Doncaster and his "fantastic " TV deals Viaplay going under.


Well-known member
Once again Doncaster and cronies are in the spotlight for the Viaplay " superb deal" now being exposed for what it was , not researched properly and hands out for the first deal that comes along.

Viaplay have a deal to show Scotland games til 2028 and a deal for the league cup.

This is all in major doubt now that Viaplay ( once premier sports, once setanta) has declared 2023 expected losses of £65 -£70 plus million.

SPFL chiefs are said to be "publicly and privately relaxed " about the situation.

They've recieved £2.5 million so far ( half of the league cup deal cash) a pitiful £5 million deal.

Obviously Doncaster and Co didn't do their homework and simply stood hands out waiting for any deal.

Surely this should be yet another nail in the coffin of Doncaster as CEO of our game, if that's his position, but how many chances does he get?
Messing up what should be a relatively simple contractual deals?

I'd like to see the back of Doncaster Obviously but it goes deeper than just him, malpractice for want of a better term, or more ' bad business ' perhaps a better one.

Time for a change at the top of the game here, the whole lot of them should be out on their ears.

That's including the Celtic board's rep, therangers members and other greedy club reps on that board who are for unknown bizarre reasons backing this guy to get what's best for the game here.

Doncaster tenure has been regularly punctuated by disaster after disaster.

All Scottish clubs should be considering ( if not already) a change in how our game is run , which is terribly and were it any other business these guys wouldn't be getting their big bonuses but rather their jotters instead .

Thank the heavens for boaxes because subscribing to any deals struck by this mob is leaving yourself open to waiting forever for compensation for the breach of contract which aren't cheap, I know someone who has a viaplay sub and they have no idea what's going to happen at this time, another disgrace from amateurs.
100% Winter. In most companies, industries the majority of that mob wouldn't make it past the CV screening. Laughable as it is we (the fans) still turn up and shell out. I'd be all for stadium boycotts at this stage. It's where the majority of revenue in Scottish football comes from. Depriving them of that might make them listen.
The reason Viaplay is failing is the greed of the current model. People aren't prepared to pay subscriptions for a handful of games a year so illegal streaming thrives. Clubs should have full broadcast rights of all their games. Who would be looking for streams or buying 'unconventional services' if they could buy a streaming season ticket from the club.
The SFA & SPFL should be getting onto the Scottish government to force the BBC to pay 10% of what they pay for English football to Scottish football .
The BBC pay £68 millionper year for the rights to show the highlights of the EPL on match of the day. 10% of the licence fee payers live in Scotland, so the Scottish government should force the BBC to pay £6.8million to show sportscene. Instead they pay £2.8m, not much more than Linekers wage.
So much for the SNP have the best interests of the Scottish people at heart
Sky subscription for League games.
BT subscription for European games.
Viaplay Subscription for League Cup, Scottish Cup and Scotland games.
In Scotland you cannot watch a Scotland game on STV.
All England games (male and female) are shown on free to air TV in Scotland.
The TV companies and the SFA and SPFL treat Scottish fans of all clubs with total contempt.
Sky subscription for League games.
BT subscription for European games.
Viaplay Subscription for League Cup, Scottish Cup and Scotland games.
In Scotland you cannot watch a Scotland game on STV.
All England games (male and female) are shown on free to air TV in Scotland.
The TV companies and the SFA and SPFL treat Scottish fans of all clubs with total contempt.
Aye its a pathetic ironic even truth that the people of Scotland cannot watch the best Scotland side in years, internationals in their own country yet the whole of the UK can watch England play Malta or some other drivel.

We bring this on ourselves ( we being the powers that be in Scottish football).

£5 million sponsorship deal for the league cup which can throw up tasty fixtures at awkward times that marketed properly such a tie on its own is worth well over £5 million

If over 150 countries are watching Scottish football then only the poorest imitation of a business or a corrupt one can at best recieve £5 million from such a vast audience worldwide, I personally think the latter applies and ethically how on earth can a bonus be worthy , yet many companies run like this.

All of those companies its the top brass CEOs and board members who rake it in even if the products undersold or subsidised because on paper they can still show improvement in terms of a cash flow in increase but in reality its way undervalued however we view the game here ourselves , many many far flung folk and their families are interested all the same.

Nobody puts the Scottish game down more than the Scottish ourselves, egged on by others.

We know that Doncaster will get a bonuses a huge one at that because he keeps getting a little more money for the next deal but how the clubs boardroom representatives ( like ours) are complicit in the nonsense is mystifying .

What's going on?
Does the SFA/SPFL have a sex tape on its clubs or something?

Doesn't make sense other than to fill personal pockets at the expense of many others so perhaps an independent inquiry would not make the situation be over-hyped though calling for one is hype because its laughable at present.

Our SFA/SPFL are kind of at a crossroads right now, success as a nation and European club progression has propelled us up the rankings that UEFA are obliged at some point to check for corruption, and be seen to be doing it, we've seen it before in top 8 countries like Turkey and Portugal. We're 9th.

Our game is crying out for clarity, transparency has been for years , if we keep improving at the rate we have been and saw a Scotland qualify for every major tournament like I did as a kid the spotlight will fall on us, on them.

Theyd likely try broker a new deal asap.

We're not told a lot especially here, how can a businessman like DD and others at other clubs watch as money is lost ?

Or is this us, Celtic, doing our best ?
Tours around the world , Japan , Australia?

We should be doing that 'as well' it's so poorly run it's obvious it's bent as ever to a layman supporter like me.
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Remember that if Doncaster gets the dunt for his shear and utter incompetence, then he receives a full two years payment of his exorbitant salary! The ONLY decent contract he ever managed to negotiate in the whole time he has been in Scotland. 🤬

sorry for the link to the Herald...

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Remember that if Doncaster gets the dunt for his shear and utter incompetence, then he receives a full two years payment of his exorbitant salary! The ONLY decent contract he ever managed to negotiate in the whole time he has been in Scotland. 🤬

sorry for the link to the Herald...

That's it BB exactly the type of corruption ( hiding in plain sight) I'm on about.

A 2 yr notice period where 6 months is the commonplace period for business CEOs.

I'd very much like to be involved in a discussion /debate with anyone as to why Doncaster is considered to be so crucial to our game.

This guy took position in 2012 ( hmm 2012 really?) with a salary of over £170k pyr , that's now up to around £400k pyr.
Those figures in that time period would indicate he's doing a superb job, ( to someone looking on from the outside) but we know better.

Had his salary stayed at, let's say for arguments sake £200k pyr since 2012 then he'd have raked in £2.2 million which just happens to be around the same number recieved from Viaplay (£2.5 million) for half of our league cup so far .

That means Doncaster is as valuable to the Scottish game as the league cup is?

When it's put in front of you like that then it's painfully plainly laughable.

Of course he's not , not even close.

The SMSM are all over this ' irregularity ' not.
Why not?
Also why not the clubs all over it?

Something we're not privy to stinks almost as badly as the survival lie.
That's it BB exactly the type of corruption ( hiding in plain sight) I'm on about.

A 2 yr notice period where 6 months is the commonplace period for business CEOs.

I'd very much like to be involved in a discussion /debate with anyone as to why Doncaster is considered to be so crucial to our game.

This guy took position in 2012 ( hmm 2012 really?) with a salary of over £170k pyr , that's now up to around £400k pyr.
Those figures in that time period would indicate he's doing a superb job, ( to someone looking on from the outside) but we know better.

Had his salary stayed at, let's say for arguments sake £200k pyr since 2012 then he'd have raked in £2.2 million which just happens to be around the same number recieved from Viaplay (£2.5 million) for half of our league cup so far .

That means Doncaster is as valuable to the Scottish game as the league cup is?

When it's put in front of you like that then it's painfully plainly laughable.

Of course he's not , not even close.

The SMSM are all over this ' irregularity ' not.
Why not?
Also why not the clubs all over it?

Something we're not privy to stinks almost as badly as the survival lie.

Are you thinking there‘s mibbies links to his involvement with the secret 5 way agreement at play here?…
Are you thinking there‘s mibbies links to his involvement with the secret 5 way agreement at play here?…
There's links to something imatim, something that we/I aren't privy to.

I'm well aware of my lack of understanding of business and its workings having never owned my own.

That said , it's glaring obvious to me there's something at play here as you put it. How could there not be?

Perhaps the gullibillies will and do believe the utter nonsense we're being told about our game but we aren't gullible , well not to their extent.

We know our club, it's players, our TV 'deals' are undervalued and our game here as well.

I'll defer to anyone else that has the required business nous to explain to me how a club like Celtic, that is amongst the top clubs in terms of shirt sales and merchandising sales in the world, has one of the largest worldwide supporters base in the world, plays in a top flight with only 12 clubs and yet one of the smallest populations still has the highest or one of the highest number of people per head of the population actually attending games in the world can only attract such paltry investment into a brand that does so well in the markets ( over 150 countries show Scottish football) that would guarantee other countries much more investment than ours recieves.
So why can the business men and women not see that?
Personally, I think they see it .

Here's a chart from a few years ago and if anything seeing how season ticket sales have increased and speed of sales , there are no excuses for such poor business acumen , so how can our club agree to this?

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Aye its a pathetic ironic even truth that the people of Scotland cannot watch the best Scotland side in years, internationals in their own country yet the whole of the UK can watch England play Malta or some other drivel.

We bring this on ourselves ( we being the powers that be in Scottish football).

£5 million sponsorship deal for the league cup which can throw up tasty fixtures at awkward times that marketed properly such a tie on its own is worth well over £5 million

If over 150 countries are watching Scottish football then only the poorest imitation of a business or a corrupt one can at best recieve £5 million from such a vast audience worldwide, I personally think the latter applies and ethically how on earth can a bonus be worthy , yet many companies run like this.

All of those companies its the top brass CEOs and board members who rake it in even if the products undersold or subsidised because on paper they can still show improvement in terms of a cash flow in increase but in reality its way undervalued however we view the game here ourselves , many many far flung folk and their families are interested all the same.

Nobody puts the Scottish game down more than the Scottish ourselves, egged on by others.

We know that Doncaster will get a bonuses a huge one at that because he keeps getting a little more money for the next deal but how the clubs boardroom representatives ( like ours) are complicit in the nonsense is mystifying .

What's going on?
Does the SFA/SPFL have a sex tape on its clubs or something?

Doesn't make sense other than to fill personal pockets at the expense of many others so perhaps an independent inquiry would not make the situation be over-hyped though calling for one is hype because its laughable at present.

Our SFA/SPFL are kind of at a crossroads right now, success as a nation and European club progression has propelled us up the rankings that UEFA are obliged at some point to check for corruption, and be seen to be doing it, we've seen it before in top 8 countries like Turkey and Portugal. We're 9th.

Our game is crying out for clarity, transparency has been for years , if we keep improving at the rate we have been and saw a Scotland qualify for every major tournament like I did as a kid the spotlight will fall on us, on them.

Theyd likely try broker a new deal asap.

We're not told a lot especially here, how can a businessman like DD and others at other clubs watch as money is lost ?

Or is this us, Celtic, doing our best ?
Tours around the world , Japan , Australia?

We should be doing that 'as well' it's so poorly run it's obvious it's bent as ever to a layman supporter like me.
A wiz just about tae post the same,
Thanks for saving cramp in my thumb🤣
Fuck me Winter, you don't do things by halves lol.
I'm only joking mate. Love your input.🍀
Steviebhoy 🍀 all good mate, ( & comrades all) I suppose I can apportion the blame (partly not fully), for my little footnotes on here to the fact that, nobody else wants to hear it 😅
Ano, I'm always equally astonished 🤷🏻‍♂️
Not as long as I tell it or spell it out anyroads but I tell it as I think I best can get my point across without being misunderstood.

Partly my fault, by my not seeing some of the bhoys as often recently and my brother as often as before.
My willing co-pilots.

We sit there and just say it out loud our thoughts, bounce ideas back and forth, chew the fat, Celtic, Scotland, Ireland , fitba, Celtic, always fitba talk punctuated throughout the night occasionally by alcohol and herbs , pizza sometimes even 🤣
Everything fitba has a Celtic focal point, it always entails us in some way.

So it's no surprise to me that I know better than SMSM telly, radio and daily rags 'experts' we all do 🤔
Whits the chances ?😅

So not seeing them so often means Mrs winter's not overly interested but politely will put up with 10 minutes a day, I can sometimes take advantage of her nice polite side but that's not worth it because once she's bored and had enough Celtic it can lead to not nice impolite side of mrs winter appearing , which is unpleasant not what i was aiming for so a balancing act is carefully negotiated. ( often in "omg !" "Can't believe it" - mode " Celtic....btw .....just found out....."),
plus there's some other deludamol guys and other guys I know who'd prefer to speak Wimbledon, or other sports which I'm also into, and its all good, as long as fitba therefore Celtic are part of the discussion at some point 😅

On here is different. I personally feel that if I'm talking about Celtic/fitba then I should at least know what I'm talking about , the Noise is a knowledgeable group, it's been fascinating and brilliant to see how this site's evolved in my 4½ years lurking here.😛

I'd read my posts 😅
I try not to just make sh*t up , if I don't know I'll say so.

Have considered making my posts shorter ( excluding the 'I' at this sentences beginning etc) 🤣

Then you wouldn't be getting the real winter though ( whoever he is 🤫)

HH 🍀
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