Who could replace Neil Lennon

On ACSOM PJ Dykes said a number of managers have been in contact with the club through their agents & expressed an interest, but again bizarrely the board aren't prepared to listen & continue as is.

Steve Clarke was for me the best & most realistic option that we could have appointed at least until the end of the season, whilst also allowing him to continue his Scotland duties.
That would be good if it really was an option but I doubt SC would want to.
I have heard the name Paul Lambert being bandied about a few times.
That is at this time the strength and ambition of the custodians of this great club of ours.
We need far superior candidates than Paul Lambert who so far has done absolutely nothing in management..

I have heard the name Paul Lambert being bandied about a few times.
That is at this time the strength and ambition of the custodians of this great club of ours.
We need far superior candidates than Paul Lambert who so far has done absolutely nothing in management..

Better sticking with Lennon than going for Lambert. Great player but a poor manager at many teams.

Perfectly valid suggestions from Glasbhoy81 if ye ask me. Whit's wrong with having a bit of ambition? Or have we just given up on that? :unsure:

They're certainly far better suggestions than the lazy unimaginative thinking that's seen Gordon Strachan and MON's names mentioned or the inane 'a good Celtic man who knows the club' pish which is the very same blinkered outlook that has got us into this mess in the first place!
You make them all sound like wonderful prospects but just remind me again.... why are they all unemployed?

Could be a multitude of reasons why they're not currently managing a club, plenty of which that would have hee haw to do with them being bad managers, in fact all the people Glasbhoy listed have pretty impressive track records.

Anyway Lenny being unemployed didn't stop us giving him the job for a 2nd time!
Perfectly valid suggestions from Glasbhoy81 if ye ask me. Whit's wrong with having a bit of ambition? Or have we just given up on that? :unsure:

They're certainly far better suggestions than the lazy unimaginative thinking that's seen Gordon Strachan and MON's names mentioned or the inane 'a good Celtic man who knows the club' pish which is the very same blinkered outlook that has got us into this mess in the first place!
I agree but the unimaginative people are at the Club
Ronny Deila was imaginative
The Snake was obvious
Our teams/club needs an identity.
At the same time as appointing a manager, we need to relinquish the grip the Fat Controller has and get a real Director of Football. Tell the finance people to fuck off back to adding and subtracting, not watching scouting video's FFS.
The DOF needs to be the constant at the Club, managers will come and go, but we need them to implement a style and an adaptable formation thats been taught throughout the youths. A strategic long term plan rather than whats going wrong now. Not changing our formation like boxer shorts and signing players to suit a formation thats changed constantly throughout the season. Over the years you appoint managers that buy into the style you've ingrained.
I'd say that appointment would in the long run be as important as the managerial appointment.
Get the Celtic Way drummed into these youth's early doors so we have teams that attack every fucking team that dares sets foot on oor hallowed turf. Attaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack the b'stards
Then we'll bring the thunder, white lightning and hailstones to the party

I'd love for the last 10 years to be the next 10, but i'm not daft. We'll win what we win, but i'd rather watch football played properly by a mix of experienced and youngish bhoys coming through than hand fortunes to some of these lazy mercenaries that trample all over clubs proud being.

I agree but the unimaginative people are at the Club
Ronny Deila was imaginative
The Snake was obvious

100% And therein lies our biggest most fundamental problem mate. No imagination, no ambition, no interest in looking outwith our own wee self-imposed bubble of ex-managers, ex-players, 'good Celtic men' or 'he knows Scottish fitbaw' types! It's that sort of parochial garbage that limits our club's potential.

Ronny was a good coach with a sound philosophy imo he just wasn't equipped to manage a club the size of Celtic unfortunately, that's why he was being lined up as a No.2, but I'd have him back in a coaching capacity in a heartbeat.
100% And therein lies our biggest most fundamental problem mate. No imagination, no ambition, no interest in looking outwith our own wee self-imposed bubble of ex-managers, ex-players, 'good Celtic men' or 'he knows Scottish fitbaw' types! It's that sort of parochial garbage that limits our club's potential.

Ronny was a good coach with a sound philosophy imo he just wasn't equipped to manage a club the size of Celtic unfortunately, that's why he was being lined up as a No.2, but I'd have him back in a coaching capacity in a heartbeat.
DD has lost interest now that EPL/Atlantic leagues ain't on the horizon
Here Peter run that and make sure you don't cost me any money
'Maximise shareholder value'
If you run it into the ground i'll get involved
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He also has quite a few black marks on that record now as well including the worst run of home defeats since 1958.

Ronny Deila won 2 titles and the League Cup in the 2 years he was Celtic manager, should he have got the bump?
Lenny has a few from this season
He should have done better with us first time around but we remember the men in black back then
He went to Bolton ..... any manager was bound to fail there at that time
Hibs... thought he did pretty well there, no doubt his first experience of the new soft player, lost it for that reason,
Took that softly approach to Celtic and here we are. He's an old style manager, played in a different generation and it starting to show

In not implying you have said it Shadow, but it baffles me when people come on here and say he's hopeless this and that. Most managers would happily retire with his record. I'm not saying he's Mourinho either,

He's having a bad season as ALL managers do, no more, no less