Which first team players would you keep?


Well-known member
We have a massive playing squad with a lot of "deadwood" and want aways.....If you could move players on, Who out of this list would you genuinely keep??

I actually think that the size of the squad has been a major reason for Lennons struggles this year given that he doesnt know his best team and a lot of players are losing interest due to lack of game time








I say new manager can do what he likes within an agreed budget. At the moment apart from keeping Soro and Turnbull I have no clue who else is worth keeping taking into account wages, ability, potential return on transfer, and availability of replacement. I honestly do not think one player has improved under NL and too many have went backwards. We need someone in quick to get an assessment done.
Jock Stein took a bunch of players who couldn't win a three-legged race in a Primary School and in 18 months won the European Cup with them .

So much of our present malaise is DEFINITELY down to poor coaching . The majority of our players were 'invincible' under Rodgers ( like him or loath him ) - so many have regressed under Lennon .

Don't condemn all the players until we see how they can perform under someone who has tactical nous and knows how to handle players - NOT name them and throw them under a bus during a live TV interview when he is pissed off .

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Jock Stein took a bunch of players who couldn't win a three-legged race in a primary School and in 18 months won the European Cup with them .

So much of our present malaise is DEFINITELY down to poor coaching . The majority of our players were 'invincible' under Rodgers ( like him or loath him ) - so many have regressed under Lennon .

Don't condemn all the players until we see how they can perform under someone who has tactical nous and knows how to handle players - NOT name them and throw them under a bus during a live TV interview when he is pissed off .

Millsy, got to disagree , think players should be named and shamed , they are a fucking disgrace this season they do not deserve to wear the jersey , we know they can do it when they want to . They just don’t want to , so Lenny has to go 100% but some should go with him , they don’t give a fuck about the club or us the daft cunts that have paid there wages this year to watch a constantly buffering tv screen
Players are as much to blame as Lennon

Mc Gregor


Brown in a coaching role.

Wish the best to:

Barkas, Bain, Hazard (Loan) Duffy, Julien, Bitton, Taylor, Elhamed, Laxalt, Ralston, Ntcham, Christie, Rogic, Elyannousi, Klimala, Ajeti, Edouard, Harper (Loan), Dembele (Loan), Okoflex (Loan),
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Millsy, got to disagree , think players should be named and shamed , they are a fucking disgrace this season they do not deserve to wear the jersey , we know they can do it when they want to . They just don’t want to , so Lenny has to go 100% but some should go with him , they don’t give a fuck about the club or us the daft cunts that have paid there wages this year to watch a constantly buffering tv screen
Players are as much to blame as Lennon
What if Lennon has pissed them off with his aggressive, arrogant attitude. Would you work for a boss that treated you like shit?
Most folks can just walk out of that environment. These guys have contracts that say they cant. Sure you can ask for a move - I’m sure some have - but if that request then gets rejected what then?
These guys are just people like everyone else in the end and might not feel inclined to bust a gut for somebody who pisses all over them and yet wont let them leave. That environment will sure as hell foster resentment.
Jock Stein took a bunch of players who couldn't win a three-legged race in a Primary School and in 18 months won the European Cup with them .

So much of our present malaise is DEFINITELY down to poor coaching . The majority of our players were 'invincible' under Rodgers ( like him or loath him ) - so many have regressed under Lennon .

Don't condemn all the players until we see how they can perform under someone who has tactical nous and knows how to handle players - NOT name them and throw them under a bus during a live TV interview when he is pissed off .

I get where you're coming from regarding the arrival Of big Jock Millsy, without doubt his knowledge and input created the catalyst for what was a golden era. I remember a conversation I had with the late great Willie Fernie. While we were ,of course, both delighted with the achievements of The Lions era, we also felt it was a combination of the genius of Jock and the very rare collective footballing talent at his disposal. One without the other and the story ends different.

Your point regarding giving the players a clean sheet under a new gaffer is absolutely spot on. Thing is, a good number of those players ( the ones we deem the best ?) seem to want to move on.
Griffiths is a fkn waster 2 seasons in a row turned up unfit and continualy fkd about but has no problem with his tik tok videos the guys a complete waster the quicker he's hunted the better
I do not understand why Griff was able to turn up after lockdown so much out of condition and overweight. Surely our coaching/medical team were carefully remotely monitoring all aspects of every player's conditioning regime? I thought training would be recorded (distance travelled/steps, blood pressure & rate, calculated cslories used) and transmitted to a database - similar to Pelatron that Joe Bloggs can pay for. The player's diets and weights should have been managed and tailored accordingly to keep them in good condition.

Our conditioning coaches should have been doing this from a home office like so many of us in other industries / businesses throughout tge whole lockdown.

This coupled with Teams/Zoom meetings to maintain a team culture, mental well being and to discuss training and life during these difficult times. We could have gotten in mental health consultants once a month to chat to players and help them.

Instead we seem to have left them to their own resources. Now yes, these highly paid professionals should have enough discipline to train well themselves but this has not happened and it came as a shock to the coaches when they finally got together again, which I find baffling for such a high profile sports club.
I do not understand why Griff was able to turn up after lockdown so much out of condition and overweight. Surely our coaching/medical team were carefully remotely monitoring all aspects of every player's conditioning regime? I thought training would be recorded (distance travelled/steps, blood pressure & rate, calculated cslories used) and transmitted to a database - similar to Pelatron that Joe Bloggs can pay for. The player's diets and weights should have been managed and tailored accordingly to keep them in good condition.

Our conditioning coaches should have been doing this from a home office like so many of us in other industries / businesses throughout tge whole lockdown.

This coupled with Teams/Zoom meetings to maintain a team culture, mental well being and to discuss training and life during these difficult times. We could have gotten in mental health consultants once a month to chat to players and help them.

Instead we seem to have left them to their own resources. Now yes, these highly paid professionals should have enough discipline to train well themselves but this has not happened and it came as a shock to the coaches when they finally got together again, which I find baffling for such a high profile sports club.
Lenny said a few days ago that Barkas wasn't fit enough to be a goalkeeper! How the he'll can he be here for 7 months and not be fit enough to play in goals??
There's something far wrong with our training, don't know if that's whats caused the downturn in performance from the whole team, might be....
I really think Lennon is at the lash.We on here love Celtic and to listen to his excuses is cringe worthy.A blind man can see where the problem is,he continually plays Duffer and his substitutions usually leaves us worse off.Yesterday chasing the game he pulls off a forward and puts on Rogic.He has not got a clue about tactics I think he just looks and whoever is nearest goes on.The games up for him I mean honestly Ajeti and Polish Paddy twiddling his thumbs in the stand.Please go Neil thanks but it’s time to go.

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