The Cheating Thread or simply Anybody But Celtic

Agreed, Lubo, was one of those calls that could've gone either way. Sometimes we actually do get the breaks.
Think that was it, our break Frank , getting it in early fully expecting normal service to resume in the next few weeks.

Did you see the pish on STV about how the VAR officials have a tougher job than those on the field the other day?
Couldn't make that shit up, well you can in Scotland, official said " its so difficult there's 6 monitors that when we leave we're actually sweating" wtf ?

Aye me tae always sweating watching fitba on telly , 6 tellys with slo-mo replays, no air con or nothing.
Far tougher than running around for 100 minutes and then they said time will be added for " goal celebrations, subs , fouls, and VAR inspections, so to expect longer minutes to be added on this season"

3 goals 1st half = 3 mins added time
3 goals and subs second half = 5 mins added time.
So they weren't talking about games Celtic are cruising in if it's close expect 10 minutes each half
Could have given County a penalty. I'll admit, ive not seen replay but it looked like a penalty to me. Silly play by CCV and Hart. We would be screaming for it if it was at the other end....we would also be saying the scum got away with another one had it been against their keeper.
Couldn't believe it wasn't given really jaw dropping stuff at the time , then I thought 🤔 we have the Pitt and bigotdome to come promptly and then it made sense ( in a stereotypical paranoid Celtic fans head) way.
First thoughts are , this is going to be one mega long thread imatim 😅

Inspired by Paul Larkin.

Over the course of this season I reckon we’ll see a pattern emerge.

There’s some knowledgeable and intelligent folk on here (and 1 or 2 drama queens lol) and I’m thinking it would be good to see their views on what we are continually up against, on and off the park.

Highlighting these things I believe are important, as they have the potential to expose the cheating and corruption we believe is endemic in Scottish Football, and it may provide clear evidence of anomalies and transgressions as to where and when they occur.

If these type of things are recorded and shared in a public forum, it makes everyone all the more aware of what’s happening. That being the case, then no doubt the info can be put to good use.

Anything that promotes transparency and accountability in the environment we play our football in is a good thing in my view…..Let’s see where it goes…
Inspired by Paul Larkin.

Over the course of this season I reckon we’ll see a pattern emerge.

There’s some knowledgeable and intelligent folk on here (and 1 or 2 drama queens lol) and I’m thinking it would be good to see their views on what we are continually up against, on and off the park.

Highlighting these things I believe are important, as they have the potential to expose the cheating and corruption we believe is endemic in Scottish Football, and it may provide clear evidence of anomalies and transgressions as to where and when they occur.

If these type of things are recorded and shared in a public forum, it makes everyone all the more aware of what’s happening. That being the case, then no doubt the info can be put to good use.

Anything that promotes transparency and accountability in the environment we play our football in is a good thing in my view…..Let’s see where it goes…
Will be interesting indeed where this leads to and what could potentially come of it.

Therangers are allegedly " under scrutiny" by UEFA for breaching FFP.
The clubs who've been fined by uefa are basically scoffing at these fines which make little to zero inroads on them in terms of punishment, however in the case of therangers should they fail to reach the champions league, something I can see happening then such a fine could begin a domino effect where they become victims of their " house of cards" nonsense quote.
I really don’t think it was a penalty.

If it was conclusive imo they would have given it, let’s have no doubt about that…
VAR sweated over it for a full minute or two and said no penalty.
Personally I was expecting it as a given at the time watching the replays I thought yes the players looking for it but I still fully expected it to be given and was really surprised it wasn't seeing some of the penalties that have been given.

Could it be that the SFA/SPFL are aware of our game and a certain team in particular are being observed more closely than ever before I wonder?
Inspired by Paul Larkin.

Over the course of this season I reckon we’ll see a pattern emerge.

There’s some knowledgeable and intelligent folk on here (and 1 or 2 drama queens lol) and I’m thinking it would be good to see their views on what we are continually up against, on and off the park.

Highlighting these things I believe are important, as they have the potential to expose the cheating and corruption we believe is endemic in Scottish Football, and it may provide clear evidence of anomalies and transgressions as to where and when they occur.

If these type of things are recorded and shared in a public forum, it makes everyone all the more aware of what’s happening. That being the case, then no doubt the info can be put to good use.

Anything that promotes transparency and accountability in the environment we play our football in is a good thing in my view…..Let’s see where it goes…
Without doubt, corruption should always be called out: not just in football, but in any walk of life. Here's the thing, though; as far as the game in Scotland goes, and for as far back as I can remember, it HAS been called out. The reaction? Brushed aside. Nothing to see here. The breaks even themselves out etc etc. You, I'm sure, get my drift.

Handed down from generation to generation, those in the game's corridors of power seem to deem it part of their duty to ensure the continuance of establishment 'norms'.

Perhaps a line from a poem from another Larkin, (Philip), sums it up ......

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.
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Why was the County player that dived not booked for simulation, no contact.. Lost the ball and flung himself or done a Cantwell as Celtic TV call it now... Yellow card all day long..
I think VAR can only be involved in bookings if it is to help downgrade an overly harsh red card to just a yellow, or upgrade a lenient yellow to a red.

Which is a nonsense as in these scenarios you are using this tool as an aid to decide if a player was fouled or cheated and then not taking the final step to close out the review to it's logical conclusion.
I thought the no attempt to play ball studs raking down the back of Kyogos Achilles tendon was worthy of a red. I thought it was deliberate attempt to seriously injure Kyogo. I also think a Celtic player would be shown a straight red for the same challenge.
I think VAR can only be involved in bookings if it is to help downgrade an overly harsh red card to just a yellow, or upgrade a lenient yellow to a red.

Which is a nonsense as in these scenarios you are using this tool as an aid to decide if a player was fouled or cheated and then not taking the final step to close out the review to it's logical conclusion.
Yea, but the ref indicated no penalty when the guy claimed, simulation is a yellow, it could have been cancelled if a penalty was then proven by VAR.
I thought the no attempt to play ball studs raking down the back of Kyogos Achilles tendon was worthy of a red. I thought it was deliberate attempt to seriously injure Kyogo. I also think a Celtic player would be shown a straight red for the same challenge.


It was a horrific and cowardly tackle. That Hun thug knew exactly what he was doing. We should be appealing the leniency shown here by it only being worthy of a yellow card…
Without doubt, corruption should always be called out: not just in football, but in any walk of life. Here's the thing, though; as far as the game in Scotland goes, and for as far back as I can remember, it HAS been called out. The reaction? Brushed aside. Nothing to see here. The breaks even themselves out etc etc. You, I'm sure, get my drift.

Handed down from generation to generation, those in the game's corridors of power seem to deem it part of their duty to ensure the continuance of establishment 'norms'.

Perhaps a line from a poem from another Larkin, (Philip), sums it up ......

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.

A few pertinent words come to mind.

”When good men do nothing………” I’m sure you know the rest…
Could have given County a penalty. I'll admit, ive not seen replay but it looked like a penalty to me. Silly play by CCV and Hart. We would be screaming for it if it was at the other end....we would also be saying the scum got away with another one had it been against their keeper.
I thought that at the time too. Howeva watching the replay it was a clear dive by the county player, he took about 3 steps after HART stuck a leg out then fell when realised he wasn't going to get the ball.

It was a horrific and cowardly tackle. That Hun thug knew exactly what he was doing. We should be appealing the leniency shown here by it only being worthy of a yellow card…
Was appalling , not going to call it a challenge was a deliberate attempt to injure Kyogo from behind, studs up .
If a studs up challenge from the front can be deemed a red card then why on earth is one from behind allowed.

Might not have been fully tackle from behind but mightve well as been given his studs raked down wee furyuhashis achillies and they say he's meant to be the best ref in Scotland which isn't saying much plus var should've said take another look at that.

I'm not keen on the wee mhan coming back so deep either , he becomes even more of a target than he already is , this mist be Rodgers asking this of him but tbe amount of chasing & hunting down lost causes , harassing defenders and the keeper is enough unless we're under severe pressure let MF take care of that.

Rodgers, anyone on the staff should be calling it out asking for more protection for him and nip this in the bud ASAP, I got a text at the time saying not a red but slo mo showed a deliberate attempt to maim and then came 2nd txt " changed mind defo a red"

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