We can all use a laugh


Guy sees a sign outside a Bible Shop looking for bible street sellers.
He goes in and says to the manager '"C-C-C Can I G-g-get th-th-that j-j-job?
Manager gets a bit flustered. 'But sir, it's street selling"
C-c - C call yourself a C-C-C Chris tian. G-Give a G-G guy a ch-chance'
Manager even more flustered., "Here are 6 copies. They are $30 each. See what you can do"
An hour later the guy comes in with $180.
Manager is astounded
'Here's another 6 books see what you can do.
45 minutes later -another $180.
"Astonishing, what's your secret? How do you sell so many so quickly?
"I j-j-j just ask if th-th-they w-w-w would l-l-like to b-b-b buy a b-b-b bible or w-w-would th-th-they j-j-jjust l--like me to read it to you?