
Guys I'm outa here. I'll go our all guns blazin.
I've said before that if I can, I WILL help people if I can in need. You all that's who I am. Call me sensitive. Yes I know there are .any other issues that affect us. One being the heartfelt sympathy and communication from some regulars. I lost my You guys helped me with . Heartfelt thanks.
Don't walk away Stevie. Just ignore the threads on General Chat and block anyone you don't want to read. You have contributed so much to the Noise over the years so it would a shame to lose you now. Maybe take a wee break instead? I know it has been a tough time for you so I will send you my best wishes if you feel you do not want to continue. Take care, pal. HH
Stevie - thank you for all the kindness and generosity you showed to oor MD. You organised us to get together to get him a boax which changed his life and gave him access to lots of fitba, tv & films to make his final housebound years much better. I know you visited to help him and took Hoopy along to first foot him which you all loved. Then to organise the memorial stone after his sad passing was so beautiful.

Come on man, you can't bail out on us after all this time. But if you decide it is time then do me a favour and do one of your infamous raffles for old time's sake (๐Ÿ˜‰ just kidding). Take care, fella.
No words Steviebhouy you go with my thanks and sadness at your recent loss. Bud your one in the proverbial million. You have been a force for good on the Noise pretty good at everything Mm well except the famous ffs Raffles which brought us to our knees with joyous laughter.
These are a small few memories youโ€™ve brought to us. For that Iโ€™m grateful having known you. And Sad that youโ€™re leaving.
So ffs donโ€™t go take a break bud. Take some time out for You.
I hope you do the latter youโ€™ve been a good friend SB.
Again thanks bud
Cheers ๐Ÿ‘

Guys I'm outa here. I'll go our all guns blazin.
I've said before that if I can, I WILL help people if I can in need. You all that's who I am. Call me sensitive. Yes I know there are .any other issues that affect us. One being the heartfelt sympathy and communication from some regulars. I lost my wife You guys helped me. Heartfelt thanks.
If you feel that way just have a wee brek, I did but have to admit, I missed the crack. We've no games for a while so it's the ideal time to do it. Just this pish Wurrld Cup and the imploading huns to talk about. Come back after a reset Stevie, HH.
I joined this forum about 4 years ago. Got a hard time before I was accepted.
I totally accept and enjoy the variation of topics.
The one thing that always splits us is politics.
I've always accepted that it's part and parcel.
There's only so much you can ignore.
Blocking isn't the answer either.
No idea what is but tbh there seems to be more leaning to that side. You've noticed that some "regulars" aren't posting anymore. Myself, I post less. I feel the soul of this forum has been damaged. From being like minded and objective regarding Celtic we seem to dwell on the "dark side" if you wish.
The banter ain't the same. It's not who we are most of the time.
Loads will of course differ but look at the stats of posting of previously regular and lovely guys. We're doing something wrong guys, let's make it better.
Dont know why this threads only appeared to me now.
See it was about a month ago round about the time of some heated politically loaded debates.

I know exactly what you're saying steviebhoy and it's a real shame the fallout.

Personally I try to avoid the political threads and those similar in nature.

They can be heavily depressing to say the least.

I'd never say " dont post about....."
I've even typed out responses then deleted it instead.

What I'd wish for is the ' General Chat ' section to be about general chat regarding football, but not necessarily Celtic.
I can't ask nor expect anyone to see it the same as its not my forum.
So I sometimes read and try not to respond.

Celtic Banter, Celtic and Banter plus serious fitba ' talk is the reason why I joined and it's the reason why I'm still here 4 years later.

You've read some of the nonsense I post ( doubt anyones read it all ๐Ÿ˜›)
I try to keep it light , if often long but with paragraphs now to keep it legible.
I try to have a laugh, hopefully with you ghuys and ghirls and if not , then at myself.

Since I'm only discovering this thread a month later.
I hope that you like I have found that we the noisers have found a natural "Reset' of sorts and the Noise is responding and healing well.

Some former regular posters have returned which is fantastic.
And some genuinely beautiful and touching things have come to light about our forum and that theres still strength in it.

We have a beautiful community here, its numbers and contributors have changed a few times in my 4 quick years.

I just try and take the good and leave the not so good.

I hope since you posted steviebhoy that you have found things have begun to be better at least HH โ˜˜
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Steviebhoy imwith you on this . Is this a Celtic Forum or not. Let's leave the non Celtic stuff behind. Celtic consummates our life's that should be a given. If we love our Celtic then let's talk about Celtic. Far too many members of this site have left ,reasons being that we are erring away from Celtic. Ok I know I have been guilty in the past of posting some sh##e on the forum. But we and especially myself must recognise this is Celtic noise, and no other forums are !Ike us. So my plea to like minded Celtic supporters is come and join us . We here at the noise welcome debate about Celtic . My last word on this is debate all things Celtic. After all who's like us.HH ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€
I agree with you Ally but I still think a general chat section is required/needed even.
No for politics ( personally) but for threads like the MD SPFL predictor and other predictors and where would I put all my pass the time wee "polls and stuff"?

When I joined , 12 days after Steviebhoy btw 4yrs ago.
I at first assumed the general chat section was for fitba' chat not necessarily about Celtic but fitba' so therefore Celtic in a roundabout way.

I learned soon after there were music threads in there and other stuff.

It should remain (imo) for stuff like that and really what anyone wants to post.
4 years on here has taught me a lot of what I post, nothing moreso than I post some amount of big long posts full of nonsense , when find it's only me, spliff and the noise to myself (something that rarely happened before).

So I have a wee laugh ( to myself at the nonsense I post), its always for a chuckle, if it makes others laugh as well then brilliant.
If not, oh well, no damage done.

I've learned that if a threads political , I'm better off not giving it any of my focus or energy , unless I have something extraordinary and profound to say, but that's every post so I keep it to a minimum ๐Ÿ˜›

As a young bhoy I mind my Das pals coming roon on a saturday for a swally and always ,ALWAYS , my Da would welcome his pals in " Orite bhoys good tae see yous could make it, come in we'll have a drink , few sing songs , Celtic and absolutely NAE POLITICS! " this was how my da would greet his pals hed invited roon at the door.
Words to that effect.

I can mind my ma back him up once as a friend asked " how nae politics?"
Ma just said " we're all friends here, alcohol is another friend but politics is no friend in here"
" it divides, especially when alcohols on the scene, it pisses people off even when they're right, that we've decided there will be no talking politics in this hoose when company is here, its just not worth it "

Being about 7 or so I didnt fully get it , barely got what politics meant, but that house law is still in place , my ma and da , uncles, aunties, grannies , grandas, cousins have passed away over the years but ma n das rule remains.
It's a good one, break it you're warned continue after that and its COAT ๐Ÿงฅ
See ye the mora or whenever bhuddy.

It works well , as does lets all go round to your place and shout about x,y,z. Suddenly it's no longer appealing.

People too often cant talk they must shout to get a political point out , something that rarely happens with other subjects bar fitba ' but in a much better way.

I've offended folk, been offended, apologised and been apologised to on here many times now.

I dont think to myself ' uch it's so and so's post I I couldnae give a fuck about them ' - that's not my character.

I will be me on here and the " uch it's only winter posting so fuck wit he says " I leave that for others to be who they are.

I'm under no obligation to read anything. So definitely none to respond.

Noise hit a low point wee while back but I feel it's getting back to normality , if there ever was such a thing. HH
I joined this forum about 4 years ago. Got a hard time before I was accepted.
I totally accept and enjoy the variation of topics.
The one thing that always splits us is politics.
I've always accepted that it's part and parcel.
There's only so much you can ignore.
Blocking isn't the answer either.
No idea what is but tbh there seems to be more leaning to that side. You've noticed that some "regulars" aren't posting anymore. Myself, I post less. I feel the soul of this forum has been damaged. From being like minded and objective regarding Celtic we seem to dwell on the "dark side" if you wish.
The banter ain't the same. It's not who we are most of the time.
Loads will of course differ but look at the stats of posting of previously regular and lovely guys. We're doing something wrong guys, let's make it better.
I was looking at when i joined stevie as you said 4years and it turns out that you joined 12 days before me 4 years ago.

With that in mind it would be shite if you left.

You're talking of a "reset" and ( without trying to twist your arm) I don't think that's my place.
Do you not think you can reset?
Aye were missing a few bhoys and ghirls I got on with and had a good laugh and banter with.

Thankfully I missed the whole fall out escapade mostly but caught some of the end of it.
I've no problem with differences of opinions it's the name calling I cant abide.

All here for the same reason , for that there's no need at all.

May i ask you bhuddy?
Are you missing people whose left?
Is it more as you say, the threads aren't the same ? Good vibes.
Lack of respect amongst some?

I've come across folk on here I consider friends I've never met before.

Some I may talk with more than others but that's really a coincidence I'd say as I'll chat away with anyone.

Its coincidence we joined at the same time and yet, aye weve spoken many times , we could've spoke more and hopefully this will happen but I dont consider your opinions any less valid than someone else's who I might speak with one more regular basis, just blocked me? Bassa ๐Ÿ˜›

In all seriousness Steviebhoy, rather than chuck away 4 years of time invested and also I'm well aware of the amount of folk you've helped out to get things sorted for.
You named the thread " reset" I personally hope to the big Mhan that's what you do , reset , not resign.

You're well respected on here stevie and I dont say that just trying to get you to stay.
But that said,
I really hope you do just that, reset but still be part of this forum.

Reset was something I think a few of us did something similar.

I love the noise but like any good thing sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.

I was off the forum for the best part of a month there recently with only sticking my head in the door a few times during that time, because I was away a wee break then visiting family and I didn't want to be an ignoramus, turning up to catch up with family or on a wee break and stuck to my phone like a teenager that would be rude so I missed much of October and miss it i really did.

Was a great buzz to come back and catch up.
Actually still catching up cos theres threads there that I'm finding that mustve originally been in my what's new bit but because I wasnt on it went way to the back and that's how I found this, theres also the well being thread I've realised I have to catch up on as well.

Tangent alert, so before I go off on one again, know that you'd be missed mate and I hope you can 'reset ' whilst still being part of what you helped make here.

Others are missed , hope is strong they'll return but even if they don't this forums numbers have always gone up and down and will again.

Dinna be hasty bhuddy but of course do what's best for you โ˜˜
God Bless the Celtic Noise HH
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I agree with you Ally but I still think a general chat section is required/needed even.
No for politics ( personally) but for threads like the MD SPFL predictor and other predictors and where would I put all my pass the time wee "polls and stuff"?

When I joined , 12 days after Steviebhoy btw 4yrs ago.
I at first assumed the general chat section was for fitba' chat not necessarily about Celtic but fitba' so therefore Celtic in a roundabout way.

I learned soon after there were music threads in there and other stuff.

It should remain (imo) for stuff like that and really what anyone wants to post.
4 years on here has taught me a lot of what I post, nothing moreso than I post some amount of big long posts full of nonsense , when find it's only me, spliff and the noise to myself (something that rarely happened before).

So I have a wee laugh ( to myself at the nonsense I post), its always for a chuckle, if it makes others laugh as well then brilliant.
If not, oh well, no damage done.

I've learned that if a threads political , I'm better off not giving it any of my focus or energy , unless I have something extraordinary and profound to say, but that's every post so I keep it to a minimum ๐Ÿ˜›

As a young bhoy I mind my Das pals coming roon on a saturday for a swally and always ,ALWAYS , my Da would welcome his pals in " Orite bhoys good tae see yous could make it, come in we'll have a drink , few sing songs , Celtic and absolutely NAE POLITICS! " this was how my da would greet his pals hed invited roon at the door.
Words to that effect.

I can mind my ma back him up once as a friend asked " how nae politics?"
Ma just said " we're all friends here, alcohol is another friend but politics is no friend in here"
" it divides, especially when alcohols on the scene, it pisses people off even when they're right, that we've decided there will be no talking politics in this hoose when company is here, its just not worth it "

Being about 7 or so I didnt fully get it , barely got what politics meant, but that house law is still in place , my ma and da , uncles, aunties, grannies , grandas, cousins have passed away over the years but ma n das rule remains.
It's a good one, break it you're warned continue after that and its COAT ๐Ÿงฅ
See ye the mora or whenever bhuddy.

It works well , as does lets all go round to your place and shout about x,y,z. Suddenly it's no longer appealing.

People too often cant talk they must shout to get a political point out , something that rarely happens with other subjects bar fitba ' but in a much better way.

I've offended folk, been offended, apologised and been apologised to on here many times now.

I dont think to myself ' uch it's so and so's post I I couldnae give a fuck about them ' - that's not my character.

I will be me on here and the " uch it's only winter posting so fuck wit he says " I leave that for others to be who they are.

I'm under no obligation to read anything. So definitely none to respond.

Noise hit a low point wee while back but I feel it's getting back to normality , if there ever was such a thing. HH
Agree with the General chat Winter. That should be for anything else but Celtic.
Steviebhoy when I read that you are leaving the noise, I was sad , you are one of greatest on here. I loved reading your posts. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have given us all. You have shown great compassion to others in times of need. I also want to thank you for the raffle you organized that I won. Albeit after a stewards inquiry ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…. You shall be missed my dear friend whatever you chose to do in the future , I wish you and your family best wishes and all the luck in the world.PS I hope it's not too late for you to change your mind. HH ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€
Thanks Winter.We don't want to see stalwarts of the noise leaving. Maybe the newer ones on here see things more differently in a way that they combine non Celtic chat with Celtic chat. I'm probably putting this wrong. But just my opinion. HH ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€
No we dont, not at all.
Also like I said earlier Steviebhoy joined 12 days before me and I just noticed that your good self joined about 19days after me.

So we're all of the same era , so to speak.
Many of us have been coming here now for 4 years and I think that's awesome.

4 years mhan!
That's longer than some friendships and relationships I've had in the physical world.
I did not expect to still be here 4years later.

Both of us 2 as well as steviebhoy all joining at the same time so aye of course we have seen changes, arguments, fall outs and back ins, we've seen it all on here, but I suppose that's just life in person or otherwise things change, not always for the better but sometimes for the better.

I prefer to talk and remember the best and good times rather than the opposite.
And there's been so many good nights and laughs I've lost count of the number of times I've been in tears rolling about the flair banging it somethings cracked me up so much.

They times are priceless bearing in mind I've never physically met any of you ghuys and ghirls.

Like so many on here the Celtic Noise has been a positive influence on my life and I'm not overstating it at all.
I'd be lost without it if it wasn't there for me when I want it, which has happened a few times before, wont load , start freaking out haha but get it back eventually.

I wouldn't presume to tell steviebhoy anything, hes a grown man ( i think ๐Ÿคฃ never met him)but I know enough about him from this forum that he's a stand up ghuy ,and he knows what's best for himself , hopefully that'll be the same thing that we hope for HH
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