General Election called now it’s a Postal Vote Rush for Cluj-bound Bhoys

Whatever you might think of the SNP or Nicola Sturgeon, if you're serious about Scottish independence and if you're serious about Scotland have the best chance possible to avoid Brexit, you can only vote for the SNP. I would never in my life vote for a Unionist party, but some might be tempted to vote Labour. It's a wasted anti-Scottish vote up here. Unionists and British nationalists hate Scotland and hate Scottish people and, thus ultimately, hate themselves.

Robert Cunningham Graham, founder of the SNP, once said that he couldn't understand why people hated the English, as the true enemies of Scottish self-determination were our fellow Scots who lack imagination. I'd take it further - they hate the idea of our country being independent and free standing from the English-majoritarian British Union. They fear what we might become. Vote SNP.
Whatever you might think of the SNP or Nicola Sturgeon, if you're serious about Scottish independence and if you're serious about Scotland have the best chance possible to avoid Brexit, you can only vote for the SNP. I would never in my life vote for a Unionist party, but some might be tempted to vote Labour. It's a wasted anti-Scottish vote up here. Unionists and British nationalists hate Scotland and hate Scottish people and, thus ultimately, hate themselves.

Robert Cunningham Graham, founder of the SNP, once said that he couldn't understand why people hated the English, as the true enemies of Scottish self-determination were our fellow Scots who lack imagination. I'd take it further - they hate the idea of our country being independent and free standing from the English-majoritarian British Union. They fear what we might become. Vote SNP.
I'll wait n see what ad campaign the snp put out ,if it's that mealy mouth feather in the air snowflake pish they ran with in the last election then my votes going back in the drawer

If it's a blow your own trumpet of what the snp have to offer ,the work they have done and what they intend to do,( like the one they used to take the piss out of Torrance, which they should have used at the General elections) then i will vote

They ran a weak campaign the last time and ignored grass roots supporters advice , people who were talking to the electorate ,and had more than ample warning that they would be attacked on education and another devisive indy ref , and they didn't put up much of a fight

only ever voted once in my life that was 2014 ,where we got robbed
That wee wummin makes sure everyone in Scotland is entitled to medicine and education. You do not have to vote SNP after independence, but if you want independence then this should be your vote.
Good for the wee wummin, nice wee vote earner that one, on the other hand as one who is fortunate enough to be able to pay for my prescriptions or further education I think I should be paying for them and I'm more than willing to pay for them. I'd rather that benefit (which costs a pretty penny) went to those that need it.
I'll wait n see what ad campaign the snp put out ,if it's that mealy mouth feather in the air snowflake pish they ran with in the last election then my votes going back in the drawer

If it's a blow your own trumpet of what the snp have to offer ,the work they have done and what they intend to do,( like the one they used to take the piss out of Torrance, which they should have used at the General elections) then i will vote

They ran a weak campaign the last time and ignored grass roots supporters advice , people who were talking to the electorate ,and had more than ample warning that they would be attacked on education and another devisive indy ref , and they didn't put up much of a fight

only ever voted once in my life that was 2014 ,where we got robbed

Absolutely - they have hugely drifted away from the grassroots of the party and the wider independence movement. There's no doubt about this. But as others have noted, the SNP are a mere means to an end. I never vote in British elections, but I did in 2015, as we had the chance to kill the Unionist parties up here, and I will this time, merely because the vote up here will be a proxy plebiscite on a second independence referendum.
Good for the wee wummin, nice wee vote earner that one, on the other hand as one who is fortunate enough to be able to pay for my prescriptions or further education I think I should be paying for them and I'm more than willing to pay for them. I'd rather that benefit (which costs a pretty penny) went to those that need it.
You do not pay because you are seen as an equal takes away the stigma for some and gives back a bit of dignity.
Good for the wee wummin, nice wee vote earner that one, on the other hand as one who is fortunate enough to be able to pay for my prescriptions or further education I think I should be paying for them and I'm more than willing to pay for them. I'd rather that benefit (which costs a pretty penny) went to those that need it.

But it does already go to those who need it. And you can't support the principle of social democracy without accepting that social democratic reforms ought to be universal. The point is about redistributing total wealth - not individual wealth. If you look at the statistics, which aren't even fully formed yet due to the long-ranging nature of such a reform, you're seeing people from social backgrounds who would never have been at university 20 years ago taking a record amount of places. You're even seeing a change in the kind of subjects women study - a much wider range. It's not just about cost. It's about remodelling society. Unfortunately, that remodelling is entirely restrained from its full potential by the unfair fiscal system that comes with being a mere 'territory' (see Fintan O'Toole, who uncovered, for the first time since 1707, that Scotland is considered by the exchequer to be a mere 'territory' of Britain, actually England) of the British Union.
Also, on the question of free prescriptions: it might very well be that you, Hoopy, are rich enough to afford prescriptions (and well enough that you don't have lots of prescriptions to receive, god willing), but there is a huge demographic of Scots (and English, Welsh and those who dwell in the North of Ireland) who are the working poor - they technically earn enough to, under a means-tested system, have to pay for prescriptions, but in real economic terms, they can't afford them. That was the major problem of the previous system. And, again, you can't introduce a reform like that without making it entirely universal - it nullifies the subjective factors of personal economic circumstances that aren't always reflected in your annual income.
Whatever you might think of the SNP or Nicola Sturgeon, if you're serious about Scottish independence and if you're serious about Scotland have the best chance possible to avoid Brexit, you can only vote for the SNP. I would never in my life vote for a Unionist party, but some might be tempted to vote Labour. It's a wasted anti-Scottish vote up here. Unionists and British nationalists hate Scotland and hate Scottish people and, thus ultimately, hate themselves.

Robert Cunningham Graham, founder of the SNP, once said that he couldn't understand why people hated the English, as the true enemies of Scottish self-determination were our fellow Scots who lack imagination. I'd take it further - they hate the idea of our country being independent and free standing from the English-majoritarian British Union. They fear what we might become. Vote SNP.
I lived in England for nearly 10 years Sam, spent a few years in Wales as well, must have met thousands of people in that time and I honestly never heard a single anti Scottish word said, I was never treated as an outsider or unwelcome, quite the opposite in fact. I witnessed a great deal of warmth towards Scotland and Scottish people.
My wife on the other hand, well she's English now living in Scotland, I can't be arsed going into it but I got treated far better down there than she does up here. The greatest small minded country in the world.
I lived in England for nearly 10 years Sam, spent a few years in Wales as well, must have met thousands of people in that time and I honestly never heard a single anti Scottish word said, I was never treated as an outsider or unwelcome, quite the opposite in fact. I witnessed a great deal of warmth towards Scotland and Scottish people.
My wife on the other hand, well she's English now living in Scotland, I can't be arsed going into it but I got treated far better down there than she does up here. The greatest small minded country in the world.

Read my post again mate. I'm talking about SCOTTISH Unionists and British nationalists. I'm making the point that English people are not the enemy, not that most people on this forum need to hear such a point. But it's our fellow Scots who are the biggest enemies of a progressive Scotland with full self-determination.

But, as it happens, anti-Scottish hate crimes in England have risen hugely since 2014, while anti-English sentiment isn't even in the top 10 of recorded hate crimes in Scotland.
Good for the wee wummin, nice wee vote earner that one, on the other hand as one who is fortunate enough to be able to pay for my prescriptions or further education I think I should be paying for them and I'm more than willing to pay for them. I'd rather that benefit (which costs a pretty penny) went to those that need it.
Get where your coming from and a lot of folk feel the same way but see one day your health will go ,that's something you can't control and it won't make a jot all provisions you've planned ahead for this
Get where your coming from and a lot of folk feel the same way but see one day your health will go ,that's something you can't control and it won't make a jot all provisions you've planned ahead for this
And when that day comes and I can't look after myself hopefully the state will be there to look after me. My wife works in an opticians, millionaires turn up and get "free" sight tests, fucking ridiculous! Give that money to pensioners who have worked and paid into the system their whole lives and now live on fuck all.
It has fuck all to do with social change and everything to do with winning votes, just the same as the brexit £300m a week to the NHS pish, or Labour's £10ph minimum wage. None of them give a fuck if its sustainable, achievable, affordable or indeed just made up horse shit, as long as it wins them votes and they gain or maintain power.
If any Tory darkens my door, I won't be held responsible. The last one who came down got chased out of the garden. Bearded wanker. I'll be hostile but not violent to any Labourite who turns up. Liberals will just get laughed at.
Guy i worked with is one of those flat earth bendy water types and had the labour guy screaming for mercy cos he wouldlnt let him out till he acknowledge chem trails and wanted something done about them

Said the lib dem guy stayed on his step and left as soon as he asked about aeriel interventions wft are they
Guy i worked with is one of those flat earth bendy water types and had the labour guy screaming for mercy cos he wouldlnt let him out till he acknowledge chem trails and wanted something done about them

Said the lib dem guy stayed on his step and left as soon as he asked about aeriel interventions wft are they


Moonhowlhers. Tbf, the Labour Party these days probably has a policy on chemtrails.
And when that day comes and I can't look after myself hopefully the state will be there to look after me. My wife works in an opticians, millionaires turn up and get "free" sight tests, fucking ridiculous! Give that money to pensioners who have worked and paid into the system their whole lives and now live on fuck all.
It has fuck all to do with social change and everything to do with winning votes, just the same as the brexit £300m a week to the NHS pish, or Labour's £10ph minimum wage. None of them give a fuck if its sustainable, achievable, affordable or indeed just made up horse shit, as long as it wins them votes and they gain or maintain power.

Like it or not but millionaires pay into the health system as do all employed, why then should they pay more, a fair system you reap the benefits of paying in and unfortunate people reap the benefit of the fair system that provides the safety net, the same net that will catch the millionaire should he/she fall from grace, the same net that awaits you to give you assurance.

Anyway come the day, come the hour it's your vote as is it is mine and i just hope we make a choice that is best for all and not just best for us, HH theres a game to be won tonight so the politics will be put on the back burner for now.
Like it or not but millionaires pay into the health system as do all employed, why then should they pay more, a fair system you reap the benefits of paying in and unfortunate people reap the benefit of the fair system that provides the safety net, the same net that will catch the millionaire should he/she fall from grace, the same net that awaits you to give you assurance.

Anyway come the day, come the hour it's your vote as is it is mine and i just hope we make a choice that is best for all and not just best for us, HH theres a game to be won tonight so the politics will be put on the back burner for now.
I agree with the last bit Boab HH
He was never botherd again so it worked

It's actually a good idea. Next time a Tory comes to the door, I'll start off by talking about income tax and how rich people shouldn't have to pay it, then once he's almost creaming in his designer House of Bruar corduroys, I'll hit him with a question on what the Tories plan to do about the Humanoid shape-shifting vampire reptiles from the Draco constellation who rule the world.

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