We can all use a laugh

The book is one of the fastest selling in history. I don't know why folk are so enamoured with any member of the royal family but it's their desire to know more that drives the paparazzi into doing the scurrilous things they do.
I know, like killing his mother.....
Oh wait that was big lugs and his Greek da done that.
Life could been so different for Harry. Instead of killing ficticious Muslims, he could've been hanging out with them with his brother, wee dodi.
I'll take that bet. I'm betting not a single member has one, maybe a few "lurkers".

I wouldn’t be so sure there ma mhan…..there’s some that have a hard on for the monarchy on here (and let me say, that is their undeniable right to do so)…..(boak)

So, unless someone/anyone fesses up to having royalist/loyalist leanings, and a penchant for keeping the privileged relevant, then I guess we’ll never know for sure…
Was in the Traders tavern in the barras for some of the killie first half last week and spied this wee poem on the wall.

I took a photie and thought I'll have a read at this later, then I forgot about it, until today and it's quite funny.

You'll need to zoom in to see it properly but the fact some punter wrote it is funny.

A complete Celtic pub with the crest outside, I'm sure many of you know it, been in it even.
