The Holocaust

All I can say Richie, if Germany didn't invade Russia, or at least didn't split their armies to fight at both Stalingrad and Leningrad, they would probably won the war.
Not sure about that Frank, they only turned their attentions to Russia when they failed to find a way to invade Britain due to our superior airforce and navy. They also had just received their first bloody nose when Montgomery kicked Rommel out of Africa
Were talking about tattoos on human skin being used as a barcode mate, there sole purpose was to de-huminise people to the status of a number to make the atrocities less seem less real, After all it's easier to murder a number than a person.

The numbers were for record keeping purposes
One thing that the Germans were brutally efficient with was record keeping
They kept records for absolutely everything and these records helped a lot of people on to the end on Mr Pierrepoint's Noose post war.

For instance every person who was sent to a death camp went by rail
The German Railway "issued" every passenger a third class single (no need for a return)
The cost of the ticket was then reclaimed back from Central Government so that the journey, crew's wages, fuel etc could then be accounted for.

After the bombing of Dresden experts from the local concentration camps came in to manage the clean up.
They logged everything, piled the bodies up in the main square and used flamethrowers to dispose of the bodies en-masse.
De-humanising the killing was never an issue for the Germans.
The amount of people needing killing was the issue and why the camps became industrialised.
The Einsatzgruppen (translated means special action units) never had more than 3000 men serving in them.
They are credited with killing more than a million people.
In two days in Kiev aided by collaborators and local police they shot 33,771 Jews.
You read that correct in two days they shot 33,771 women, children and men.
The wounded were buried alive.
The problems for the Germans was not the killing but the amount of ammo needed to carry it out and the size of the pit needed for all the bodies.
All of which needs to be accounted for.

One unit that was very good at shooting people and committing crimes against humanity was the 14th (Ukrainian) Waffen SS Grenadier Division.
Not so good on the battlefield where they reportedly dropped their weapons and fled but utterly ruthless with Polish and Ukrainian civilians.
They spent most of their war retreating and at wars end were in Austria where they managed to surrender to the British Army.
Stalin wanted them back in the Soviet Union where a single bullet to the back of the head was waiting.
They were taken by ship to Britain and put in a camp near Lockerbie.
The Pope personally appealed to the British Government to save them as they were all good Catholics
They were allowed to remain with most staying in Scotland where they found work as lumberjacks and other jobs and adopted a disguised Polish nationality.
The Holocaust was the most horrific act every committed by humans.

My Daughter-in-law is Iranian she was born in the UK, but her parents had escaped Iran a year after the Iranian Revoution. Her parents were both Orthodox Christians & over a period of months received 10,000 lashes, they eventually denounced their Christianity & left the country for a new life in Britain, they both had good jobs & had no problem getting jobs in London in the 80s. I rented their annex while working for 3yrs in London.

It was after 10yrs of friendship that Sulman trusted me enough to show his scars of what 10,000 lashes looked like. Even now he doesn't take his t-shirt off on sunny days 42yrs after it happened, his wife's back is the same. A heinous barbaric act committed in the name of man made religion

Humans have commit atrocities against each other for centuries,
Not sure about that Frank, they only turned their attentions to Russia when they failed to find a way to invade Britain due to our superior airforce and navy. They also had just received their first bloody nose when Montgomery kicked Rommel out of Africa
You're correct Miktim, but when they embarked on operation Barbarosa, ( the invasion of Russia ), they thought it would be a minor skirmish that would be over in four months maximum. I'm a bit of a world war two nerd. I really do believe Hitler's attempts to help his fellow fascists, Franco, Mussolini, in particular, led to him weakening his very powerful army. Major mistakes. Two terrific books on Barbarosa, one by Stewart Binns, and the other by David Dimbleby. Written in very different styles, but both brilliant.
You're correct Miktim, but when they embarked on operation Barbarosa, ( the invasion of Russia ), they thought it would be a minor skirmish that would be over in four months maximum. I'm a bit of a world war two nerd. I really do believe Hitler's attempts to help his fellow fascists, Franco, Mussolini, in particular, led to him weakening his very powerful army. Major mistakes. Two terrific books on Barbarosa, one by Stewart Binns, and the other by David Dimbleby. Written in very different styles, but both brilliant.
Aye Frank , Barbarossa was a very interesting period of the Second World War. The German went from being all conquering super elite too being destitute wrecks eating snow
You're correct Miktim, but when they embarked on operation Barbarosa, ( the invasion of Russia ), they thought it would be a minor skirmish that would be over in four months maximum. I'm a bit of a world war two nerd. I really do believe Hitler's attempts to help his fellow fascists, Franco, Mussolini, in particular, led to him weakening his very powerful army. Major mistakes. Two terrific books on Barbarosa, one by Stewart Binns, and the other by David Dimbleby. Written in very different styles, but both brilliant.
Hey Frank, I like to read about the war too. I highly recommend the novels Stalingrad, by Vasilly Grossman and Life and Fate also by Grossman.
Grossman never lived to see his books published. They were smuggled out of the Soviet Union on microfilm. Grossman was Jewish and his mother was murdered by the Nazis.
Much of what happens to the characters in the novels actually happened to Grossman or people he knew. (He was a war correspondent for the Red Army newspaper) They are available on i books for about £3.
WW2 was won through a combination of poor German intelligence, logistics and planning regards Russia (surprised by the T-34 and poor state of infrastructure, prioritised ammo production over winter gear and primarily horse-drawn supply lines), American Industry (Russian logistics was greatly improved by American Studebacker trucks, fuel and grain), British airfields from which German industry was disrupted and most importantly Russian blood. Not forgetting the strategic limitations of a regime led by a madman who refused to allow strategic withdrawals and encouraged the barbarity which sowed the seeds of asymmetric Partisan resistance.
The thule society which encouraged the master race theory and based on ancient aliens and atlantis type stuff that is now the history channel

is history channel also run by ex nazi peppo?

nae history lots of atlantis and ancient aliens though

i was reading an occult book on the nazi ideology

they basically believed in thor from what i read and they were offspring of angles and humans creating a norse superbeing type man

And thats why they were mad about all ancient stuff that fit they old pagan religious stuff of ice people who could survive in extreme weathers

they believed the napoleon trip to russia failed coz the french arent pure norse god peepo

but being the master race the germans would smash the soviets where napoleon failed in an artic winter campaign

also led them to set up bases in atartica searching for ancient atlantis and alien technology that they believed the ice peepo hid down there

now it was a mad occult book so no sure hoow much of it was pish or not but apparently thule society which was the progentor of nazi ideology is based on atlantis and ice people with superhuman germanic bloodlines
Hey Frank, I like to read about the war too. I highly recommend the novels Stalingrad, by Vasilly Grossman and Life and Fate also by Grossman.
Grossman never lived to see his books published. They were smuggled out of the Soviet Union on microfilm. Grossman was Jewish and his mother was murdered by the Nazis.
Much of what happens to the characters in the novels actually happened to Grossman or people he knew. (He was a war correspondent for the Red Army newspaper) They are available on i books for about £3.
Thanks Richy I'll definitely look both of them up.
The holocaust is history, absolutely terrible thing, but history, the Jewish nation, always play the holocaust card every time they get criticism, but in reality they are one of the the most evil secretive countries out there, what they’re doing to the Palestinians, is shocking, very similar to what the Germans done at the start of ww2, invaded, Poland and Russia to get living room for the German population……exactly what they’re doing to the Palestinian people, encroaching on their lands forcing them out, at gun point, making new settlements for Israeli immigrants, the very FACT that I’ve compared what they are doing to what the nazi done in the the war is “classed” the the Jews as “anti semitc,
I don’t agree, that THEY should make the laws/rules, be judge and jury,
Any criticism…….gets branded as anti semitic 😡
The holocaust is history, absolutely terrible thing, but history, the Jewish nation, always play the holocaust card every time they get criticism, but in reality they are one of the the most evil secretive countries out there, what they’re doing to the Palestinians, is shocking, very similar to what the Germans done at the start of ww2, invaded, Poland and Russia to get living room for the German population……exactly what they’re doing to the Palestinian people, encroaching on their lands forcing them out, at gun point, making new settlements for Israeli immigrants, the very FACT that I’ve compared what they are doing to what the nazi done in the the war is “classed” the the Jews as “anti semitc,
I don’t agree, that THEY should make the laws/rules, be judge and jury,
Any criticism…….gets branded as anti semitic 😡
They even accused Amnesty International of being Anti-Semitic recently in response to criticism of their policies.
A very complex, very sad, even very depressing subject. Impossible to simplify the many examples of human kind's ability to carry such hatred for their fellow homo sapiens, that we can indulge in the most unspeakable atrocities. Some very knowledgeable, opinionated folk on The Noise.
A very complex, very sad, even very depressing subject. Impossible to simplify the many examples of human kind's ability to carry such hatred for their fellow homo sapiens, that we can indulge in the most unspeakable atrocities. Some very knowledgeable, opinionated folk on The Noise.
Some right boring fuckers tae Frank!
Its a very complex problem

I have no idea how you solve that particular quagmire.

I was pointed out to me once that 150 years ago the region was part of lower syria inside ottoman Empire

The territory known as palestine was never a country it was a bit like scandanavia is not a country

im sure parts of jordan and egypt an maybe even modern day syria was within the large region called palestine.

no idea if thats true or just mu imagination

i cant say ive ever been too impressed with any of the leaders of that region anymore than the leaders of any other country though

its a particularly difficult problem to solve

who are the good guys who are the bad yins?

its a similar quagmire in many hotspots throughout the world.
The reason the so called 'Holy Land' has such historical significance is due to it being the only passable strip of land for that stage of the Silk Road where fabrics and spices were caravanned to the west from China and India. The taxes levied ensured the wealth of whomever ruled the area and they were wise enough to invest heavily in the social engineering which resulted in Monotheism. The rest is history.