Happy International Blasphemy day!

A little lighthearted interlude on this day of blasphemy and humour

Don't mess with my Too Too
Fuck that said Staubitz

Did you create a hate thread on the noise Lubo

Dallas didnt post anti religious posters in public

He claims he passed on 1 email that he didnt even read and denied he felt those sentiments

So is public invective passed as satire ok

but private email spam (if he was telling truth) sharing makes you a bigot

i sincerely believe in my heart dallas and many other refs are bigots but they disclaim anything that suggests such

is that really worse than celtic fans proclaiming openly they hate and their hate is justified using distorted propaganda then claiming its just funny.

thats exactly what racists say about jim crow jokes

the queen hasnt been found guilty of murdering children despite the bizarre allegations so comparing her to hate figures like myra hindley is heinous even if its not intended

defending hate crime with rights to have a joke using uninformed distorted propaganda got dallas sack athough he says he does not feel those thoughts

but in your mind he is worse than (alleged) celtic fans pumping out hate crime propaganda as fact?

All hate crime is heinous
pretending its satire but at same time saying its exactly why i hate them is hate crime

its not funny if its actually wht you promote in private

dallas doesnt publically admit he is bigot but i think he probably is due to his zealous detestation of celtic imo

But his rights are null

And creating a blasphemy thread on noise is just banter?

was dallas just banter coz it was less offensive than most of the gifs and pictures passed as funny on this page.

its a criminal offensive in scotland to promote hatred
the huns call it 90 minute bigotry

its not

hate crime using propaganda is stuff of goebels
Exactly, lets have some respect for fellow members who believe, isnt that the decent thing to do?
No matter if we don't agree, surely its up to each and every individual to make their own personal choices.
Exactly, lets have some respect for fellow members who believe, isnt that the decent thing to do?
No matter if we don't agree, surely its up to each and every individual to make their own personal choices.



No point getting all upset over an idea. No humans or indeed animals have been harmed in the course of this thread.
You have the right to celebrate your beliefs as you see fit and on this day I reserve the right to blaspheme. I've toned down the religious content significantly in recent times but this is our day. The clue to the thread is in the title. Only those who want to be offended would even open the thread unless they came to it to engage in blasphemy.
It's like an Orangeman attending an Easter Sunday commemoration to give out about all the Fenians.


No point getting all upset over an idea. No humans or indeed animals have been harmed in the course of this thread.
You have the right to celebrate your beliefs as you see fit and on this day I reserve the right to blaspheme. I've toned down the religious content significantly in recent times but this is our day. The clue to the thread is in the title. Only those who want to be offended would even open the thread unless the came to it to engage in blasphemy.
Thats so true that quote its an easy way to control the masses
Worth a bit
The NHL when the rivals play (Calgary v Edmonton) (Boston v New York) (Montreal v Toronto) there's always a bit of 'afters' and it's nice to see millionaires knocking seven shades of shit out of each other
Savage money I'd imagine. I bartended in Boston and listened to a lot of sports radio so got a bit of insight into the local sports lore. They still idolise Bobby Orr.
Savage money I'd imagine. I bartended in Boston and listened to a lot of sports radio so got a bit of insight into the local sports lore. They still idolise Bobby Orr.
Greatest hockey player ever, in my humble opinion, him and Gordy Howe
He played when it was a truly savage sport
Cam Neely and Milan Lucic are Gods in Boston
Both from Vancouver area
For the record I'm not sure if there is a god, no one is. But if some want to believe there is, its up to them. lets not mock them for that. Would we mock Tommy Burns for his beliefs?
It's not funny to some but it is to the rest, so leave people alone in their right to be 'offended' and the rest of us to have a fucking laugh
If you're, and by that I mean anyone, who is offended, be offended, nothing happens
Some of us happen to find all religion comical, others well, they're entitled to their opinions, as am I
Read the thread title and if you don't like it, well, as Shammy once told me...scroll on
Adulting is so difficult for the terminally offended
Have a great weekend and try and have a laugh, it's a big part of life
So fucking what, they needed controlling 2000 years ago. We wouldnt be where we are today if complete chaos ruled the day. What do you actually think it was like back then?
Not a lot different to how it is now except the controllers could hang you up on a cross or cut your head off for mocking their ideas. The controllers got a bit more creative in subsequent years by inventing instruments of torture and burning people alive.

I'm prepared to believe in the existence of a historical person called Jesus. I believe the Abrahamic religions all have the same fundamental principle - do unto others... or what the Jews call 'the golden rule'. Essentially be a decent human being. I was taught that during the Sanhedrin Trials Jesus admonished the priests for being obsessed with the 'letter of the law' to the detriment of the 'spirit of the law' and the various factions of religions founded in his name have utterly forgotten that lesson. There's very little 'do onto others as you would have done onto you' practised by robed men in gilded palaces collecting and hoarding £billions while millions if not billions of humans live in abject poverty, many without access to clean water.