What is your favourite Celtic memory ?

Alan Thompson free kick against Liverpool at an field amazing the wall everyone of them jumped he keeper the ball low a real daisy cutter the keeper didn't move hit the back of the net I was down stairs my wee grandson was upstairs sleeping had to keep it quiet it was like a silent movie I was jumping up and down in my socks as quiet as could be cheers thomo.
Whoever started this thread, deserves a medal
Great memories for us all
If you'll permit me, I'll share one of the greatest memories of my adult life
I attended a Celtic convention years ago, the Lisbon Lions were there and we took over Las vegas, 5,000 Bhoys & Ghirls, what a week that was
I was wearing a Scotland t shirt, with

on the back
I was standing on the pool deck and a man approached me "Excuse me, how much do you want for your shirt?"
I replied: "Sorry mate I run a silkscreen business & only did a short amount and this is my last one, so I'm keeping it"
He said: "It's for a special young lady"
"Sorry, does't matter who it's for, it's not for sale"
He says "Stay where you are, please don't go anywhere"
I don't think anything of it, until, a few minutes later, he returns with a young blnde woman in tow
"This is Bobby's daughter, Catherine"
My shirt is off and I'm handing it to her in a flash
She said "I can't take your shirt"
I have tears in my eyes, as I look at her and say "Your Dad was a hero to all of us...You HAVE to take this shirt"
Just then a (shit, I'm greeting as I type this) security guard comes up "You can't be out here without a shirt on, or you have to leave (Pool party at night) so I said to Kathleen and her Mum, Kathleen:
"Please wait here, I'll be right back, I just have to go to my room and change into another shirt"
I was gone about ten minutes and I guess word had spread about the scenario, as I was coming back through the doors, women were grabbing me, kissing me on the cheeck, guys were hugging me, high fiving me...the place was buzzing
Anyway, long story but hoprfully worth it to you
I give her the shirt and I get the biggest hug from her and her Mum, everybody (me included) was in floods of tears
I will never forget meeting Bobby's wife & daughter or those Tims that day
Here's the hug
COYBIG for tomorrow
Beautiful story D. Thanks for sharing.
Alan Thompson free kick against Liverpool at an field amazing the wall everyone of them jumped he keeper the ball low a real daisy cutter the keeper didn't move hit the back of the net I was down stairs my wee grandson was upstairs sleeping had to keep it quiet it was like a silent movie I was jumping up and down in my socks as quiet as could be cheers thomo.
??? I mind wee Lubos first old firm game sitting in the pub afore it dreading it slagging doctor jo for signing this auld guy nae cunt had heard off two hour latter 5-1 ???did I feel a dik ??aye but no the the first time or the last time don’t even get me started oan Larsson fuck ??? I’m a great judge of a player ......not ???
Alan Thompson free kick against Liverpool at an field amazing the wall everyone of them jumped he keeper the ball low a real daisy cutter the keeper didn't move hit the back of the net I was down stairs my wee grandson was upstairs sleeping had to keep it quiet it was like a silent movie I was jumping up and down in my socks as quiet as could be cheers thomo.
Thommo had some left peg
I remember he would never strike a ball with his right foot and then I was at Ibrox, right behind their goal, when we beat the Huns 2-0 (Stan & Thommo) he cut in from the right and from a long ways out, he guided it past Klos and into the corner
A lot of happy Tims that beautiful sunny day, about 18 years ago
He also scored a cracker against them another time, in off the underside of the bar
What a player he was
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I dont mean what was our greatest achievement, but if you were in the front row at Lisbon 1967 and shook big Billy's hand kudos to you, if I had a prize I'd give it to you. I mean a Celtic moment where you just lost it with happiness. For me it was beating Man Utd 2006, I ran across the room and jumped on my unsuspecting English wife, I don't think she's ever recovered!
Hoppy, mine is very simple. My da taking me to my first ever match when I was about 5 or 6. Celtic v hearts. All I remember about the game was watching the incomparable Bobby Murdoch spraying passes around the park and dominating the mini huns. Awesome player.
Seeing as you are all in your memory banks. Is there any songs that were sung by the fans that had nothing to do with football but the fans just adopted the songs....like today Celtic fans sing always look on the bright side of life, just cant get enough and tunes like that.
Did it happen in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s????
Lubo, a wee bit corny but I always loved singing Rod Stewart's Sailing. Jungle loved that one..And " If I had the wings of a sparrow"
Lubo, there was a chap called Davie Dodds who played for the ranjurs and its fair to say he wasn't the most attractive of men, he was as ugly as fuck if I'm being brutally honest and we used to sing Davie Dodds The Elephant Man and wave our arm in front of our nose like a trunk! Not the sort of song you were referring to but I found it as funny as fuck! Poor cvnt ?
Lubo, there was a chap called Davie Dodds who played for the ranjurs and its fair to say he wasn't the most attractive of men, he was as ugly as fuck if I'm being brutally honest and we used to sing Davie Dodds The Elephant Man and wave our arm in front of our nose like a trunk! Not the sort of song you were referring to but I found it as funny as fuck! Poor cvnt ?

He was the unacceptable face of Scottish football. :LOL:
Lubo, there was a chap called Davie Dodds who played for the ranjurs and its fair to say he wasn't the most attractive of men, he was as ugly as fuck if I'm being brutally honest and we used to sing Davie Dodds The Elephant Man and wave our arm in front of our nose like a trunk! Not the sort of song you were referring to but I found it as funny as fuck! Poor cvnt ?
Poor Davie Dodds. In the early 1980s when he was still at Dundee United, one summer he was helping out his Dad's painter & decorator firm who'd won a contract to paint the sheltered housing scheme in Forfar where my Granny stayed. Here he was, a Scottish international player, in his painters coveralls working away for nothing to help out the family firm. He was always polite and pleasant and up for a blether. He was maybe an ugly bugger, but he was always nice to everyone and a hard worker. Then he went over to the dark side...
Poor Davie Dodds. In the early 1980s when he was still at Dundee United, one summer he was helping out his Dad's painter & decorator firm who'd won a contract to paint the sheltered housing scheme in Forfar where my Granny stayed. Here he was, a Scottish international player, in his painters coveralls working away for nothing to help out the family firm. He was always polite and pleasant and up for a blether. He was maybe an ugly bugger, but he was always nice to everyone and a hard worker. Then he went over to the dark side...
Shit I feel bad now I'm sorry Davie, is he still painting? I could do with a decent brush hand (as long as he wears a mask) ?