The Holocaust

Werner Von Braun is a good starting point for paperclip and there is a wealth of information and documentaries online. Wasn't just the Yanks, the Brits 'relocated' Nazis too and a quartet of German scientists were instrumental in delivering the Soviet atomic bomb with Manfred von Ardenne receiving the Stalin prize in 1947.

Von Braun and his team were taken to America and rebranded " good" Nazis.
They then managed to wriggle out of much of the holocaust accusations by claiming they were forced into carrying out the work and didnt know what was happening in the camps.

It's a load of rubbish he knew full well what went on since he visited the camps and the factories and saw the state of the people building his rockets.

It was once stated that NASA was built by Nazis and Jews.

Sadly as we saw in the 90's in the Balkans it doesnt take much for it to almost happen again
Von Braun and his team were taken to America and rebranded " good" Nazis.
They then managed to wriggle out of much of the holocaust accusations by claiming they were forced into carrying out the work and didnt know what was happening in the camps.

It's a load of rubbish he knew full well what went on since he visited the camps and the factories and saw the state of the people building his rockets.

It was once stated that NASA was built by Nazis and Jews.

Sadly as we saw in the 90's in the Balkans it doesnt take much for it to almost happen again
i read book on paperclip last week. it was massive 24 hour reading book and i sped read it so didnt fully take in every nuance

but the entire programs appears to be a cold war arms race
the soviets were trying to hire these (often war criminals if not mostly) scientists

it seems nasa wasnt possible without these dudes

the records were mostly unsealed in 2013

some of the crimes of these so called experts are off the scale

5 year sentence at nuremburg reduced and secretly funneled into us and protected in lot of cases to extract their rocket and mengele type experimental expertise for bioweapons

great read btw

but truly frightening that its not properly known other than as conspiracy theory

well it turns out it was all true and still its pretty unknown scandal despite the damning records from classified documents released to public
that was book i read and although its big book it has some chapters that should be properly understood by all world

even speer getting 20 years for being sorry was a joke

the dude who meticulously ran the concentration camp accounting for slave labour and the plethora of documents with the big businesses and directors of huge companies who all used concentration camp slave labour and human experiments was sorry

20 years for being sorry

oh 5 years for injecting gangrene into smashed legs that you smashed so you could see if you could cure it before he dies, its been reduced to 1 year and you now have a cushy job in america working for amercian military

during nuremburg trial a dude who was left criplled after being experimented on in concentration camp

a german of gypsy decent who married a german woman-hence a capital offence

was injected with salt water on multiple occasions got 90 days in prison for trying to stab the bloke in the dock

the doctor who tortured him and he was the only survivor of the expirements albeit permantly damaged kidnies, the doctor got a short sentence

for being tortured and unable to restrain himself in court he got 90 days sentence for abuse in court


that drug was used in concentration camps to see if it could replace food for slaves

it crippled old people in camps withion days

one of the directors of company who used those drugs on people was later a director of the company that issued that same drug as safe for pregnant women

it only cripples old people in concentration camp but its safe for morning sickness, honest

these dudes who ran businesses using concentration camp labour often went on to be richest people in world with no prison time

that drug was used in concentration camps to see if it could replace food for slaves

it crippled old people in camps withion days

one of the directors of company who used those drugs on people was later a director of the company that issued that same drug as safe for pregnant women

it only cripples old people in concentration camp but its safe for morning sickness, honest

these dudes who ran businesses using concentration camp labour often went on to be richest people in world with no prison time
Auschwitz Birkenau was run by IG Farben and for their 'punishment' the conglomerate was broken up into its original constituent companies; 3 of which are still household names - Bayer, AGFA & BASF. Of their 13 corporate executives convicted of war crimes all were released by 1951.
Whit? So a company founded in America devised a barcode during the war for Nazi Germany to keep track of slave labour aye? Really?
Tattooing began in 1941 Oct with Soviet prisoners, then the SS began expensive tattooing for all Jewish prisoners.
IBM invented a punch card computer. You fill oot cards for people with all their info on it. All the cards are identical and ask the same questions. Then put holes beside the information on the card. You can then set the machine to grab cards based on the holes next to religion, political affiliation, trade union membership etc. It could process thousands of cards and pick oot, Jews, communists, socialists and any group ye want. It was supposed to be for business improvement. The Nazis made use of the these machines.
IBM invented a punch card computer. You fill oot cards for people with all their info on it. Then put holes beside the information on the card. You can then set the machine to grab cards based on the holes next to religion, political affiliation, trade union membership etc. It could process thousands of cards and pick oot, Jews, communists, socialists and any group ye want. It was supposed to be for business improvement. The Nazis made use of the these machines.
Were talking about tattoos on human skin being used as a barcode mate, there sole purpose was to de-huminise people to the status of a number to make the atrocities less seem less real, After all it's easier to murder a number than a person.
I lived in South Africa in the 70’s and Apartheid was the most heinous of crimes against the indigenous people there. The only time I was able to sit next to an African was at mass on a Sunday.

Everything in their own country separated to the advantage of people with white skin, transport, beaches, homes, land, farming, wages, Health care, access to clean living standards, inter-marriage was a crime, curfews on the city centre after 6pm. I seen two young Africans getting beat up by police because they had broken the curfew as we headed to a city centre cinema.

The arrogance of the White supremacists Afrikaans was breathtaking.

Pat was working in the shipyards out there and so after several dinner parties with so called ex U.K. citizen’s who bought into the Master and Servant role far too easy as they discussed their maid who had been stealing socks one by one so their Madam wouldn’t notice.
I couldn’t believe their pettiness and asked why they didn’t just give the poor woman a pair of fucking socks? 😡 as their guard dogs barked at the odour of darkened skin.

I told Pat it was time to go back to Glasgow as I couldn’t stand the bourgeois of Mlton, Paisley and Essex I had had enough so we sailed back to snow laden Glasgow that November 1976.

I could never accept Apartheid and the injustice that it was and my minute contribution was to give the cleaner at our apartment block as we were leaving all our left over food with a few extras and she was so humble and gracious in her acceptance of a bag of messages. 🧦 🧦 a pair of fucking socks I ask you.

Apologies a wee bit off topic…but just thought I would share.
i read book on paperclip last week. it was massive 24 hour reading book and i sped read it so didnt fully take in every nuance

but the entire programs appears to be a cold war arms race
the soviets were trying to hire these (often war criminals if not mostly) scientists

it seems nasa wasnt possible without these dudes

the records were mostly unsealed in 2013

some of the crimes of these so called experts are off the scale

5 year sentence at nuremburg reduced and secretly funneled into us and protected in lot of cases to extract their rocket and mengele type experimental expertise for bioweapons

great read btw

but truly frightening that its not properly known other than as conspiracy theory

well it turns out it was all true and still its pretty unknown scandal despite the damning records from classified documents released to public

It's worth remembering that at the start and end of WW2 the British and Germans were far more advanced than the American's and Russians.
The British handed over radar, jet engines and a host of other technology to the U.S.
Oppenheimer had roughly 100 Germans and a team of 19 British working on the Atom Bomb

At the end of the war the allies raced to try and get their hands on the Nazi rocket scientist.
Make no mistake they were pure out and out Nazi's never mind what they said.
You couldn't get that high up in Germany without being a Nazi
Vonn Braun was a major in the SS and had been an officer cadet in the SS Cavalry in 1933.
He officially joined the Nazi Party in 1937 not as he claimed he was forced to do in 1939.

1600 German scientists were taken to America and a number to Russia to start the cold war.
Arguably without them there would be no NASA
Auschwitz Birkenau was run by IG Farben and for their 'punishment' the conglomerate was broken up into its original constituent companies; 3 of which are still household names - Bayer, AGFA & BASF. Of their 13 corporate executives convicted of war crimes all were released by 1951.

Henry Ford received an award direct from Hitler pre war
Hitler had a picture of Henry Ford in his office and he admired Ford's anti Semitic writings.
Ford sent Hitler a personal gift of 35,000 Reich Marks for his 50th Birthday.
It has been said that Germany couldn't have invaded Russia without Ford and GM.
After the war both GM and Ford successfully sued the allies for damages to their German factories due to Allied bombing raids
Ford made millions building the B24 Bomber used by both the British and Americans to bomb Germany.
America only severed diplomatic relations with Germany after Germany declared war on America.
The U.S.A never declared war on Germany.

Post war documents showed both companies used forced Labour and American and British troops were shocked to find workers held behind barbed wire at their factories

The Americans stopped supplying the Germans with the Coke syrup to it's German Plants.
The Germans replaced the syrup with fruit.
During a tasting session when asked for feedback an employee declared it was FANTAstic.

Post war Coke returned and claimed the rights to their factory the monies in the bank and the recipe for Fanta.

Lots of household names had no issue with doing business with Hitler
Henry Ford received an award direct from Hitler pre war
Hitler had a picture of Henry Ford in his office and he admired Ford's anti Semitic writings.
Ford sent Hitler a personal gift of 35,000 Reich Marks for his 50th Birthday.
It has been said that Germany couldn't have invaded Russia without Ford and GM.
After the war both GM and Ford successfully sued the allies for damages to their German factories due to Allied bombing raids
Ford made millions building the B24 Bomber used by both the British and Americans to bomb Germany.
America only severed diplomatic relations with Germany after Germany declared war on America.
The U.S.A never declared war on Germany.

Post war documents showed both companies used forced Labour and American and British troops were shocked to find workers held behind barbed wire at their factories

The Americans stopped supplying the Germans with the Coke syrup to it's German Plants.
The Germans replaced the syrup with fruit.
During a tasting session when asked for feedback an employee declared it was FANTAstic.

Post war Coke returned and claimed the rights to their factory the monies in the bank and the recipe for Fanta.

Lots of household names had no issue with doing business with Hitler
All I can say Richie, if Germany didn't invade Russia, or at least didn't split their armies to fight at both Stalingrad and Leningrad, they would probably won the war.

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