiver between 5 siblings and 2 adults last longer than you could possibly imagine , at the end of the day she had to by the time my da got got hame hed 7/10 times be steaming and skint hand over a few tenners to see us all through the week . Does anyone else remember getting a tea spoon of cod's liver oil as a waen? This was before you had a choice of 300 different vitamins. Fish oil so it has every vitamin you could need practically. It was disgusting , the first time I ever had it, about a week before ma had gave us all a teaspoon of golden syrup out of a big tin ( probably a wee tin but i was a waen everything was big) and also a teaspoon of Treacle on a different day . When I think back it was a sweetie treat for 5 waens that wouldnt be possible to do otherwise. So I thought I was getting a teaspoon of Treacle and it was cold liver oil , what a shock that was put me off cod liver oil until the capsules came out. Golden syrup and Treacle? Haven't seen then for years probably still get it for bakery. A wee flashback there anybody else get similar?
Great stories winter
I’m more savoury than sweet, but I bought a packet of treacle toffee yesterday, love the stuff and kids do too. Treacle still sells today looks like a Small drum of oil, red tin. Golden syrup is still a big seller. Kids love on pancakes and they do golden syrup flavoured porridge 🤷‍♂️
For a cheap sweet treat when we were young, a piece and butter with a sprinkle of sugar. 🤣
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It looks like Kennedy and strachan are being forced on howe.....
See that right there is why lenny failed with a squad who ought to have been winning 10iar, 4treble and a long run into Europe, when the fans are back JK and WGS jnr will know all about it , I dont care if hes Delaneys grandson I want him to do what broonies doing but broony will be permanent manager before JK cos he knows that any rookie should cut their teeth somewhere. If they want the Celtic job go prove yourself
You know troops, as well give the job Kennedy. Seems like he's untouchable. Imo Howe not up to job and any manager not up to it if they take on a staff that DD insists on. This is the perfect time for a stronger manager to stand up DD and tell him if I'm hired as the manager, then I will bring in my own personal.
Great stories winter
I’m more savoury than sweet, but I bought a packet of treacle toffee yesterday, love the stuff and kids do too. Treacle still sells today looks like a Small drum of oil, red tin. Golden syrup with is still a big seller. Kids love on pancakes and they do golden syrup flavoured porridge 🤷‍♂️
For a cheap sweet treat when we were young, a piece and butter with a sprinkle of sugar. 🤣
A piece n butter n sugar Haha aye noo were showing our ages stg. We used to chap the neighbours front door in the square and ask for " any biscuits or pieces n sugar? " fs your parents would probably be reported for that today , letting kids chap doors and eating the kind of thing we did. Back then though even in a square with a backyard of about 100 houses everyone knew everyone else and it was no problem no Tora Bora at all. Occasionally wed do the boab a joab and get 5p for about 5 hours hard graft 😂
Just tuned into radio snyde theyve called it Ronny Deila will be our next manager bloody hell I had a feeling that wed go for a leftfield appointment and we owe much of our team and squad to his foresight and as well as he's done at NYC and no doubt hes improved but I wasn't expecting this and I'm not sure how the supporters will take this one. Theres no doubt had he been given the right backing 1st time we would've been better. Still hes rebuilt us once I'm sure that he can do it again, must've costs few quid to lure him away from the MLS , We could do worse. Thoughts.,?
It looks like Kennedy and strachan are being forced on howe.....
See even if Kennedy and Strachan were any good it shouldn't matter for the players who will still be here's sake and our sakes we need total fresh start its time Kennedy especially went Strachan might be a victim of the tough time we're having he's no been here long but tough shit he can help Kennedy way awe his fuckin bags
I just don’t see what the board see as regards Kennedy and Strachan. Since Lennon left the team selection, tactics, even the substitutions are all the same. Now is an ideal chance to get rid of them. Complete clear out. The CEO, the manager, the captain and head of recruitment are leaving or are going to leave. Why leave these 2 still there.😡
A piece n butter n sugar Haha aye noo were showing our ages stg. We used to chap the neighbours front door in the square and ask for " any biscuits or pieces n sugar? " fs your parents would probably be reported for that today , letting kids chap doors and eating the kind of thing we did. Back then though even in a square with a backyard of about 100 houses everyone knew everyone else and it was no problem no Tora Bora at all. Occasionally wed do the boab a joab and get 5p for about 5 hours hard graft 😂
My Mrs puts Golden Syrup or Maple Syrup on Sausages and Bacon. WTF is that aboot? Sausages, Bacon, pancakes and syrup on one plate. Not I, fuck that.

We had strawberry and raspberry fields at the back o oor scheme in Dundee. Everybody in Kirkton lived on jam pieces during the summer holidays. Playing football all day n plundering( that's what it was called) the berry fields at night. Then selling them round the doors for pennies.
During the day there was a tractor and bogie that drove between Kirkton and the berry fields, flag it doon and jump on the bogie. You were in the field 10 mins later. Pick enough for 10 fags and a 1/16th and or a carry oot, then wait for bogie back to Kirkton.
Depending on what the berries were for ye had to pick in punnets and Baskets for fruit sellers or buckets if it was for jam.
The berries had to be nicely presented in baskets. For jam ye squash them doon and squeeze as much as ye can into the bucket.
Ye were paid by the pound. About 6p a pound back them. Good nabblers could make about 8 bucks a day.
Some gadgie bastards would even pish and shite in the buckets and squash and mix to increase the weight. I never eat jam that's made in Dundee.
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My Mrs puts Golden Syrup or Maple Syrup on Sausages and Bacon. WTF is that aboot? Sausages, Bacon, pancakes and syrup on one plate. Not I, fuck that.

We had strawberry and raspberry fields at the back o oor scheme in Dundee. Everybody in Kirkton lived on jam pieces during the summer holidays. Playing football all day n plundering( that's what it was called) the berry fields at night. Then selling them round the doors for pennies.
During the day there was a tractor and bogie that drove between Kirkton and the berry fields, flag it doon and jump on the bogie. You were in the field 10 mins later. Pick enough for 10 fags and a 1/16th and or a carry oot, then wait for bogie back to Kirkton.
Depending on what the berries were for ye had to pick in punnets and Baskets for fruit sellers or buckets if it was for jam.
The berries had to be nicely presented in baskets. For jam ye squash them doon and squeeze as much as ye can into the bucket.
Ye were paid by the pound. About 6p a pound back them. Good nabblers could make about 8 bucks a day.
Some gadgie bastards would even pish and shite in the buckets and squash and mix to increase the weight. I never eat jam that's made in Dundee.
Ffs I’ll never eat jam again never mind where it’s from
A 1/16th FFS
an 8 bit doon my way or a half dod 🤣
Agree 50. Don’t think he would be ‘forced’ into anything by the yoyos on our board. If he doesn’t want them they have to be removed. If he says OK that’s his call but I think it’s a mistake.
What bothers me is Kennedy still hanging around. I personally don’t want him as manager....ever.
On a separate topic the huns have lodged (sorry, poor choice of word) an appeal against the covid 5 bans, surely someone is having a laugh, if they are successful then we should just shut up shop and take up tiddlywinks. The sfa should say OK in that case we'll just deduct you 3 points for every game each player has played.
Fucking arrogant bastards. HH
A piece n butter n sugar Haha aye noo were showing our ages stg. We used to chap the neighbours front door in the square and ask for " any biscuits or pieces n sugar? " fs your parents would probably be reported for that today , letting kids chap doors and eating the kind of thing we did. Back then though even in a square with a backyard of about 100 houses everyone knew everyone else and it was no problem no Tora Bora at all. Occasionally wed do the boab a joab and get 5p for about 5 hours hard graft 😂
Naw wrong winter also In the days of hoose birthday party's as a wean when you got nay presents from the street pals who were invited and you played pass the parcel wi eff all in the parcel ...if you got left with the parcel when the music stopped you had to go to a neighbours chap the door and ask for a piece and jam.
Luckily we had plenty of supplies of lemon curd to fill a piece . Everybody knew the rules in those days and we all had pretty much the same ...and all attended a scrammy wedding. ...happy days. By the way I think STG Is still just a boy...all be it a good one from down the waater👍
My Mrs puts Golden Syrup or Maple Syrup on Sausages and Bacon. WTF is that aboot? Sausages, Bacon, pancakes and syrup on one plate. Not I, fuck that.

We had strawberry and raspberry fields at the back o oor scheme in Dundee. Everybody in Kirkton lived on jam pieces during the summer holidays. Playing football all day n plundering( that's what it was called) the berry fields at night. Then selling them round the doors for pennies.
During the day there was a tractor and bogie that drove between Kirkton and the berry fields, flag it doon and jump on the bogie. You were in the field 10 mins later. Pick enough for 10 fags and a 1/16th and or a carry oot, then wait for bogie back to Kirkton.
Depending on what the berries were for ye had to pick in punnets and Baskets for fruit sellers or buckets if it was for jam.
The berries had to be nicely presented in baskets. For jam ye squash them doon and squeeze as much as ye can into the bucket.
Ye were paid by the pound. About 6p a pound back them. Good nabblers could make about 8 bucks a day.
Some gadgie bastards would even pish and shite in the buckets and squash and mix to increase the weight. I never eat jam that's made in Dundee.
I remember going strawberry picking when I was about 12, my maw was a bit of a social climber and she'd hooked up with this posh boot and she had 2 twat "boys" anyway something was said and the pair of fannies got a kicking in the strawberry fields! I tried to confess my innocence but nobody was buying it, fucking racists!
Funny thing is I met one of the brothers about 10 years later in a bar and he made the mistake of acting the hard man, queue another beating. 😹
Naw wrong winter also In the days of hoose birthday party's as a wean when you got nay presents from the street pals who were invited and you played pass the parcel wi eff all in the parcel ...if you got left with the parcel when the music stopped you had to go to a neighbours chap the door and ask for a piece and jam.
Luckily we had plenty of supplies of lemon curd to fill a piece . Everybody knew the rules in those days and we all had pretty much the same ...and all attended a scrammy wedding. ...happy days. By the way I think STG Is still just a boy...all be it a good one from down the waater👍
Yes I’m only 43 but we were poor enough to get pieces and sugar
Age was no barrier tae being skint
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