The Flat Earth For Beginners

tt here is a top top physics professor

he has many many interesting lectures

And he has good visual experiments in them all

from back in the late 70s I think

but I think he is your level of science

makes the difficult more easy to grasp like most top proffessors manage to do

I can tell you with 100% confidence that nobody has been to the moon because it is not a place you can go to. It is a light source created by our Creator. Our Creator made two great lights, the greater light to govern the day which is the sun and the lesser light to govern the night, which is the moon. You only see one side of the moon because the moon circles the earth always facing the same way. The earth is still, just as you experience it. The moon is not what the Satanists have made you believe that it is a "planet" something solid that you can land on. Next time it's a full moon, just look up and try to imagine anyone being on that shiny object. They would be blinded! The sun & the moon are the same size. Both circle the flat stationary earth with the sun and moon spiraling above us. The sun tells us the time of day and the moon the day of the month. Space does not exist. The big bang theory is a satanic lie to take you away from your Creator. A pressurized atmosphere can not exist next to an infinite vacuum. Vacuum's can only exist within a container. You know that but choose to believe Satan's lie because it was drummed into you at school. It's a a lie. We are not on a spinning ball. Water does not bend to the shape of a ball. Gravity does not exist. Gravity was invented by the satanists to fool everyone. Things drop to the ground because they are heavier (denser) than the surrounding air. Things float because they are lighter (less dense) than the surrounding air. Things sink in water if they are heavier (denser) than the water and things float if they are lighter (less dense) than the surrounding water. The satanists trick you with complicated mathematical formulas, when simple answers are the truth. The sun is not 93 million miles away. Here is an easy formula for you:

If T=Truth, then NASA = SATAN without the T.

When rockets take off they go up then their trajectory is ALWAYS arc shaped, (they end up in the sea).

So no one has been to space because it doesn't exist. But NASA gets 52 million dollars A DAY to fool us all with CGI pictures and green screen technology. Does that answer your question? :)
No it doesn't and I knew it was a matter of time , just as I said earlier this flat earth thing is almost always suddenly carried away into a different angle concerning religion and satan etc, water cannot take the shape of a sphere? Guess it doesn't rain much in your part of Thailand TT? Ever seen a rain drop? Take a photo when it's hammering down and zoom in, if you're camera has high enough resolution you'll see exactly what you claim cannot happen falling from the sky. Not only that but water can take almost infinite shapes, every snowflake crystal is unique in form, The "light source" as you say (I'll call it the moon for fun). You dont have to go there to be able to see impact craters on the surface, the sea of tranquility, and many other features can easily be seen any clear night. They are not actual seas or oceans but they are clearly visible even more so through a telescope or binoculars. No such features can be seen on the sun but solar flares can be seen. To try and say both are the same because they give light is wrong , so wrong a primary school kid could correct it. We can look at the moons light because its reflective light and satan's got nothing to do with it. You're post is contradictory and does not answer any questions though it asks some for me about your reasoning for the whole flat earth, this is about religion to you.
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Why does the moon, sorry I mean the light source have craters on it? I've got a nice set of Nikon binoculars and I can see them quite clearly, or am I just imagining them due to brain washing, not watching the right you tube channels etc?
Why does the moon, sorry I mean the light source have craters on it? I've got a nice set of Nikon binoculars and I can see them quite clearly, or am I just imagining them due to brain washing, not watching the right you tube channels etc?
could be wonky lens

preprogrammed lens that when looking at the moon they make it look like its got craters

reality is its clearly a shiny bit of paper attached to the dome
could be wonky lens

preprogrammed lens that when looking at the moon they make it look like its got craters

reality is its clearly a shiny bit of paper attached to the dome
But the Clangers still live on it right?
Please dont tell me they're not real, I can deal with gravity being a lie but not the fucking Clangers!😿
Thai tim ! Do you believe that satellites have been sent into orbit and further afield ( unmanned probes etc) are all of these satellites launched by satanists? Liars? What if so do ,you believe is the purpose behind the deception? If some scientists released papers to show the earth actually was flat do you think that the world would go into a state of panic? I doubt it. As not many really care though many do I believe the human race would not be thrown into chaos nor would they turn to religion or satanism either would they?
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what I don't understand about the spinning dome is the way planets move different in sky from stars as does the moon and the sun

its like they have a weird life of their own on that dome making funny time lapse shapes

I used to think it was cause we were on a giant ball spinning round sun with giant ball spinning round us as we all spin round the centre of the galaxy

but tt has proven beyond doubt 100 confident that its a hoax

we are on a giant carpet with a fancy dome with shiny bits of paper stuck to dome with a weird hard to follow spinning sequence for certain bits

cheers tt

im cured

But the Clangers still live on it right?
Please dont tell me they're not real, I can deal with gravity being a lie but not the fucking Clangers!😿
That's another point where flat earth falls down, gravity. Something flat earth believers prefer to avoid. As they cant explain gravity and so replaced it with creator and satan etc etc
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That's another point where flat earth falls down, gravity. Something flat earth believers prefer to avoid. As ghdg chang explain gravity and so replaced it with creator and satan etc etc
I used to believe in gravity but clearly we just have sticky shoes to stop us flaying away when we jump

newton was a warlock magician with the all seeing eye crystal and he looked like evil in the time bandits