Why ?

His assistant was a taxi driver fact (good guy was a decent player but not involved in the game in a long time and he broought him in, as he was a pal of his from growing up). So why the fuck would anyone listening to him and his shite, he is a cheerleader like BFDJ was and a gossip for Radio Clyde.
Oh come on BFDJ wiz Impartial🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.. Mind him being asked after the INVINCIBLE Season when the FILTH had finished a STAGGERING 39 pts behind us who he wiz tipping fur the league? 🤣🤣🤣🤣.. Obviously Sevco & the reasons were Mad Dug had came in early to look at what wiz needed & in his Humble opinion 🤣🤣🤣 wid put it right! 2 wks later Progres Fuked them & the Fat Wank wiz Fukin RIDICULED COMPLETELY🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You actually mean a professional footballer is "shite" yes or no ?
He’s shite until he’s no shite then he’s guid til hes shite again. He trains oan what he’s shite at then plays guid but can be shite at what he hasn’t practiced so he’s shite again
Then he’s back at the Toilet (training pitch)
Trying to be guid but his usual levels o shiote turn up and he’s back to 💩
Hope this clears up the shite debate
As A non paying member of the Noise all posters are useless cnuts unless thur nooooo.
Which is pretty much all o yi
Come on if sumcuntshite yi tell them it’s the only way they’ll try to stop being shite.
verball diahorea well that’s a job for Diacalm or leave it there

HH 💩
That the support still has too many cretins in it. You also got me to realise that I'm in the wrong movie here. So my post is sorta like that pub on Maryhill road up towards Bearsden.

When you start calling people dude when, I imagine you're in your, what 50s??....then you're probably in the wrong movie no matter where you are 👍👍