crowd limits

Aye, some of us have a life and go oot/work etc……some of us have nae pals and bide in…….🤣
Thats it exactly mate if I was a nurse or doctor in a hospital or I worked in the City meeting alot of different People daily of course I wid take it thats a whole different situation there's far too many other people that kin give u it or vice versa it just works out that because I've became bit of hermit im less risky all round 🤷‍♂️😄
Thats it exactly mate if I was a nurse or doctor in a hospital or I worked in the City meeting alot of different People daily of course I wid take it thats a whole different situation there's far too many other people that kin give u it or vice versa it just works out that because I've became bit of hermit im less risky all round 🤷‍♂️😄
Well a third of people who get it won't know as they won't have any symptoms. Why would you do a test if you feel fine & there's a chance that you will have to isolate for 10 days
Well a third of people who get it won't know as they won't have any symptoms. Why would you do a test if you feel fine & there's a chance that you will have to isolate for 10 days
Mate how do they know a third of people get it but they don't know they had it but they know a third of them had it???🤔
Your as well throwing the lateral flow tests tae feck, if ANYONE on here thinks they may have it, just book a PCR test, I done 4 L/F tests including 2 in between doing the PCR test and getting the results, with them coming back negative 🤷‍♂️

Here's a crazy idea!!!
If anyone thinks they have it and are showing symptoms but are not serious and don't require treatment ..why not just stay at home, self isolate, don't put anyone else at risk by traveling to get tested?.... and don't become a statistic

just an idea 👍
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Here's a crazy idea!!!
If anyone thinks they have it and are showing symptoms but are not serious and don't require treatment ..why why just stay at home, self isolate, don't put anyone else at risk by traveling to get tested?.... and don't become a statistic

just an idea 👍
That's exactly what I would be doing
Fuck knows. Think maybe through test & trace. So if your a close contact and get told to come in for a PCR test. Really don't know
Yes that's the reason ⏫

The issue we seem to have at the moment is how transmissible this new variant is. 120k new cases a day is scary! And it needs to be remembered even the fully vaccinated aren't immune, the figures say they are 85% less likely to need hospital care than the unvaccinated in terms of Delta and very early data from the omicron variant suggests its about 60% less likely to need hospital treatment than delta. Thats all good, but even if only 5% of omicron infections result in hospital treatment that's 6000 people per day! That isn't sustainable long term.
The other issue we have is the amount of people who have it who need to isolate, it's already at about 10% of people in London (I think) some hospital wards in London are saying 50% of their staff is off work either with it or isolating because of it, IF it runs rampant through the country we'll end up with a skeleton staff trying to run emergency services, same with delivery drivers, shop keepers, care workers etc etc, before you know it the country's fucked!
Yes that's the reason ⏫

The issue we seem to have at the moment is how transmissible this new variant is. 120k new cases a day is scary! And it needs to be remembered even the fully vaccinated aren't immune, the figures say they are 85% less likely to need hospital care than the unvaccinated in terms of Delta and very early data from the omicron variant suggests its about 60% less likely to need hospital treatment than delta. Thats all good, but even if only 5% of omicron infections result in hospital treatment that's 6000 people per day! That isn't sustainable long term.
The other issue we have is the amount of people who have it who need to isolate, it's already at about 10% of people in London (I think) some hospital wards in London are saying 50% of their staff is off work either with it or isolating because of it, IF it runs rampant through the country we'll end up with a skeleton staff trying to run emergency services, same with delivery drivers, shop keepers, care workers etc etc, before you know it the country's fucked!

Because all the nurses , doctors an that were at the winchin at the works night out ...dirty buggers
Here's a crazy idea!!!
If anyone thinks they have it and are showing symptoms but are not serious and don't require treatment ..why not just stay at home, self isolate, don't put anyone else at risk by traveling to get tested?.... and don't become a statistic

just an idea 👍
Because if you only THINK you have it, the temptation is to go out and do yir shopping etc, thereby infecting other potentially vulnerable people. Whereas if you know you’ve got it you’re more likely to stay home and isolate for the required period, if you have a conscience, that is, although some folk dont 😡
I can’t speak for how everyone else goes though the testing system, but I took the 10 steps from my front door to the car, drove the 2.2 miles to the test centre, the man shouted the instructions though the window, I opened the window 1” he threw the kit in, I done the test, put my hazard lights on, he shouted more instructions, I opened the window 3” And threw the kit in the box he was holding, then drove home…..
Because if you only THINK you have it, the temptation is to go out and do yir shopping etc, thereby infecting other potentially vulnerable people. Whereas if you know you’ve got it you’re more likely to stay home and isolate for the required period, if you have a conscience, that is, although some folk dont 😡
I can’t speak for how everyone else goes though the testing system, but I took the 10 steps from my front door to the car, drove the 2.2 miles to the test centre, the man shouted the instructions though the window, I opened the window 1” he threw the kit in, I done the test, put my hazard lights on, he shouted more instructions, I opened the window 3” And threw the kit in the box he was holding, then drove home…..
👏👏👏If only you could put this into a You Tube clip and hit every 18-30 year old. The World would be safer overnight...if they believed you of course!
Because if you only THINK you have it, the temptation is to go out and do yir shopping etc, thereby infecting other potentially vulnerable people. Whereas if you know you’ve got it you’re more likely to stay home and isolate for the required period, if you have a conscience, that is, although some folk dont 😡
I can’t speak for how everyone else goes though the testing system, but I took the 10 steps from my front door to the car, drove the 2.2 miles to the test centre, the man shouted the instructions though the window, I opened the window 1” he threw the kit in, I done the test, put my hazard lights on, he shouted more instructions, I opened the window 3” And threw the kit in the box he was holding, then drove home…..

Not everyone has a conscience, not everyone has a car..not everyone is you 👍

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