The disturbingly violent campaign ads of the American right wing.

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” All the more reason not to give them guns ye would think.
I spoke to my father in law about the guns issue. He said he would give up his guns no problemo if he had to. He reckons only the decent law abiding people would comply with a law compelling them to hand over their guns. The criminals will keep theirs. Creating a society of armed criminals and unarmed civilians.
There are no easy answers to the US gun problem. The Genie is well and truly oot the bottle and he’s no for going back in.
The wild west days remain in some States, and the 'From my cold, dead, hands' of the NRA, have a huge impact on elections
It's true that the criminals won't give up their guns, even where they have gun control, there's shooting almost on a daily basis, between rival drug gangs
20 shootings in the past 6 weeks, most end up in fatalities
It's scary times we live in
And it's the home grown loonballs who are able to buy semi automatic weapons, and guns that should only be used in War zones, why would anyone need that to go hunting ?
Look at the guns used by these mass shootings in the US, incredible to think that someone who has to be 21 in order to buy a beer, can walk in and purchase a weapon that can kill so many innocent people just going about their day
I get that some people like going to the shooting range, and that's fine by me, I have friends who have guns, but the gun nuts are the ones that need watching

I was just saying free speech is just that free speech and that defend it the death is often quoted in the defence of the principal of free speech as for the fenian blood thing it’s not nice but it doesn’t bother me ,I don’t do the patriotic flag waving love my country thing so I don’t really understand your position there but whatever floats your boat it’s your boat not mine, I whole heartedly agree that we should all help each other out and try not to be cunts but I strongly believe that people have the right to say whatever they want no matter who it upsets that’s all I was saying I never mentioned the trucker protest I was actually referring to the Alex Jones comments and how some people say he should not have a platform maybe I should have said so in my post
Alex Jones says whatever comes into his head and 'damn the consequences'
He's a fucking loud mouthed asshole, and he incites the idiots to riot, it's what is wrong with a lot of these TV shows
And another reason why guys like Trump get elected, by running on platforms such as "We'll build a wall and Mexico will pay for it", remember that little gem ?
Jones is a big Trump supporter, and you only need to look at January 6th last year and the storming of the Govt building
They've been calling for Canadians who are involved in the border blockades, to attempt to do the same thing, across the line
I fly the Canadian flag at our house, like many people do, a symbol of the country that has welcomed me, and if that's me being patriotic, so be it
I also fly the Saltire from time to time especially when Scotland are playing against England, as my neighbour flew his St George's cross flag during the Euro's
When I see the Maple Leaf being flown by these nuggets as they drive around creating chaos, as if everyone in Canada supports them, it pisses me off
As I said they've hijacked it, so I'm happy if I've have cleared that up for you
As for the saying, it's been around for a long time and again, it's like some of the buzzwords that are used by these far right morons, and their followers, they fly the flag as if everyone is on their side, not the case
By the way, I sold my boats, but that's another story
As far as free speech, I believe in a certain amount of 'free speech' as well as a certain amount censorship is required, in normal everyday life, again my opinion
There's lots of examples where people have crossed the line, with their words, and got called out, and in some cases, got their arse handed to them, I don't have a problem with that either
Anyway, it's a beautiful sunny day and we're off for a walk in the sunshine
Hard to believe thon clown is only 48. Look at the head on the cunt! Jones is probably on a social-engineering black ops budget advancing disinformation strategy in the same manner as David Icke. Disinfo operatives obscure important issues from public discussion by associating them with ridiculous theories so if say some English lad brought up the Diana Spencer assassination on their tae break they'd get shot down as 'one of those lizard-people theorists' and no discussion would take place.

He must be making a fortune aff the supplements he sells he just plays on people's fears years ago I never realised people actually listened to him I hope he made a fortune and the families of sandyhook take every fuckin penny
I still have a load of American friends on FB; some of whom are Trumptards. But what's worse are the QAnon muppets over here who have never been in America in their lives. Grown adults slabbering about Satanic conspiracies when they haven't darkened a chapel door in decades apart from weddins and funerals.
Oh ano and talk of the Democrats eating babies its fuckin mental I never realised people actually believed him
Oh ano and talk of the Democrats eating babies its fuckin mental I never realised people actually believed him
With the advent of the internet, him and people like him have grown in strength and are able to fleece gullibles in their millions, much like the old Televangelists were able to through cable TV channels
Here's another nugget who has made millions on late night commercial TV with his ads
A big Trump supporter he claimed to have enough proof of election fraud, after his buddy Trump lost, to put every American in prison for life, he is 'allegedly' quoted as saying that , although that could be attributed to his formerly being addicted to cocaine
He claims to have found GOD, which has helped him with his sobriety
Not sure where he found the deity, behind the couch, perhaps
Here's the wingnuts bio on Wikipedia

I was just saying free speech is just that free speech and that defend it the death is often quoted in the defence of the principal of free speech as for the fenian blood thing it’s not nice but it doesn’t bother me ,I don’t do the patriotic flag waving love my country thing so I don’t really understand your position there but whatever floats your boat it’s your boat not mine, I whole heartedly agree that we should all help each other out and try not to be cunts but I strongly believe that people have the right to say whatever they want no matter who it upsets that’s all I was saying I never mentioned the trucker protest I was actually referring to the Alex Jones comments and how some people say he should not have a platform maybe I should have said so in my post
Freedom of speech is dying out when you've got snowflakes who take offence to someone not calling a snowman a snow person, dinner ladies = dinner person, pisses me off no end in fact that last snow we had a few month ago me and the missus built a snowburd out the back I gave her tits and put wee stones on for nipples so everyone could see it was definately a snowburd, sorry snow-woman, got up in the morning and some bassa had destroyed her ( Brittney was her name ) i loved that snowburd 😂
Freedom of speech is dying out when you've got snowflakes who take offence to someone not calling a snowman a snow person, dinner ladies = dinner person, pisses me off no end in fact that last snow we had a few month ago me and the missus built a snowburd out the back I gave her tits and put wee stones on for nipples so everyone could see it was definately a snowburd, sorry snow-woman, got up in the morning and some bassa had destroyed her ( Brittney was her name ) i loved that snowburd 😂
All that shite does ma nut in as well as for poor Brittney mibbes she was out there all night singing hit me baby one more time till someone did
Oh ano and talk of the Democrats eating babies its fuckin mental I never realised people actually believed him
I read recently that people who believe all that baby eating shite cannot be convinced otherwise. You can show them overwhelming proof that what they think and believe is utter shite and it all it does is make them believe it even more.
Its true because they want it to be.
Freedom of speech is dying out when you've got snowflakes who take offence to someone not calling a snowman a snow person, dinner ladies = dinner person, pisses me off no end in fact that last snow we had a few month ago me and the missus built a snowburd out the back I gave her tits and put wee stones on for nipples so everyone could see it was definately a snowburd, sorry snow-woman, got up in the morning and some bassa had destroyed her ( Brittney was her name ) i loved that snowburd 😂
I hope Britney (the non binary snow person) wasn't white mate, some woke cunt would have you up on a racism charge is she/he/it was! ⛄
I hope Britney (the non binary snow person) wasn't white mate, some woke cunt would have you up on a racism charge is she/he/it was! ⛄
Britney was of mixed flake origins and as has been pointed out to me by a pal , just cos I gave britney a pair of boobs doesnt mean that she, I mean they was a woman 🤔😴
They kicked her frozen cnut in the bassas and decapitated her as well .
If there anything like me their foot would have lingered in Brittanys camel toe for a while so just look for a cunt wi a frost bitten toe and you’ll have the culprit and I hope you kept the nipple stones so you could reincarnate her next time it snows
We need to know if your Snow Person is D-FAB or D-MAB. Then we can decide what gender, if any, your vagina owning Snow Person prefers. I must point out that having a vagina does not necessarily make you a female- ask Barry Ferguson he knows.

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