The Importance Of This Site And Getting Everyone On It

It is clear imo that based on the available information corruption and fraud has occurred within the confines of Scottish football and some of those responsible are still in situ.

If what is being reported is valid that Celtic cannot take on the SFA without sanctions being applied by UEFA what is the problem with Celtic shareholders and any other interested parties taking the initiative, crowd funding, and going after these cheating, corrupt officials and their organisations through the relevant courts?

Can this be done?
Hi folks

On KDS, (they've gone quiet) , same user name.

Think I've been following these issues since the days of the old BBC forum. Quite a few years ago.

It really is the time for all out action. Celtic must act at the right time.

We need to move in a coordinated manner and try and ensure fans of other clubs are on board.
I don’t think they follow any “values” as such Deek, certainly none of the above. In my opinion, they are a monster created by the inadequacy of those assigned to govern them (SFA).

But as long as we are winning they will cry foul to the SFA, media, basically anyone that gives them the chance. And every outlet gives them that chance. Remember “Ref watch” in the Daily Record as we went for four in a row under Strachan?

We should endeavour to get their weight behind change, let them help us open Pandora’s box and use that to create a better system for us. Sponsors actually value THEM as part of this fake “old firm” dichotomy. So whilst I understand the desire to hit them and the SFA in the pocket under the “money talks” angle, I don’t think it would be successful.

Nothing to stop us trying that mind you, anything at all to move us nearer to a fair game would get my backing. It’s rigged nature will hurt us again someday. Gives me nightmares. I don’t mind us losing games or trophies on a level playing field. That’s part of being a Celtic fan. But this joke system must be overturned because it’s getting to the stage our trophies are a symbol of beating a corrupt system. Which whilst laudable, isn’t correct.

Specavers is a sponsor of the SFA ?
Irony bypass, seems to be working

Perhaps if you have any concerns about me then you could message James privately rather than publicly doubt me but now that you have then fill your boots and say why as I’m sure everyone who reads this will also wonder why
I'll you why mate exact same name on Munter media just without the low case "h".
My sincere apologies if l am wrong .
Hopefully Kilmarnock and Aberdeen supporters have been given fresh hope this week that there is independent thought among their directors.

By taking their incompetence upto a new level the SFA may just have sickened some folk into realising that the charade of moving on is actually moving backwards into deeper darker places.

Other clubs have had a taste of relative success with the Ibrox club unable to call in dubious financial scams, creating new means to assist Sevco and deny other clubs could backfire, spectacularly. Hopefully.
Hopefully Kilmarnock and Aberdeen supporters have been given fresh hope this week that there is independent thought among their directors.

By taking their incompetence upto a new level the SFA may just have sickened some folk into realising that the charade of moving on is actually moving backwards into deeper darker places.

Other clubs have had a taste of relative success with the Ibrox club unable to call in dubious financial scams, creating new means to assist Sevco and deny other clubs could backfire, spectacularly. Hopefully.
I sincerely hope that it marks a change in momentum for clubs better representing their fans feelings. I'd say those two clubs and Hibs probably have some of the biggest disconnects between the board and fans in recent years. The battle between the modernisers (including our own Lawwell) and traditionalists within the SFA regarding the process for positions of office should hopefully kick things up a notch too. Petrie being next in line for the chair may even find his own fans up in arms against him. It really is high time that the SFA and the clubs had a greater voice in the running for the fans. Not necessarily a majority stake, but at least 25% or so and a board seat at the clubs. Also fans representatives holding a say in SFA processes rather than just the clubs (who already have the SPFL run on their behalf)
The corrupt SFA are clearly a major problem and I am so glad you guys are trying to do something about this. We need an independent review of the SFA. But is that possible?

Anyway, do we not have more pressing issues? We cant start moaning about defeats and failures because of the Masonic influences. The people running our game have been here the last two seasons and beyond. We have managed to rise above their antics. Now that things are going to pot, by our own boards doing, I cant help feel the SFA would just tell us to get our own house in order, instead of blaming them. So yeah the SFA are Masons but lets not distract from the real problem at our club, which is a lack of ambition and care by the parasites that run our club. Mr Desmond in particular is an absentee landlord and "legal" tax dodger who has stated he will never invest any money in Celtic beyond his shares. But he managed to spare £14million on an extra new house. His board of cronies and Tories are also as ideologically detached from the founding philosophy of our club as you could get. Yet the strangely increasing number of happy clappers, would appear to defend this sort of selfish behaviour as somehow compatible with Walfrids vision for the club.

Brendan Rodgers by contrast is a Celtic fan who had to get a real job in a factory after a football injury. He could be elsewhere earning more money. He has achieved several records already, a double treble and two years of CL group stage football. He has signed up for 10 in a row and yet the team he has is not particularly different to the one Ronny Delia had. And of the £100million that has come into the club, hardly a penny has been given to him in NET terms, on new players? Of the players he has really wanted (Dembelle and Sinclair) both were top signings. Most of the others he wanted were refused reasonable funding by the board and the rest seem to have been forced upon him by Dodgy Pete and or his sons club as development projects for Money City.

So how can any genuine Celtic fan blame Rodgers for anything? The team was not allowed to be strengthened and then the heart of the team he was building was ripped out. On top of that, the Board seem to have turned nasty on the manager for daring to voice his annoyance.

Yes, we dont have EPL money but we are not short of money either. And so much as Hotels, lights and other projects that will likely increase the exiting share price for the Bankers, Tory businessmen and Accountants, they're hardly a logical substitute to lost CL earnings or indeed team and fan enjoyment.
great post james,HH "imagine all the people" i'm not being facetious, but everyone watch anyone but celtic by paul larkin on you tube,there are dark forces out there, who want to keep us at the "back of the bus" smsm the institutions,the courts all aligned behind the "institution club" perhaps we can reach out to other fan groups,perhaps not, we know supporters, or supporting is emotional to the nth degree,how many don't many are happy with the status quo,how many want change, I favoured boycotts of games, but emotionally I couldn't let our bhoys play with no support,we know celtic and celtic fans don't matter in sectarian Scotland,will the supporters of other clubs step up to the plate,we know more and more fans are becoming detached from their boards.possibly through social media, we can get fan power organised,and let the suits know, that we're not customers,we are the most important part of any club, we are, the fans!!!
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The above link is for the article I posted last night.

That article is about us, about all of us, about fan-power and it contends that we are the last best chance of getting change in the SFA. There are a lot of threads on this site already about that very subject, and I can tell you that moves are afoot in various places and between various parties to move us beyond the current impasse, where at the moment - and it pains me to write this - the biggest cheats in the history of sport in Scotland and probably Britain are going to get away with it.

As things stand right now, there is almost zero chance of us winning on title stripping, the Survival Lie, the Victim Lie, EBT use, corruption at the SFA, the need for an inquiry and, horribly, even Resolution 12 ending in something like justice appears as forlorn hope. Note the stony silence out of Hampden on whether they intend to take that matter to the Court of Arbitration for Sport ... they would dearly love that issue to go away.

Right now, as it stands, Celtic is out of remedies. Celtic cannot push on any of these issues because we do not have the support of other clubs. The idea that Celtic could take the matter through the courts has understandable appeal for some people, but I can assure them that the club has explored that avenue with the lawyers and where it's not absolutely impossible the truth is that even if we did, we'd be subjected to the full range of UEFA sanctions for doing so; they would see us banned from European football for a minimum of one year and perhaps even longer.

As I say in the article, one door is definitely closed to us. But there are other doors. Do not underestimate the influence that we have as fans. Celtic supporters put more money into the game here than those of any other club. Any other club, including DeadCo, for all they might claim otherwise. On top of that, I don't think there is a single club on this island which is more engaged over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and in supporting New Media as ours is. The birth of the Internet Bampots has snatched the news agenda away from the MSM and put it into our hands, and Celtic sites are read across Scottish football by every fan at every club who's asking the questions that matter. They know we're one of the key driving forces of reform.

One of the reasons for that is rarely discussed, perhaps even rarely acknowledged; we are not asking for anything that isn't completely fair.

Celtic sites are not pushing for our club to be selfish, or to look after its own interests first. When we talk about reforms - changes to the SFA elections procedures, publication of how clubs vote on major measures, financial fair play regulations, openness about how decision making works, accountability to the supporters and a full and comprehensive investigation into the events of 2012 and certain matters before and since - we are asking for things that will benefit the game as a whole. None of this would work to the detriment of other clubs. None would carve up territory or power and hand it to us.

We say what we mean and we mean what we say. Fans elsewhere get it, and support it.

This site is an amalgam of the work done by three Celtic fan blogs; The CelticBlog itself, VideoCelts and The Celtic Star. Those involved in those sites have wide experience working in Celtic cyberspace and have links with various other sites including CQN, E-Tims, Celts From The South, IndyCelts and others. Whilst the brainchild of the three sites mentioned first, we consider this a partnership involving all Celtic fans.

Indeed, we consider this a partnership which wants to link arms with sites which aren't exclusively for our supporters; some will disagree with me, but I consider The Scottish Football Monitor to still be the most important site on Scottish football cyberspace, with its wide range of views from across the game. Those who run it are allies and friends; don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

This forum is here to help us organise better.

Nothing like it has been done before, and there will be ups and downs and hiccups along the way, but the unified nature of it marks it out as special, as different, as something that can drive, and then affect, real change.

Hey, you might say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

One road has closed for us; we can no longer rely on the club to keep pushing the issues. It's our turn now.

As I said in the piece, in a section quoting one of my favourite writers; "I said victory could not be achieved by arms. I still hope for victory, but not by arms."

The fans are the real power in football in Scotland; it's just that they haven't really realised it yet.

Part of our job here is to give them a shake, and wake them the Hell up.

If you know people who care about these issues, get them involved on this site and let's start talking about how we fix this.

Its very easy to break a stick but nigh on impossible if that sticks in a bundle. HH James ☘️
It is clear imo that based on the available information corruption and fraud has occurred within the confines of Scottish football and some of those responsible are still in situ.

If what is being reported is valid that Celtic cannot take on the SFA without sanctions being applied by UEFA what is the problem with Celtic shareholders and any other interested parties taking the initiative, crowd funding, and going after these cheating, corrupt officials and their organisations through the relevant courts?

Can this be done?
It can be done but think the Res 12 guys wanted to exhaust every avenue before making there next move there was talk of some well healed shareholders willing to go it alone
It can be done but think the Res 12 guys wanted to exhaust every avenue before making there next move there was talk of some well healed shareholders willing to go it alone
accordin to James, Celtic's legal team are on the case and we've to stand by, that's allegedly the reason why nothin's came out of Celtic park,gonny be a watch this space moment,i for one won't be holdin my breath. HH
JF keep a wee eye on speyside Lhad doesn't ring true to me. Apologies if am wrong Hh

Never had a problem with SL.

I shall continue to talk with him with no negative perceptions unless - like everyone else on here - something gives me concern.

If you have doubts about someone a DM would be better.

Now, it is possible that anything SL says shall be scrutinised more harshly that others.

Very poor, TGS. Your apology is unacceptable.
accordin to James, Celtic's legal team are on the case and we've to stand by, that's allegedly the reason why nothin's came out of Celtic park,gonny be a watch this space moment,i for one won't be holdin my breath. HH

It would be appreciated if James would simply state that this is a live, ongoing matter, perhaps even once a week.

It is infuriating ?
This sums it up for me. Maybe an explanation of why these things are all doomed to failure. A incling of what you propose to do differently that will change it?

“As things stand right now, there is almost zero chance of us winning on title stripping, the Survival Lie, the Victim Lie, EBT use, corruption at the SFA, the need for an inquiry and, horribly, even Resolution 12 ending in something like justice appears as forlorn hope.”

We keep hearing the Celtic legal team are working in these issues. Says who? Have you any idea if the cost of having a legal team work on so many things? A flick through our accounts will show you that there isn’t an excessive legal bill. Are they doing it for nothing?

A bit more clarity, evidence of how certain acts constitute illegality. And if you have any of that then why are you stating all is doomed?

It’s been an never ending saga that has produced nothing to bring any charges to Rangers, old or new thatvhad ked to any action.

Again, why?

It’s clear to me Celtic aren’t interested. Or they gave the wurst legal team since My Cousin Vinny in relation to legal acumen.

Or have I missed it all?

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