Celtic v OFFC, Saturday 3rd September at 12:30pm (Parkhead timezone)

“Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.” -
Bernadette Devlin

Long lost relative of mine

HH 👏
Aye But the huncuntmedja keep saying we’re weak in defence

HH 😂
Only confirms how dopey the thick hun scum hoards remains.
All our defenders had the useless hun attackers in there pockets all match long.
Really pleased for josip in regards having a fairly slow start to the season by his standards, really showed what a class act he really is today.
Looks like the slight disruption with the transfer window open may have a slight effect upon a player as josip and O'Reilly stepped up to show just why there is such interest in them and will only increase now after today's display from the pair of them imo.
A Defence also that has conceded one goal in six domestic games.
It's a decent record to be fair Boab, but they'll be tested on Tuesday like never before.
Were a force going forward of that there is no doubt and we'll give them some trouble
Our chance conversion is off the charts

But we offered them a route back into the game with a slack spell in amongst the purple patch.
They got quite a few crosses in down our left and they were excellent balls that a Benzema would do much better with. JJ needs to tighten up on the crosses getting in.

The second half we dropped of them a bit and saw the game out

Every hun game is a pleasure when you win, but we need to start like we can from the very start on Tuesday

i've been up early every day looking to get tickets from the public sale for the games, but there was none, seems every ST holder must have bought at the very least tickets for Tuesday
Have to say from the comments on this page did we play today 😂
We absolutely smashed these cretinous hordes back to the 1690’s where they belong. It’s weird we didn’t have the usual possession stats that are normal for us but we were absolutely lethal in front of goal so much so that there keeper was seeing blue when it was a Hoopy Green.
We kinda played AdaptAbleAngeball.
We hurt them all over
On to Rightwing Madrid we go with no fear
But a quiet Hope
Mon the Hoops 👏👏👏👏

HH Ange
It's a decent record to be fair Boab, but they'll be tested on Tuesday like never before.
Were a force going forward of that there is no doubt and we'll give them some trouble
Our chance conversion is off the charts

But we offered them a route back into the game with a slack spell in amongst the purple patch.
They got quite a few crosses in down our left and they were excellent balls that a Benzema would do much better with. JJ needs to tighten up on the crosses getting in.

The second half we dropped of them a bit and saw the game out

Every hun game is a pleasure when you win, but we need to start like we can from the very start on Tuesday

i've been up early every day looking to get tickets from the public sale for the games, but there was none, seems every ST holder must have bought at the very least tickets for Tuesday
That's more of a risk that we are prepared to take SMG that allows for the overloads down the flanks to get the crosses in as the scum couldn't ever get that overload working down our lefthand side, which we can put down to being so shit scared of Jota, yet barrasic nowhere to be seen with abada.
Well worth taking that risk and paid dividends today to our advantage imo.
2nd half with the game won can't recall barrasic managing to get a cross in whatsoever, so Ange won that tactical battle no end imo.
Have to say from the comments on this page did we play today 😂
We absolutely smashed these cretinous hordes back to the 1690’s where they belong. It’s weird we didn’t have the usual possession stats that are normal for us but we were absolutely lethal in front of goal so much so that there keeper was seeing blue when it was a Hoopy Green.
We kinda played AdaptAbleAngeball.
We hurt them all over
On to Rightwing Madrid we go with no fear
But a quiet Hope
Mon the Hoops 👏👏👏👏

HH Ange
Aye jamsam we totally and completely outclassed them today, left sharkeys like everyone else , beaming ear to ear.
Possession doesnt surprise me as the game was finished by ht and we let them think about having a go , which they thought better of, just as well or utd score wouldve been on the cards outstanding , fantastic million superlatives HH
Have to say from the comments on this page did we play today 😂
We absolutely smashed these cretinous hordes back to the 1690’s where they belong. It’s weird we didn’t have the usual possession stats that are normal for us but we were absolutely lethal in front of goal so much so that there keeper was seeing blue when it was a Hoopy Green.
We kinda played AdaptAbleAngeball.
We hurt them all over
On to Rightwing Madrid we go with no fear
But a quiet Hope
Mon the Hoops 👏👏👏👏

HH Ange
i'm just getting on to start reading through them after today

had to watch with weans today,
in the 5th minute they decided to join in with the singing by finding their kids xylophone and maracas ..... for the rest of the first half :ROFLMAO:

fortunately i was in a decent mood
That's more of a risk that we are prepared to take SMG that allows for the overloads down the flanks to get the crosses in as the scum couldn't ever get that overload working down our lefthand side, which we can put down to being so shit scared of Jota, yet barrasic nowhere to be seen with abada.
Well worth taking that risk and paid dividends today to our advantage imo.
2nd half with the game won can't recall barrasic managing to get a cross in whatsoever, so Ange won that tactical battle no end imo.
without doubt we did more better than not johnno and as i said, i'll take any win over huns.
i'm not complaining and i know 3-0 up and people can switch off

As i've said before, i'll take Ange's risk/reward anyday, it'll win 99% of domestic games

But Barisic did put in 3/4 cracking crosses in a first half spell but they had little in box on the end of it. We just need to tighten up a wee bit there on tuesday night, as these teams expose every little weakness. That where we suffered last year in Europe. We went toe to toe with all opposition which was to our credit, but were badly exposed. But.... we're a year down the line and look to be much much more solid IMO. These teams will give us frights like we will do them.
If i was pushed for a prediction for Tuesday, i expect 4 or more goals
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