Tommy Robinson Exposes The BBC

Small snippets of PISH are pish in any Language. Saying something about different divisions but no evidence or faces to back it up. He’s a liar they’re Haters but you can’t see it. Bye bye. I can’t get out my house for all the Muslim gangs ha ha ha it’s Pish man wake up
Are you on Deludamol. It’s the drug of choice
For HATER’S. big JL said it best
Love is all you need.

HH ☘️
Small snippets of PISH are pish in any Language. Saying something about different divisions but no evidence or faces to back it up. He’s a liar they’re Haters but you can’t see it. Bye bye. I can’t get out my house for all the Muslim gangs ha ha ha it’s Pish man wake up
Are you on Deludamol. It’s the drug of choice
For HATER’S. big JL said it best
Love is all you need.

HH ☘️
Is this guy for real?.HH
Thai Tim
Forget about TR for a moment.

Can you write a post about what you believe in just to get a better idea of who you are?

Synopsis of your ideal political system.
Your favourite past world famous leaders.
Your favourite Religion
Your least favourite religions and why.
Your view on the Orange order
Your view on Irish unification
Which UK politicalparty would you endorse.
IS sevco and rangers the same club.
Do you support Sevco, if not, why not?
Thai Tim
Forget about TR for a moment.

Can you write a post about what you believe in just to get a better idea of who you are?

Synopsis of your ideal political system.
Your favourite past world famous leaders.
Your favourite Religion
Your least favourite religions and why.
Your view on the Orange order
Your view on Irish unification
Which UK politicalparty would you endorse.
IS sevco and rangers the same club.
Do you support Sevco, if not, why not?

Why do you want to know? In every non Celtic topic I've discussed on this site I think I have been quite lucid in my opinions and I have given the reasons for my opinions. One thing I am proud of is I don't live my life based on what other people think about me and I don't believe in things just because that is what is expected of me. I'm certainly not into group think or political correctness. Just because I might not have the same views as the majority, doesn't mean I am not a valid Celtic supporter. That said, I'll make a deal with you. If you write a post answering all of your questions then I promise I'll do the same.
Mines is easy mate.

Christ the king is the greatest leader ever.
Catholicism is the only religion he founded.
My least favourite religion is atheism, takes a lot of faith to think there is no god.
Orange order is opposite of christian and most closely follows your outlook form my perspective.
Ireland is an island that should belong to the irish people under 1 irish government open to all irish men.
I prefer the mixed economy of old UK run by labour, old real labour that actually represented labour. Doesnt exist at the minute. So SNP has been my vote of choice since UK elections dont benefit Scottish people in my opinion.
Sevco is anew club Rangers are dead.
I do wish sevco well, if they admit to all the failings of Rangers and promise to behave like a club that understands sustainability, but if they insist on telling lies and pretending they are vcitims and sevco is rangers then i hope they rot in hell and sevco goes to the wall just like its surrogate faither.

Oh and i think Tommy robinson would be opposite to my thinking in every way.

How bout you tt
This is an opportunity for you to see how the BBC have lied about Tommy Robinson. If you watch the video you might start to understand that Tommy Robinson is a true working class hero that has been totally misrepresented by the BBC and the media. If you don't want to watch the video and prefer to be hoodwinked by the BBC, fine! That's up to you.
Ok mate put the bong down. Go and sit in a dark room and take stock of your poor lifestyle choices
A reasonable well balanced post hoopsman, a lot more balance than the extreme hatred of other posts on this thread which I find ironic! If you watched the videos I linked on here you might find that your quoted "Tommy Robinson and his extreme hate fill views" is only accurate if you are alluding to his hatred of Islam ideology and of those who follow this ideology who are mass raping our young children, stating homosexuals should be killed, hate our western values and openly want to take over the running of our country, subjecting our females to becoming low life inferior objects and any blasphemy of Allah punishable by death. Living in Scotland you are lucky the Muslim community are not yet as radicalized as they are in many parts of England, but if we allow this evil to continue unabated, it is inevitable Scotland will be infected with the same problem too and you may only realize Tommys hate for these child raping beasts was actually justified. I have never heard Tommy speak in depth about Israel and Palestine so I can't comment too much, although I have heard him state that Hamas is a terrorist organisation. To a degree, that is probably correct but Hamas has legitimate cause to fight as Israel is a terrorist state! If the debate was about Israel then I would probably have opposing views to Tommy, but the debate is about highlighting the problems that comes with the New World Order deliberate mass immigration policy and a horrible politically correct accusation that anyone fighting against Islamic ideology must be some kind of demon as we allow the Muslims to rape, torture and murder our children. For that reason I am 100% behind Tommy and believe Tommy was a political prisoner, getting in the way of the NWO policy of a deliberate Muslim invasion into Europe.

I have lived and worked in middle east, stayed with a Muslim family in northern Iraq and was treated with dignity and respect; not an ounce of trouble.
My experience in working in lots of countries in the world is that people are the same in general.
The Muslims you refer to are similiar to the priests who abuse children in that they are.not representative of the Muslim community just as the failing priests are not representative of the Catholic community or church.
There are far too many abusers from all religions and none in.societies throughout the world.
I wouldn't claim that any particular race or religion had the top spot in.child or sexual abuse.

But please remember that what is being thrown at Muslims just now is what was thrown at the Jew in 1930'S.Germany
Mines is easy mate.

Christ the king is the greatest leader ever.
Catholicism is the only religion he founded.
My least favourite religion is atheism, takes a lot of faith to think there is no god.
Orange order is opposite of christian and most closely follows your outlook form my perspective.
Ireland is an island that should belong to the irish people under 1 irish government open to all irish men.
I prefer the mixed economy of old UK run by labour, old real labour that actually represented labour. Doesnt exist at the minute. So SNP has been my vote of choice since UK elections dont benefit Scottish people in my opinion.
Sevco is anew club Rangers are dead.
I do wish sevco well, if they admit to all the failings of Rangers and promise to behave like a club that understands sustainability, but if they insist on telling lies and pretending they are vcitims and sevco is rangers then i hope they rot in hell and sevco goes to the wall just like its surrogate faither.

Oh and i think Tommy robinson would be opposite to my thinking in every way.

How bout you tt
How are things TET? Did you ever get round to reading/listening to The Dispossessed? Not looking for an argument, just your well informed opinion. HH
How are things TET? Did you ever get round to reading/listening to The Dispossessed? Not looking for an argument, just your well informed opinion. HH
I read first few chapters but i forgot about it until you mentioned it there. I will read it befor Friday then give you an opinion on Friday mate.
Thai Tim
Forget about TR for a moment.

Can you write a post about what you believe in just to get a better idea of who you are?

Synopsis of your ideal political system.
Your favourite past world famous leaders.
Your favourite Religion
Your least favourite religions and why.
Your view on the Orange order
Your view on Irish unification
Which UK politicalparty would you endorse.
IS sevco and rangers the same club.
Do you support Sevco, if not, why not?
Synopsis of your ideal political system - A small non invasive government that is only responsible for the essential important elements of society. Infrastructure, defense, waste disposal, prisons, national police, national projects, utilities (water & electricity), and banking etc. Abolish political parties and vote for independent people based on skills (meritocracy), to head each government department plus a head of state. Maybe only tax payers allowed to vote, or at least people who contribute to society, not people who leech off it. A vote should be earned not treated as a right. A removal of the power of Central banks taking away money creation from private individuals back into the hands of the people. Give power to the people at local levels, responsible to provide local police, local health care and local education. No national educational curriculum and health care opened up to include natural health, not just pharmaceutical based. Can't think of any country who's politics are close to these ideals, although I think if the US Constitution was adhered to it might come close.
Your favourite past world famous leaders. - I don't have any. Off the top of my head, people I have admired are Jock Stein, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Desmond Tutu, Nikola Tesla (not a world leader but should have been), Tony Benn, (again not a world leader but a political person I admired), currently people still alive who I admire are Ron Paul, Robert David Steele and Mike Adams, (all American because I'm mostly interested in American politics).
Your favourite Religion - I do not like any organised religion. I suspect I might admire the Native Americans philosophies that were wiped out by the invading Europeans, but I don't pretend to know fully what they were. I like the idea of Buddhism but I've never seen it practiced anywhere in Thailand properly. I am in the process of reading the King James bible and to me its a book written by Jews, for Jews, basically Jewish propaganda that they are the chosen people and God is prepared to slaughter non Jews in order to protect "His" chosen people. Not impressed!
Your least favourite religions and why. - Hmm? Like you I agree godless atheism is soulless but I would add "Scientism" where people have faith in a modern day science, not aware it is faith based beliefs that relies on unfathomable mathematical theoretical equations and bullshit astronomy, used by Satan to convince the people on earth there is no God and we are insignificant. Of course I detest Satanism, the Occult, witchcraft etc. Of the mainstream organised religions, two I detest are Islam and Catholicism. One advocates pedophilia abuse and the other covers up for pedophilia abuse. I think the Vatican is evil and if the Jesus Christ you believe in were to come back to earth, I believe it is a place he would expose for its lavishing of wealth, child abuse cover ups and the sin of a man fraudulently claiming to be the voice of God. As an ex Catholic exposed to abuse by my priest I can tell you some priests are wonderful people but there are too many child abusers with black souls who hide behind the cloth to abuse children. Much more abuse than most Catholics admit, and the stories from orphanages are heartbraking. All covered up, indeed from things I've researched almost encouraged. Go back further and look at the inquisitions and torture to defend "the faith" and the overall picture is horrendous. Sorry if that offends any Catholics, I don't like the religion but I love Catholic people. Its up to them whether they wish to be brainwashed or not. I should add that I am certain we were created, we are formed not by evolution but by intelligent design, I frequently pray to my creator but I have no vision of my creator from a religious point of view. If anything nature is my religion, my "church" so to speak.
Your view on the Orange order - a branch of Satan. The Orange walks are an embarrassment, full of drunk fat horrible hate filled bigoted people. Need I say more?
Your view on Irish unification - Ireland is one country and I totally support Irish unification
Which UK political party would you endorse. - Hmm? I really wouldn't want to endorse any of them. I used to be a member of the labour party, but I've become more sensible and learnt what happens if socialism is allowed to flourish and its never very nice. Great ideals but a disaster in reality. I was a strong advocate of the SNP in the 70's but I believe the chance for independence is gone and that wee Jimmy Crankie woman is an embarrassment to anyone's intelligence. One of the reasons I left Scotland is its all bravado talk but no action. Scotland could have been on a financial footing with Norway, even richer. I suppose England would never have allowed it. Tanks in George Square again? I think the last referendum was rigged by the way, electoral cheating. If I had to vote I suppose I'd vote UKIP. I'm totally against the NWO so support BREXIT.
IS sevco and rangers the same club. - Stupid question of course its not.
Do you support Sevco, if not, why not? - I've always been a Celtic supporter from the age of 10, about 1965. Grew up with the Lisbon Lions. Contrary to your insulting insinuations, I don't like the parasite royal family, hate the Orange walk, hate Freemmasonary, don't like cheats and I support Celtic, however, I have Rangers supporting friends, normally I watch Celtic v Rangers in the pub with my "hun" friend here in Thailand, and apart from a little wind up, both of us don't take the football seriously to the point of bigoted hatred, which is something I've come across quite frequently on this site. There are Celtic and Rangers supporters who could be more accurately described as Rangers haters or Celtic haters rather than true supporters. You know the type I'm talking about, there are a few on this site so I'll leave it at that.
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Synopsis of your ideal political system - A small non invasive government that is only responsible for the essential important elements of society. I

Where does Tommy Robinson fit in above?

You think he is working class hero- but really he is a fascist with no love of working class people, and very very much into same stuff as orange order people. I think you might well find he loves the Rangers because they are predominantly fascist.

You like small government but admire Tony Benn?

Small government means even more tooth and claw finance and less support for people who really need it.

Now i realise big government has its problems - moral hazard
But the alternative is more and more power in the hands of the few.

Impossible to have small gaovernment without laisez fair whcih is what created the irish famine.

Small government requires quasi government branches which are even more corrupt than full nationalisation.

Semi nationalisation including the banking arm would protect the weakest and put harness on the most powerful.

Like always the contradiction in your politics and admiration is probably why your so anxious about meaningless anarchic philosphies- like Tommy Robinson- blame them for societies problems- the powers and authority are so corrupt they pretend the earth is sphere. WTF????

Your own claims are contradictory to your writings and you have some secret agendas not unlike the masons but claim they are evil.

You think the orange order hate Tommy Robinson?

I think they have lot of things in common. Both promote sociopathy. The orange order leadership are canny enough to pretend to be aloof from their sociopathic friends. But in reality they appear to be the reason these sociopaths get their strange notions. They claim historical accuray from 1690 and well thats their favourite year. Yet were founded in 1795 and began activity in 1796.

Don't get too many orangemen promoting the year 1795/6

Your either seriously confused Thai Tim or your just a plain old luciferian, maybe your unconsciously Luciferian?

You want freedom and power but no authority.
You promote some very sick individuals as working class heros
You claim to love Celtic but seem to like people who hate everything Celtic is about.

Your all for multiple personalities and dont seem to have any recurring themes other than defending some of the most heinous ideologies ever to be produced. Oh and you like to do smelly truds all over the Celtic noise.

Go figure that one out.

Your motto might even be

My name (singular) is legion.
For We (plural) are many.

I sign of being possessed by preternatural entity/s

The diabolical means to be torn apart inside, torn asunder, split personality, all over the place, lack of unity or cohesion.


I dont say that to frighten you.
But i recommend you make your peace with God and egt your relationship back on track.

The king james bible has books missing btw

The old testament is a book for he chosen people and their relations with God.
The new testament is the fulfilment of the old testament.
If you read the bible with ego perspective you will find ego repulsion.
If you read the bible as teaching tool to understand the error of humanity and the solution then you might just get it.

The new testament is the last covenant
The power of the ark of the old covenant (overshadowed by the cloud of the spirt of God) which held the manna from heaven and the law and was accompanied by the seat of justice which moses sat on to make ex cathedra rulings was replaced with the new ark of the covenant. Mary the mother christ the true bread that came down from heaven and the new law the sacred heart of jesus.

Jesus in jsutice fulfilled the prophecies of the old testament then he took the seat of power from the scribes and the pharisees and created the true people of god and that magnificent new jerusalem which he is the corner stone and the saints are the edifice.

The new testament took the power of the temple and handed it the church of the living God the mystical body of christ.

And the mission of the holy spirit was to baptise the whole world into this heavenly jerusalem.

The spirt reveals the son and the son reveals the father. One god.

The ark of the new covenant was exalted to the highest glory for creation. The gate from this world into the world of grace. All grace passes through the new ark of the covenant, the blessed virgin. The order of grace is the Kingdom of God to pass through the order of Grace to order of glory you must be sinless and therefore a saint or cleansed of sins and that gate is christ which leads to the heavnely jerusalem. if you make it into the order of glory resereved for the saints then their is a city within that Kingdom, the mystcial city of god the mansion with many rooms and that is the mystical womb of the blessed virgin where the throne of God itself rests. That great throne of light.

You ever want a great read, approved but not dogma.

The mystcial city of God by Venerable MAria de Agrada. Spanish mystic.
Or the city of God by St Augustine.

One caveat to remeber when reading the bible.

There isa warning in new testament about some people who clal themsleves jews but are in fact the synagogue of satan.

Anyway i wish you well on your reading the bible.

You read it with your dawkins glasses on you will be deceived.

You read it with the holy spirit as guide you will become Catholic.

Well thats what happened to me anyway.

Blessings and get well soon TT

Try a full confession with a priest after having read a a book on confession and how to do it properly.

And watch all those anxieties go away if you mean it and intend to amend the errors in your life.

Peace be to you.
Last edited:
Where does Tommy Robinson fit in above?

You think he is working class hero- but really he is a fascist with no love of working class people, and very very much into same stuff as orange order people. I think you might well find he loves the Rangers because they are predominantly fascist.

You like small government but admire Tony Benn?

Small government means even more tooth and claw finance and less support for people who really need it.

Now i realise big government has its problems - moral hazard
But the alternative is more and more power in the hands of the few.

Impossible to have small gaovernment without laisez fair whcih is what created the irish famine.

Small government requires quasi government branches which are even more corrupt than full nationalisation.

Semi nationalisation including the banking arm would protect the weakest and put harness on the most powerful.

Like always the contradiction in your politics and admiration is probably why your so anxious about meaningless anarchic philosphies- like Tommy Robinson- blame them for societies problems- the powers and authority are so corrupt they pretend the earth is sphere. WTF????

Your own claims are contradictory to your writings and you have some secret agendas not unlike the masons but claim they are evil.

You think the orange order hate Tommy Robinson?

I think they have lot of things in common. Both promote sociopathy. The orange order leadership are canny enough to pretend to be aloof from their sociopathic friends. But in reality they appear to be the reason these sociopaths get their strange notions. They claim historical accuray from 1690 and well thats their favourite year. Yet were founded in 1795 and began activity in 1796.

Don't get too many orangemen promoting the year 1795/6

Your either seriously confused Thai Tim or your just a plain old luciferian, maybe your unconsciously Luciferian?

You want freedom and power but no authority.
You promote some very sick individuals as working class heros
You claim to love Celtic but seem to like people who hate everything Celtic is about.

Your all for multiple personalities and dont seem to have any recurring themes other than defending some of the most heinous ideologies ever to be produced. Oh and you like to do smelly truds all over the Celtic noise.

Go figure that one out.

Your motto might even be

My name (singular) is legion.
For We (plural) are many.

I sign of being possessed by preternatural entity/s

The diabolical means to be torn apart inside, torn asunder, split personality, all over the place, lack of unity or cohesion.

are you stalking me? :rolleyes:
Synopsis of your ideal political system - A small non invasive government that is only responsible for the essential important elements of society. Infrastructure, defense, waste disposal, prisons, national police, national projects, utilities (water & electricity), and banking etc. Abolish political parties and vote for independent people based on skills (meritocracy), to head each government department plus a head of state. Maybe only tax payers allowed to vote, or at least people who contribute to society, not people who leech off it. A vote should be earned not treated as a right. A removal of the power of Central banks taking away money creation from private individuals back into the hands of the people. Give power to the people at local levels, responsible to provide local police, local health care and local education. No national educational curriculum and health care opened up to include natural health, not just pharmaceutical based. Can't think of any country who's politics are close to these ideals, although I think if the US Constitution was adhered to it might come close.
Your favourite past world famous leaders. - I don't have any. Off the top of my head, people I have admired are Jock Stein, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Desmond Tutu, Nikola Tesla (not a world leader but should have been), Tony Benn, (again not a world leader but a political person I admired), currently people still alive who I admire are Ron Paul, Robert David Steele and Mike Adams, (all American because I'm mostly interested in American politics).
Your favourite Religion - I do not like any organised religion. I suspect I might admire the Native Americans philosophies that were wiped out by the invading Europeans, but I don't pretend to know fully what they were. I like the idea of Buddhism but I've never seen it practiced anywhere in Thailand properly. I am in the process of reading the King James bible and to me its a book written by Jews, for Jews, basically Jewish propaganda that they are the chosen people and God is prepared to slaughter non Jews in order to protect "His" chosen people. Not impressed!
Your least favourite religions and why. - Hmm? Like you I agree godless atheism is soulless but I would add "Scientism" where people have faith in a modern day science, not aware it is faith based beliefs that relies on unfathomable mathematical theoretical equations and bullshit astronomy, used by Satan to convince the people on earth there is no God and we are insignificant. Of course I detest Satanism, the Occult, witchcraft etc. Of the mainstream organised religions, two I detest are Islam and Catholicism. One advocates pedophilia abuse and the other covers up for pedophilia abuse. I think the Vatican is evil and if the Jesus Christ you believe in were to come back to earth, I believe it is a place he would expose for its lavishing of wealth, child abuse cover ups and the sin of a man fraudulently claiming to be the voice of God. As an ex Catholic exposed to abuse by my priest I can tell you some priests are wonderful people but there are too many child abusers with black souls who hide behind the cloth to abuse children. Much more abuse than most Catholics admit, and the stories from orphanages are heartbraking. All covered up, indeed from things I've researched almost encouraged. Go back further and look at the inquisitions and torture to defend "the faith" and the overall picture is horrendous. Sorry if that offends any Catholics, I don't like the religion but I love Catholic people. Its up to them whether they wish to be brainwashed or not. I should add that I am certain we were created, we are formed not by evolution but by intelligent design, I frequently pray to my creator but I have no vision of my creator from a religious point of view. If anything nature is my religion, my "church" so to speak.
Your view on the Orange order - a branch of Satan. The Orange walks are an embarrassment, full of drunk fat horrible hate filled bigoted people. Need I say more?
Your view on Irish unification - Ireland is one country and I totally support Irish unification
Which UK political party would you endorse. - Hmm? I really wouldn't want to endorse any of them. I used to be a member of the labour party, but I've become more sensible and learnt what happens if socialism is allowed to flourish and its never very nice. Great ideals but a disaster in reality. I was a strong advocate of the SNP in the 70's but I believe the chance for independence is gone and that wee Jimmy Crankie woman is an embarrassment to anyone's intelligence. One of the reasons I left Scotland is its all bravado talk but no action. Scotland could have been on a financial footing with Norway, even richer. I suppose England would never have allowed it. Tanks in George Square again? I think the last referendum was rigged by the way, electoral cheating. If I had to vote I suppose I'd vote UKIP. I'm totally against the NWO so support BREXIT.
IS sevco and rangers the same club. - Stupid question of course its not.
Do you support Sevco, if not, why not? - I've always been a Celtic supporter from the age of 10, about 1965. Grew up with the Lisbon Lions. Contrary to your insulting insinuations, I don't like the parasite royal family, hate the Orange walk, hate Freemmasonary, don't like cheats and I support Celtic, however, I have Rangers supporting friends, normally I watch Celtic v Rangers in the pub with my "hun" friend here in Thailand, and apart from a little wind up, both of us don't take the football seriously to the point of bigoted hatred, which is something I've come across quite frequently on this site. There are Celtic and Rangers supporters who could be more accurately described as Rangers haters or Celtic haters rather than true supporters. You know the type I'm talking about, there are a few on this site so I'll leave it at that.
Only taxpayers get the vote? Fuck the unemployed, the disabled, the student..... anyone else. And that's me only dealing with your first few sentences. Like the idea of you trying to educate yirself in retirement but to jump straight to the uneducated and corrupt to begin that education. ........well
Synopsis of your ideal political system - A small non invasive government that is only responsible for the essential important elements of society. Infrastructure, defense, waste disposal, prisons, national police, national projects, utilities (water & electricity), and banking etc. Abolish political parties and vote for independent people based on skills (meritocracy), to head each government department plus a head of state. Maybe only tax payers allowed to vote, or at least people who contribute to society, not people who leech off it. A vote should be earned not treated as a right. A removal of the power of Central banks taking away money creation from private individuals back into the hands of the people. Give power to the people at local levels, responsible to provide local police, local health care and local education. No national educational curriculum and health care opened up to include natural health, not just pharmaceutical based. Can't think of any country who's politics are close to these ideals, although I think if the US Constitution was adhered to it might come close.
Your favourite past world famous leaders. - I don't have any. Off the top of my head, people I have admired are Jock Stein, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Desmond Tutu, Nikola Tesla (not a world leader but should have been), Tony Benn, (again not a world leader but a political person I admired), currently people still alive who I admire are Ron Paul, Robert David Steele and Mike Adams, (all American because I'm mostly interested in American politics).
Your favourite Religion - I do not like any organised religion. I suspect I might admire the Native Americans philosophies that were wiped out by the invading Europeans, but I don't pretend to know fully what they were. I like the idea of Buddhism but I've never seen it practiced anywhere in Thailand properly. I am in the process of reading the King James bible and to me its a book written by Jews, for Jews, basically Jewish propaganda that they are the chosen people and God is prepared to slaughter non Jews in order to protect "His" chosen people. Not impressed!
Your least favourite religions and why. - Hmm? Like you I agree godless atheism is soulless but I would add "Scientism" where people have faith in a modern day science, not aware it is faith based beliefs that relies on unfathomable mathematical theoretical equations and bullshit astronomy, used by Satan to convince the people on earth there is no God and we are insignificant. Of course I detest Satanism, the Occult, witchcraft etc. Of the mainstream organised religions, two I detest are Islam and Catholicism. One advocates pedophilia abuse and the other covers up for pedophilia abuse. I think the Vatican is evil and if the Jesus Christ you believe in were to come back to earth, I believe it is a place he would expose for its lavishing of wealth, child abuse cover ups and the sin of a man fraudulently claiming to be the voice of God. As an ex Catholic exposed to abuse by my priest I can tell you some priests are wonderful people but there are too many child abusers with black souls who hide behind the cloth to abuse children. Much more abuse than most Catholics admit, and the stories from orphanages are heartbraking. All covered up, indeed from things I've researched almost encouraged. Go back further and look at the inquisitions and torture to defend "the faith" and the overall picture is horrendous. Sorry if that offends any Catholics, I don't like the religion but I love Catholic people. Its up to them whether they wish to be brainwashed or not. I should add that I am certain we were created, we are formed not by evolution but by intelligent design, I frequently pray to my creator but I have no vision of my creator from a religious point of view. If anything nature is my religion, my "church" so to speak.
Your view on the Orange order - a branch of Satan. The Orange walks are an embarrassment, full of drunk fat horrible hate filled bigoted people. Need I say more?
Your view on Irish unification - Ireland is one country and I totally support Irish unification
Which UK political party would you endorse. - Hmm? I really wouldn't want to endorse any of them. I used to be a member of the labour party, but I've become more sensible and learnt what happens if socialism is allowed to flourish and its never very nice. Great ideals but a disaster in reality. I was a strong advocate of the SNP in the 70's but I believe the chance for independence is gone and that wee Jimmy Crankie woman is an embarrassment to anyone's intelligence. One of the reasons I left Scotland is its all bravado talk but no action. Scotland could have been on a financial footing with Norway, even richer. I suppose England would never have allowed it. Tanks in George Square again? I think the last referendum was rigged by the way, electoral cheating. If I had to vote I suppose I'd vote UKIP. I'm totally against the NWO so support BREXIT.
IS sevco and rangers the same club. - Stupid question of course its not.
Do you support Sevco, if not, why not? - I've always been a Celtic supporter from the age of 10, about 1965. Grew up with the Lisbon Lions. Contrary to your insulting insinuations, I don't like the parasite royal family, hate the Orange walk, hate Freemmasonary, don't like cheats and I support Celtic, however, I have Rangers supporting friends, normally I watch Celtic v Rangers in the pub with my "hun" friend here in Thailand, and apart from a little wind up, both of us don't take the football seriously to the point of bigoted hatred, which is something I've come across quite frequently on this site. There are Celtic and Rangers supporters who could be more accurately described as Rangers haters or Celtic haters rather than true supporters. You know the type I'm talking about, there are a few on this site so I'll leave it at that.

While we're on the subject, you do realise that the 'working class hero' that is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon nearly had the cases of the Rotherham perverts thrown out because it could be argued that he was preventing a fair trial with his me me me grandstanding, if you think that arsepiece gives a shite about anything or anyone other than himself then you need your head read.

Anyway, I thought I told you to fuck off?

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