The Coronation

Zadok the priest was composed by George Frideric Handel for the coronation of King George II in 1727, and has been sung at EVERY coronation since, I believe it’s in the key of D major for those that want to sing along, we all know it as the Champions league anthem 👍
Cue the boakfest around parts of Ayrshire, and Larkhall next weekend
'Save the benches in George Square' when the zombies show up 'celebrating' their being subserviant to the inbreds from Windsor
Up the Rhebels
Strangely enough I was sitting in my cab outside the Strand Palace Hotel yesterday &and one of the Larkhall Loyal approached &engaged me in conversation.I let him ramble on &when he stopped my exact words to him were "Are you one of those Orange cunts down for the Coronation?" After he retrieved his bottom lip we had a fine discussion about Sevco's shortcomings &I relieved him of a bullseye, happy days.....