That other team ,ower there

Just had a wee keek on fuckwit fuckwit and they're pure having to change their bank details in case THEIR OWN FUCKING CLUB rinses them and just takes the ST money 😲
I mean, what the shuddering fuck kind of operation have they got going over there? Do we do that? I'd fucking hope not l, mind you I wouldn't be over-shocked if we did. we don't though do we? Anyway, they are just so fucked but they don't realise it, it's fucking hilarious 😂 hell mend them.
Gotta go now, these joints won't roll themselves, no matter how much I'd love them to. Where was I... ah yeah fuck the Huns! Hahaha 🤣 cunts they are...
Just had a wee keek on fuckwit fuckwit and they're pure having to change their bank details in case THEIR OWN FUCKING CLUB rinses them and just takes the ST money 😲
I mean, what the shuddering fuck kind of operation have they got going over there? Do we do that? I'd fucking hope not l, mind you I wouldn't be over-shocked if we did. we don't though do we? Anyway, they are just so fucked but they don't realise it, it's fucking hilarious 😂 hell mend them.
Gotta go now, these joints won't roll themselves, no matter how much I'd love them to. Where was I... ah yeah fuck the Huns! Hahaha 🤣 cunts they are...
I’m skinning one up just now Theta, I could make you one 👍
Like riding a burd, you never lose it 😂😂
Right, well, it appears that I'm too stupid/stoned to attach a picture to a post but I'm sure I've done it before, anyway it wasn't an absolute disaster! I was quite chuffed with myself but fuck doing it again when I've got my big skins man. Anyhoo, I'm calling it a night now and I'm off to listen to a YouTube post about the Cthulu mythos.

Don't judge me 😂😂