What Message Would You Like to Send to Peter Lawwell and the Celtic Board

oh very good

its the usual run around

just want want want


I give in

sack the board

and bring in the best manager in world with best scouts and best coaches and every signing a winner and win every game

and no need to worry about risks or money

just do it

its easy

I never asked for the board to be sacked...not on this thread anyway. I only asked are we doing our best when it comes to scouting. Would you, and I'm asking you a question TET, would you rather put 4 or 5 million into improving the scouting at the club...or continue to take punts on the bayos, kouassis and benyus of the world. You are acting like I'm asking the club to bankrupt itself. I'm not. I'm asking that instead of making poor choices in the transfer market they use the money, which they have, to improve our scouting network. What's wrong with that??
We seem to have drifted lately no real direction from the club we need to employ people that can focus on tapping up the youngsters of world fitbaw everybody now knows if u come to celtic and do well u will get ta big move I wid live to concentrate on our academy more by bringing in boys from every where more chance of successes being promoted to first team but we also need a manager who's got that kind of mindset like the young German coaches are doing the now if your good enough u play simple as that and these young boys can only get better quicker if they're playing proper games in league or Europe no point having youngsters here for years then they disappear we can and shud be doing better on the scouting front especially because of the league we play in with buttons for transfers that's wit I wid love us to do anyway it wont happen but
What could he have done better?

What should he have done?

What has he done well if anything?

Who is better option and why?
What could he have done better He?
Well with the SFA/ football governance (1)He could of objected to the 5 way agreement.
(2) He could have forced FFP rules in Scotland.
(3)He could have pushed for changes with refereeing in Scotland ie refs having to state the team they support and any organisation they are part of.

Within parkhead He could of
(1) stuck to his own job and not tried to be a director of football
(2) He could of Hired a proper Director of football
(3) he could have looked at the CV's he was sent and interviewed people for the managers job. Instead he gave the job to Lennon in the showers.
(4) could have introduced the national living wage at parkhead without all the pressures put on the board to do so.
(5) could get players signed for European qualifiers instead of waiting for us to get put out of the CL qualifiers.

I could go on and on. How about you tell us what he has done well.
I dont follow. You said it was your opinion that changes can't happen but didn't tell us why. Now I think it's only fair that you tell us why, as we arent allowed to have an opinion without a million facts and solutions alongside 😁
I have never said changes cant happen


im all for better change

Im all for sack the board if they are clandestine secret cabal of self servers

But I cant see the evidense other than reinterpreting their few. words and/or their silence.

could be they are conspiring

But it could also be they are actually a very good board with best interests of club long term even in the face of calumnious hearsay?

I certainly dont want hearsay shit stirrers with no evidense and a warped secret constitution with no real answers to replace a board who have made club richer and built a system that keeps winning even when our best talent gets stripped by richer clubs (richer through tv cabal selections, a normal season for sevco pulls in around 40 million with 2nd spot, including tv income, 20th in epl gets 100M from sky alone.) Despite the ever increasing gulf if we fall into 2nd you need champions league just to reach epl bottom position tv money which doesnt include their other main income streams.

no change in board will solve that dilemma

And just like Lustig aint good enough need new rb and every one since been worse, its the same with boyata,

relatively speaking the decline in our club is consistent with the decline in our revenue streams with tv big money leagues

We pay far too much on wages imo

But the cry is we need to spend more to get better

Board only crime thats certain is they run club with revenues earned, except thats what clubs are meant to do.

its the very reason rangers are dead

And the same people who want rangers recognised as dead want bigger spending at our club

coz its good business lmao
And here's the thing. Maybe, just maybe, it is NOT the best plan available.

What kind of CEO (except obviously the highest paid one in his sector in the country) openly boasts that he has ignored an agreement of dubious legality that allowed his biggest competitor to to break the law and rules to steal the trophies off of us (and others) to get off virtually scot-free. I'd say that was gross mismanagement.

What CEO would openly boast that when it came to appointing the operational manager around which his whole business is based on refused to even open CVs from all applicants when there was a vacancy? That decision is bordering on gross mismanagement.

I've been in management for a long time in a very successful company and I appreciate that you make mistakes and sometimes drastic changes happen to your business plans - but it is how you deal with these and build up the business again that shows your truth worth to the company. That can and does mean you have to make unpopular decisions. And you know what - even though you had the best intentions even then they can still be wrong, so they were NOT the best plan.

To my eye, I believe that the arrogance of Lawwell and the rest of the board who are so comfortable in their wee protective cocoon where they are ignorant as to the true feelings of their customers that they are currently blundering the company into a very bad place. Their "customers" will continue to rebel against the board and unfortunately it will not be a pleasant experience for anyone.
im all for sacking lawell

lets get shot of him

But remember next dude might be worse

im happy for change

im no happy with the situation

but you have rearranged his words to suit a set paradigm that may not be true

might well be true

but at this stage we dont know?

If you believe the full register of his crimes on ff

he runs the world, protects peados, and tried to kill rainjurs

but we have our own hearsay saying he saved rainjurs just to earn more money

Maybe just maybe he is the best available and more than paid for his high wages?

Is that possible?

no coz he refuses to res 12 against a dead club???
Sorry tet can't agree.
Have we got a budget to get better reward within Europe?
Yes imo
Has our budget on players and wages been spent wisely over the last few years?
No in my opinion even though we have had some great success in sell on value
Are we compertent enough tactically to compete in Europe at present?
No and can't and won't improve until a manager with a much better tactical and game management is installed.
Will we remain fairly stagnant all the time PL remains in charge?
I believe so as he is not capable of delivering what our supporters are demanding.
Would we like to see change?
I would say that the majority of our support would say yes
How can we get PL out to bring that change about?
I wish I knew
reason its not been spent wisely imo
is rodgers ratcheted up the wages for crud

therefore all new signings better than crud have grievance that they are no even getting crud wages and crud getting high wages and gametime means you have just set the wage level of your team at overpaid crud

now you thats top notch you wanna come for 25k

im offended that you just offered my client the crud wage level at your club

bottom of epl are offering 4 times your crud levels

what say you 100k per week for wee jimmy ?


sack the board wee jimmy wanted to sign but board did not offer a good wage

and it was rodgers who introduced a trebled wage bill for Ronnies players mostly
im all for sacking lawell

lets get shot of him

But remember next dude might be worse

im happy for change

im no happy with the situation

but you have rearranged his words to suit a set paradigm that may not be true

might well be true

but at this stage we dont know?

If you believe the full register of his crimes on ff

he runs the world, protects peados, and tried to kill rainjurs

but we have our own hearsay saying he saved rainjurs just to earn more money

Maybe just maybe he is the best available and more than paid for his high wages?

Is that possible?

no coz he refuses to res 12 against a dead club???
Sorry TET. But what the fuck are you gibbering on about? I have looked twice at FF in my life because folk like yourself have spoken about it. I do not give a shite about PL's alleged crimes mentioned on that cesspit. And refusing to follow up on Res 12/11 is unforgiveable in my opinion but is certainly not the only reason I have had enough of Lawwell, as you well know!

Yes, the next person MAY be worse - but he or she MAY be better - that is what happens with any appointment. But I hope to hell the replacement is less of an ignorant arrogant prick who can run a business properly but also gets it right on the pitch instead of this managed decline.

And instead of being awarded the biggest salary and huge bonuses despite them working in a Mickey Mouse backwater like Scotland, maybe they will reinvest that money into the playing infrastructure of the club instead. Why do we have to spend so much going to Dubai every year - cos it gives our players such a huge boost! Well use some of PL's bonus to invest in a full size indoor pitch so we benefit all winter instead of waiting until the end of January each year to get a boost! (That is just one example of a better use of his huge financial reward).

And before you start on about us losing lots of money as oldco did - therd is a middle ground you know, where a sensible business plan falls somewhere between our current model and liquidation. I'd prefer smarter investment in targeted players which are more likely to improve our team. Instead of this ridiculous business plsn of purchasing lots of projects to try to get another Wanyama or VvD - that only works if the players develop on the pitch which they haven't been fmdoing for several seasobs now. Spend the same budget on fewer players and you are more likely to have greater success more often than not. And if you have identified transfer targets for a requested price then buy them before Euro qualifiers rather than unsuccessfully bickering over a price, get knocked out and thrn pay exactly what the selling club wanted anyway!

Or then again, stick with Lawwell until he is fed up receiving superstar wages from us just in case...
im all for sacking lawell

lets get shot of him

But remember next dude might be worse

im happy for change

im no happy with the situation

but you have rearranged his words to suit a set paradigm that may not be true

might well be true

but at this stage we dont know?

If you believe the full register of his crimes on ff

he runs the world, protects peados, and tried to kill rainjurs

but we have our own hearsay saying he saved rainjurs just to earn more money

Maybe just maybe he is the best available and more than paid for his high wages?

Is that possible?

no coz he refuses to res 12 against a dead club???
So we keep lennon as manager because the next manager might be worse.
In fact don't get any new players in January because they might turn out worse than what we have.
Now TET are your fucking PL
reason its not been spent wisely imo
is rodgers ratcheted up the wages for crud

therefore all new signings better than crud have grievance that they are no even getting crud wages and crud getting high wages and gametime means you have just set the wage level of your team at overpaid crud

now you thats top notch you wanna come for 25k

im offended that you just offered my client the crud wage level at your club

bottom of epl are offering 4 times your crud levels

what say you 100k per week for wee jimmy ?


sack the board wee jimmy wanted to sign but board did not offer a good wage

and it was rodgers who introduced a trebled wage bill for Ronnies players mostly
TET you never address the hear and now issues, it's always back tracking about previous managers, but let's do the comparison.
Rodgers was a far better man manager than lenny but only really wants to deal with ready made players that cost more to bring to our club.
Lenny is more of a manager that goes for experienced players over youth and much of the reason we are so far behind in the league.
What both have in common was there reluctantance in given youth an opportunity and developing younger players.
This continous excuse about money the EPL has in comparison to us just don't wash with me, as a far better coaching set up will more than pay for itself with what can be developed with the right coaching set up.
I have always believed that directors of a club should really not be seen or heard about, that will never be the case with PL traitor imo.
I do believe we have more chance of moving forward than we have at present if PL just fucked off and a few others went with him as well
TET you never address the hear and now issues, it's always back tracking about previous managers, but let's do the comparison.
Rodgers was a far better man manager than lenny but only really wants to deal with ready made players that cost more to bring to our club.
Lenny is more of a manager that goes for experienced players over youth and much of the reason we are so far behind in the league.
What both have in common was there reluctantance in given youth an opportunity and developing younger players.
This continous excuse about money the EPL has in comparison to us just don't wash with me, as a far better coaching set up will more than pay for itself with what can be developed with the right coaching set up.
I have always believed that directors of a club should really not be seen or heard about, that will never be the case with PL traitor imo.
I do believe we have more chance of moving forward than we have at present if PL just fucked off and a few others went with him as well
I thought one of the main things Rodgers is known for is developing young players. In fact is he not lauded in the EPL for that
Sorry TET. But what the fuck are you gibbering on about? I have looked twice at FF in my life because folk like yourself have spoken about it. I do not give a shite about PL's alleged crimes mentioned on that cesspit. And refusing to follow up on Res 12/11 is unforgiveable in my opinion but is certainly not the only reason I have had enough of Lawwell, as you well know!

Yes, the next person MAY be worse - but he or she MAY be better - that is what happens with any appointment. But I hope to hell the replacement is less of an ignorant arrogant prick who can run a business properly but also gets it right on the pitch instead of this managed decline.

And instead of being awarded the biggest salary and huge bonuses despite them working in a Mickey Mouse backwater like Scotland, maybe they will reinvest that money into the playing infrastructure of the club instead. Why do we have to spend so much going to Dubai every year - cos it gives our players such a huge boost! Well use some of PL's bonus to invest in a full size indoor pitch so we benefit all winter instead of waiting until the end of January each year to get a boost! (That is just one example of a better use of his huge financial reward).

And before you start on about us losing lots of money as oldco did - therd is a middle ground you know, where a sensible business plan falls somewhere between our current model and liquidation. I'd prefer smarter investment in targeted players which are more likely to improve our team. Instead of this ridiculous business plsn of purchasing lots of projects to try to get another Wanyama or VvD - that only works if the players develop on the pitch which they haven't been fmdoing for several seasobs now. Spend the same budget on fewer players and you are more likely to have greater success more often than not. And if you have identified transfer targets for a requested price then buy them before Euro qualifiers rather than unsuccessfully bickering over a price, get knocked out and thrn pay exactly what the selling club wanted anyway!

Or then again, stick with Lawwell until he is fed up receiving superstar wages from us just in case...
See you have made lots of assumptions here.

1 I am all for change, but until I see the better plan Im sceptical of its success
2 FF is a cesspit but you might notice slowly through repetition their claims get passed as fact on our boards, weird that.
3 the monster wages the lawell gets would not buy a single better quality player in our club unless they stumble upon a wanyama or vvd
4 Dubai aint my cup of tea but maybe it has benefits beyond a wee holiday?
5 the middle ground between our current level and liquidation is hard to find without decreasing your sellable assets even further due to must sell to survive. we dont make profits without cl and if we ratchet up risk much further we dont even make profits with champions league. there is no middle ground. we must do better on our current costings. which means offloading half hearted high wages and bringing in good replacements on similar if not lower wages. we are gonna lose potentially 20 million this season with the so called too safe option, maybe more.
6 id prefer smarter investment, but the investment needs to want to be part of the deal. if he asks too much its not smarter its stupider even if he appears occasionally a decent option.
7 where has the buy ridiculous plan been the plan?
8 players can usually only develop if they are playing at a better level more often, other teams are not getting better which adds to the overall decline of Scottish football due to the wage risks of holding good players.
9 must clubs refuse to sell until last minute in hope they get better offer, so unless you pay extra now you won't get them at the price ou want. its a two way street we dont sell Edouard for 20 million to first buyer just incase someone wants him for more when the trigger hour arrives. but say the club says feck it give us eddy now how much 40 million naw 30 million now ok done.

just cost you 10 million fine if you have spare 10 million and your in a league where 10 grows on trees but get it done quicker in Scottish backwater aint so easy also because agent then yes to up his wage demands since you just added 10 million to his value.

lots of complications lots of complications

not so easy to solve with money

Easy to get your club in a bigger mess though

just 1 shite signing could set5 you back 10 years maybe even burst you in a bubble market
I have never said changes cant happen


im all for better change

Im all for sack the board if they are clandestine secret cabal of self servers

But I cant see the evidense other than reinterpreting their few. words and/or their silence.

could be they are conspiring

But it could also be they are actually a very good board with best interests of club long term even in the face of calumnious hearsay?

I certainly dont want hearsay shit stirrers with no evidense and a warped secret constitution with no real answers to replace a board who have made club richer and built a system that keeps winning even when our best talent gets stripped by richer clubs (richer through tv cabal selections, a normal season for sevco pulls in around 40 million with 2nd spot, including tv income, 20th in epl gets 100M from sky alone.) Despite the ever increasing gulf if we fall into 2nd you need champions league just to reach epl bottom position tv money which doesnt include their other main income streams.

no change in board will solve that dilemma

And just like Lustig aint good enough need new rb and every one since been worse, its the same with boyata,

relatively speaking the decline in our club is consistent with the decline in our revenue streams with tv big money leagues

We pay far too much on wages imo

But the cry is we need to spend more to get better

Board only crime thats certain is they run club with revenues earned, except thats what clubs are meant to do.

its the very reason rangers are dead

And the same people who want rangers recognised as dead want bigger spending at our club

coz its good business lmao

Apologies. Miss read one of your posts...again your going on at me about board changes and over spending and blah blah blah when all I asked was does he believe our scouting is up to scratch. You completely ignored my question to you and hit me with rows and rows of points that I've not really mentioned on this thread....why is that??? There's no doubt you're brilliant at asking questions but really good at ignoring them to. Do you think our scouting set up is good?? Or up to scratch?? Do you think it's out of our limits to make it better?? That's what I'd ask Peter and seeing as you seem to have become his spokesperson on the noise I asked you. Would my suggestion bankrupt celtic. Spending millions on a better scouting network than on another unknown project??
So we keep lennon as manager because the next manager might be worse.
In fact don't get any new players in January because they might turn out worse than what we have.
Now TET are your fucking PL
I haven't said anything of the sort

No I want to hear the better plan

thats what I want to hear

never in my life have I said keep lennon cause next guy might be worse

but facts are he is a manager with decent record with love for club and although I think he needs sacked I cant see this better manager being available without giving him a warchest

And if he aint better manager he could set club back years

now feck lawell sack the cunt
sack lennon too

but you might find the next option is fecking worse since its a bubble market and all players seem to bit overpaid crud even in epl

we need to take stock and make better decisions and if that means cutting loose the big earners and playing young guys from scotland and taking hit then so be it

but just willy nilly spending fecking millions on shite coz we need someone aint fecking working.

the millionaire players dont seem much better than the guys they get millions more than.
See you have made lots of assumptions here.

1 I am all for change, but until I see the better plan Im sceptical of its success
2 FF is a cesspit but you might notice slowly through repetition their claims get passed as fact on our boards, weird that.
3 the monster wages the lawell gets would not buy a single better quality player in our club unless they stumble upon a wanyama or vvd
4 Dubai aint my cup of tea but maybe it has benefits beyond a wee holiday?
5 the middle ground between our current level and liquidation is hard to find without decreasing your sellable assets even further due to must sell to survive. we dont make profits without cl and if we ratchet up risk much further we dont even make profits with champions league. there is no middle ground. we must do better on our current costings. which means offloading half hearted high wages and bringing in good replacements on similar if not lower wages. we are gonna lose potentially 20 million this season with the so called too safe option, maybe more.
6 id prefer smarter investment, but the investment needs to want to be part of the deal. if he asks too much its not smarter its stupider even if he appears occasionally a decent option.
7 where has the buy ridiculous plan been the plan?
8 players can usually only develop if they are playing at a better level more often, other teams are not getting better which adds to the overall decline of Scottish football due to the wage risks of holding good players.
9 must clubs refuse to sell until last minute in hope they get better offer, so unless you pay extra now you won't get them at the price ou want. its a two way street we dont sell Edouard for 20 million to first buyer just incase someone wants him for more when the trigger hour arrives. but say the club says feck it give us eddy now how much 40 million naw 30 million now ok done.

just cost you 10 million fine if you have spare 10 million and your in a league where 10 grows on trees but get it done quicker in Scottish backwater aint so easy also because agent then yes to up his wage demands since you just added 10 million to his value.

lots of complications lots of complications

not so easy to solve with money

Easy to get your club in a bigger mess though

just 1 shite signing could set5 you back 10 years maybe even burst you in a bubble market

So with all that said, I ask again, would it not be a good idea to invest a few million on a better scouting set up??
See you have made lots of assumptions here.

1 I am all for change, but until I see the better plan Im sceptical of its success
2 FF is a cesspit but you might notice slowly through repetition their claims get passed as fact on our boards, weird that.
3 the monster wages the lawell gets would not buy a single better quality player in our club unless they stumble upon a wanyama or vvd
4 Dubai aint my cup of tea but maybe it has benefits beyond a wee holiday?
5 the middle ground between our current level and liquidation is hard to find without decreasing your sellable assets even further due to must sell to survive. we dont make profits without cl and if we ratchet up risk much further we dont even make profits with champions league. there is no middle ground. we must do better on our current costings. which means offloading half hearted high wages and bringing in good replacements on similar if not lower wages. we are gonna lose potentially 20 million this season with the so called too safe option, maybe more.
6 id prefer smarter investment, but the investment needs to want to be part of the deal. if he asks too much its not smarter its stupider even if he appears occasionally a decent option.
7 where has the buy ridiculous plan been the plan?
8 players can usually only develop if they are playing at a better level more often, other teams are not getting better which adds to the overall decline of Scottish football due to the wage risks of holding good players.
9 must clubs refuse to sell until last minute in hope they get better offer, so unless you pay extra now you won't get them at the price ou want. its a two way street we dont sell Edouard for 20 million to first buyer just incase someone wants him for more when the trigger hour arrives. but say the club says feck it give us eddy now how much 40 million naw 30 million now ok done.

just cost you 10 million fine if you have spare 10 million and your in a league where 10 grows on trees but get it done quicker in Scottish backwater aint so easy also because agent then yes to up his wage demands since you just added 10 million to his value.

lots of complications lots of complications

not so easy to solve with money

Easy to get your club in a bigger mess though

just 1 shite signing could set5 you back 10 years maybe even burst you in a bubble market
TET your becoming the profit of doom and just not buying it.
So by your calculations with 10m spent on Barkas and ajeti who both look hardly good value, that's us doomed then?
Apologies. Miss read one of your posts...again your going on at me about board changes and over spending and blah blah blah when all I asked was does he believe our scouting is up to scratch. You completely ignored my question to you and hit me with rows and rows of points that I've not really mentioned on this thread....why is that??? There's no doubt you're brilliant at asking questions but really good at ignoring them to. Do you think our scouting set up is good?? Or up to scratch?? Do you think it's out of our limits to make it better?? That's what I'd ask Peter and seeing as you seem to have become his spokesperson on the noise I asked you. Would my suggestion bankrupt celtic. Spending millions on a better scouting network than on another unknown project??
no I dont think its out of limits to make it better

but its not gonna happen just by throwing money at it

if anything they might need to reduce the wage bill and squad then build better rather giving another so called big shot a gold card
I haven't said anything of the sort

No I want to hear the better plan

thats what I want to hear

never in my life have I said keep lennon cause next guy might be worse

but facts are he is a manager with decent record with love for club and although I think he needs sacked I cant see this better manager being available without giving him a warchest

And if he aint better manager he could set club back years

now feck lawell sack the cunt
sack lennon too

but you might find the next option is fecking worse since its a bubble market and all players seem to bit overpaid crud even in epl

we need to take stock and make better decisions and if that means cutting loose the big earners and playing young guys from scotland and taking hit then so be it

but just willy nilly spending fecking millions on shite coz we need someone aint fecking working.

the millionaire players dont seem much better than the guys they get millions more than.

No ones saying spend millions and bust the club. You're making that assumption based on the fact that you think better players and managers than we have won't come to scotland. How do you know?? You don't?? You assume a lot and pass it off as fact then tell everyone else they are wrong because we assume we may find better in the whole world of football.

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