What Next For the Ange Revolution?

Can't fault the board in backing Ange, perhaps even they see the qualities he has. I agree that Kennedy should be gone, he casts a dark shadow. He has a look of the enemy from within, the defence has been our major flaw and he was shy to back lennon when perhaps he needed it. He is too much of a politician for me. Only possible reason to play Eddy lately was to put him in a window. Perhaps the ones in Amsterdam were too expensive! Glad he is gone, Private Ryan was AWOL for last season and no doubt that poisoned his chalice for anything other than fools gold. We are still painting over the major structural cracks, the board. We need fresh minds, no puppets, guys that say what they don't want to hear. Looks like we are stuck with DD. Last season will always define him as a failure. In Ange we have a positive leader, release the Kraken :D
Hello Commo Estas, Estoy bien, gracias. I enjoyed your post above, which is actually a bit strange. You see, I find it a bit harsh. Last season was undoubtedly a car crash. The level of disappointment at the time was, and still is, very hard to take. As always I'm speaking only for myself here when I say one bad season, monumental as it was, will never erase the absolute joy of experiencing ANOTHER nine-in-a-row, coupled with a quadruple treble. Also, as far as the backroom/coaching staff situation goes, I don't think Ange will have anyone foisted on him. If he decides he's happy to go with what is already in place, then, I'm happy to trust his judgement. For the record I've never been on board with the John Kennedy abuse. Great post CE, plenty of stuff to get our teeth into. HH.
todos aqui son buenos Frank. I speak only for myself too, as do we all. History defines. I'm not a Kennedy hater, I just think he needs to move on, for him and us. It's important we all get behind Ange. If Ange thinks he has something to offer then he is smart enough to know to wear a suitable vest. If Ange can turn him into a good guy, I'm filling flasks of water and heading to paradise, in the hope of Jammy red. lol
Couldn’t agree more, it only takes one cog in the machine not turning to bring it to a halt.
Ive never rated Kennedy as a defensive coach at all, he looked promising till his career was brutally cut short, all the coaching badges in the world can’t make up for the experience a career as a defender gives you.
Best if Ange clears out all the lockers.
Who said Kennedy was a defensive coach?
Is it because he was a defender and is now in coaching?
So if a player becomes a coach , he can only coach the position he used to play in?
Kennedy was a first team coach. Now he's assistant manager.
Can ever remember anyone from celtic stating that Kennedy is a defensive coach
todos aqui son buenos Frank. I speak only for myself too, as do we all. History defines. I'm not a Kennedy hater, I just think he needs to move on, for him and us. It's important we all get behind Ange. If Ange thinks he has something to offer then he is smart enough to know to wear a suitable vest. If Ange can turn him into a good guy, I'm filling flasks of water and heading to paradise, in the hope of Jammy red. lol
Why would Kennedy move on. Another few year and he will be due a heavy pension
Who said Kennedy was a defensive coach?
Is it because he was a defender and is now in coaching?
So if a player becomes a coach , he can only coach the position he used to play in?
Kennedy was a first team coach. Now he's assistant manager.
Can ever remember anyone from celtic stating that Kennedy is a defensive coach
Mibbe you're right pal. Would love to know what he does exactly. He had a chance to show us what he was capable of and blew it big style by replicating Lennys mistakes.
Mibbe you're right pal. Would love to know what he does exactly. He had a chance to show us what he was capable of and blew it big style by replicating Lennys mistakes.
Yeah but not all coaches can make that step up to management. According to ex players, all the players love working/being coached by Kennedy. That's Kennedy following instructions on what coaching sessions to put on for the players. Maybe when left to his own devices, he gets overwhelmed and doesn't know what to do.
Personally I would have let him go in the summer
Folk saying rumours of a take over doing the rounds on whats app ,,am sure thats where the world financiers go to broker deals for football clubs
more like the phannies from FF stopped eating gyprock for the night posting pish
There only one way to make a small fortune with a Scottish football club…..start with a large fortune, we all think Scottish football in the be all and end all, but in reality we’re a wee back water on the edge of a continent, on a par, with the like of Norway, Sweden and Finland, only reason players come here is we’re hanging onto the coattail of the cash rich EPL, they hope to catch the eye of one the the teams down south, signing for one of them is like a lottery win to them….,😕
Can't fault the board in backing Ange, perhaps even they see the qualities he has. I agree that Kennedy should be gone, he casts a dark shadow. He has a look of the enemy from within, the defence has been our major flaw and he was shy to back lennon when perhaps he needed it. He is too much of a politician for me. Only possible reason to play Eddy lately was to put him in a window. Perhaps the ones in Amsterdam were too expensive! Glad he is gone, Private Ryan was AWOL for last season and no doubt that poisoned his chalice for anything other than fools gold. We are still painting over the major structural cracks, the board. We need fresh minds, no puppets, guys that say what they don't want to hear. Looks like we are stuck with DD. Last season will always define him as a failure. In Ange we have a positive leader, release the

Why would Kennedy move on. Another few year and he will be due a heavy pension
At what can only be a guess, I think JK will move on. The only way he'll ever have even a sniff of the job he wants is to prove himself somewhere else. Too many minds already made up with our support.
There only one way to make a small fortune with a Scottish football club…..start with a large fortune, we all think Scottish football in the be all and end all, but in reality we’re a wee back water on the edge of a continent, on a par, with the like of Norway, Sweden and Finland, only reason players come here is we’re hanging onto the coattail of the cash rich EPL, they hope to catch the eye of one the the teams down south, signing for one of them is like a lottery win to them….,😕
Agreed BB, the Scottish league has held Celtic back in the potential the club has to offer.
Yet the league has arguably the biggest Derby match in world football and Celtic Park is also a memorable occasion on a European night.
Still the league needs to grow and until the other clubs like the sheep and hibbes get there act together and start qualifying for group stages of European competition then growth within the Scottish league will remain idle.
Still say our marketing potential is still one of the strongest in European football, yet it seems like the rest of the shit especially sevco scum(SS) are trying to fight a hopeless battle in preventing the name of Glasgow Celtic growing
Agreed BB, the Scottish league has held Celtic back in the potential the club has to offer.
Yet the league has arguably the biggest Derby match in world football and Celtic Park is also a memorable occasion on a European night.
Still the league needs to grow and until the other clubs like the sheep and hibbes get there act together and start qualifying for group stages of European competition then growth within the Scottish league will remain idle.
Still say our marketing potential is still one of the strongest in European football, yet it seems like the rest of the shit especially sevco scum(SS) are trying to fight a hopeless battle in preventing the name of Glasgow Celtic growing
Scottish football is a joke and will continue to be a joke.
The SFA is run like a local bowling club.
There are 42 professional clubs in Scotland, with the majority not any bigger than the junior or Highland league clubs.
We don't have goal line technology , which has been in use since 2014.
We don't have VAR. The SFA say we can afford it , yet leagues such as Malta use it.
Until the SFA is reformed we will get worse and worse yo the point we will be like the league of Ireland or the Welsh league
Scottish football is a joke and will continue to be a joke.
The SFA is run like a local bowling club.
There are 42 professional clubs in Scotland, with the majority not any bigger than the junior or Highland league clubs.
We don't have goal line technology , which has been in use since 2014.
We don't have VAR. The SFA say we can afford it , yet leagues such as Malta use it.
Until the SFA is reformed we will get worse and worse yo the point we will be like the league of Ireland or the Welsh league
Sad to say glasbhoy, many in Ireland already have the Scottish league on a similar par to the league of Ireland, which I do find quite insulting, yet worry that it could become harder to argue
Sad to say glasbhoy, many in Ireland already have the Scottish league on a similar par to the league of Ireland, which I do find quite insulting, yet worry that it could become harder to argue
Well it is. There are games in the SPFL where the Ref is the highest earner on the park.
I done work experience when at uni with a team in the 7th tier of English football.
The striker came from Peterhead. At Peterhead he was on £15 a week plus expenses. In the 7th tier of English football, semi-pro, he was on £375 a week.
People slate the sky TV deal, but really, who wants to watch a Livingston v Dundee on a plastic pitch. They might bring in what 5000 viewers.
They should cut the professional leagues down to a premiership and championship. The rest can be amateurs .
But these club chairman at your dumbartons and East Fife's who go along to SFA committees would never agree as they like to feel important.
Personally if I was a top Scottish footballer I would refuse to play for the national team and their was changes at the SFA
At what can only be a guess, I think JK will move on. The only way he'll ever have even a sniff of the job he wants is to prove himself somewhere else. Too many minds already made up with our support.
Agreed Frank in some ways and yet without knowing any of the answers.
JK has become the scapegoat now amongst the supporters when things don't go well, which at this moment seems very unfair.
Yes I was in favour of JK parting ways with the club especially after last season when given the chance to show change which he failed to do.
Yet he has been kept on and have seen nothing to surgest there is anything wrong behind the scenes in the coaching set up, in fact the opposite with far greater unity shown amongst them.
If Ange and JK have formed a good working relationship then I'm grand with that, so why the call for change?
Ange is getting all the praise and quiet rightly so for the huge changes we have witnessed so far and yet we never give any credit to the coaching staff who have also helped to implement them changes.
I'm of the opinion, if it's not broken why need to fix it, and seen nothing yet to surgest we have anything broken within our set up yet at this time, but could also change in time.
Well it is. There are games in the SPFL where the Ref is the highest earner on the park.
I done work experience when at uni with a team in the 7th tier of English football.
The striker came from Peterhead. At Peterhead he was on £15 a week plus expenses. In the 7th tier of English football, semi-pro, he was on £375 a week.
People slate the sky TV deal, but really, who wants to watch a Livingston v Dundee on a plastic pitch. They might bring in what 5000 viewers.
They should cut the professional leagues down to a premiership and championship. The rest can be amateurs .
But these club chairman at your dumbartons and East Fife's who go along to SFA committees would never agree as they like to feel important.
Personally if I was a top Scottish footballer I would refuse to play for the national team and their was changes at the SFA
I've long been an advocate for an elitist league in Scotland.

I'm fed up with the type of society that rewards and even cherishes achievements below mediocrity.

It stems right from primary school, where sports day is now recognised as everyone's a winner day and not a podium in sight.

Until we recognise this country can only sustain a small number of professional teams, we'll continue to under-achieve.

Allowing ALL premiership teams to have a reserve team in the third and fourth tier would be a step forward.

There are teams (chairmen) in those leagues that have zero ambition to progress up the ladders and are only there to satisfy petty personal goals, viz a viz hospitality jollies and rubbing shoulders with the hoi palloi.
Well it is. There are games in the SPFL where the Ref is the highest earner on the park.
I done work experience when at uni with a team in the 7th tier of English football.
The striker came from Peterhead. At Peterhead he was on £15 a week plus expenses. In the 7th tier of English football, semi-pro, he was on £375 a week.
People slate the sky TV deal, but really, who wants to watch a Livingston v Dundee on a plastic pitch. They might bring in what 5000 viewers.
They should cut the professional leagues down to a premiership and championship. The rest can be amateurs .
But these club chairman at your dumbartons and East Fife's who go along to SFA committees would never agree as they like to feel important.
Personally if I was a top Scottish footballer I would refuse to play for the national team and their was changes at the SFA
Can't disagree glasbhoy, back to the money gives you power and self importance and still way to many of the diddy clubs are allowed to operate that way.
Until the Scottish FA grow a pair change will never happen all the while there letting sevco scum (SS) dictate to them
I don’t think money has made our game better in fact it’s notably worse, if you look at when “money” came into our game, the Graham sourness era, before that, we had both Celtic and the huns competing regular in the latter stages of European competition as well as Aberdeen, Dundee united, now days only us and the huns get into real European competitions everyone else gets knocked out in the qualifying rounds…..I don’t know what the answer is but it’s certainly not money😱
I don’t think money has made our game better in fact it’s notably worse, if you look at when “money” came into our game, the Graham sourness era, before that, we had both Celtic and the huns competing regular in the latter stages of European competition as well as Aberdeen, Dundee united, now days only us and the huns get into real European competitions everyone else gets knocked out in the qualifying rounds…..I don’t know what the answer is but it’s certainly not money😱
We are nowadays BB, caught up in a game that is totally dominated by money sadly.
Biggest problem I see in Scotland is the total lack of development.
We have currently a big squad of youngsters without much chance of development and this still remains unaddressed.
Nearly every club isn't interested in this as it wouldn't pay for them long term which is a lack of investment, hench the game remains stagnant at grass roots level.
I hope Ange and especially Dom address this issue and make a stand against the diddy clubs who continue to stop the Scottish league from growing, as they remain shit scared of being shown up for the tossers they remain and yet seem to line there own pockets as such.