Atletico Madrid v Celtic , Uefa Champions League , Metropolitan Stadium, Madrid ,Tuesday 7th Nov 8pm kick off

There are times when you just have to accept that the far far better side won and last night was one of those times.
We started really brightly and we were right in the game, better team even..... for the first 5 minutes , and reality hits home.
We can compete at champions league level but once were up against the big clubs, like Atleti, one of the if not the dirtiest cheating bassas I've ever witnessed. Then we see how good a result at CP really was.
Usually , in the past when we've been soundly beaten I'm first to hold my hands up and say " well done that team" but Atleti? No I cannot bring myself to wish them anything. Barcelona, PSG arsenal , those were games that we were beaten out of sight deservedly so and no cheating was necessary, it just must be built into their DNA and we don't have a dark arts player while everyone of them is expert.
Once down to 10 men then we were steamrolled but before that I was happy with what I was seeing , apart from the referee and var contriving to fuck us over, again.

Something must change I don't say this as only a disengruntled Celt but with the Euros approaching this system isn't good enough.
var isn't designed or if it is then it doesn't take into account still frames Vs live action and there's a huge difference between the two.
By the letter of the law , studs up and the correct decision but the still picture made it look horrendous but the slow mo showed that maeda, recieved a full bllown clearance in between the thighs not nice and whilst you can slow/stop the camera down like that I feel it wasn't taken into account that both players went 100% each into that tackle. Something that should be considered when making these decisions. That could just as easily have been Maeda on the reciving end of the clash,ote rightly so, but when called to the monitor the ref instantly thinks " I've missed something" rather than " I'll look again " but thinking i made the right call, for if var is now the de facto referee we don't need one on the field. Not enough refs are strong-willed enough to stick with the og decision.
It's an assistant not the last word supposed to be.

No let's blame var on this, not the result but the red card. It was never a red card, was a 50/50 challenge and it ruined the game as a spectacle.
Var isn't fit for purpose when it comes to this type of decision.
Sure studs were up a bit but to the side in anticipation of blocking off the pass, Maeda recieved a really sore one himself in between the legs.
No one is blaming var for the result but they got that wrong. Var isn't for still images if it was every challenge on the park would be scrutinised.
Didn't help with the simeone ( wee prick) jumping up and down like his player had just been shot).
We are up against it as it is to not call var out on getting it wrong would be wrong.
Did it influence the result?
Yes it did, would we have gotten anything from the game? Unlikely.
They were on form we weren't but let's not hide behind " not vars fault" definately vars fault. The referee gave it as yellow which it was but nothing more than that
I know a lot of us harp on about how the TMO is used in rugby union compared to VAR is football, but it isn't just that the crowd are able to watch the replays and viewers at home (and fans who've paid the few £s for a ref radio) listen in to the referees discussion. It is also the fact that in rugby, as soon as an incident is highlighted, the 2 touch officials and the referee get together and they logically and calmly talk through the various aspects about what they are seeing and come to agreement on how the laws of the game should be used to adjudicate that part of the incident. It is not uncommon for them to agree that the ref's original interpretation was indeed correct. There is no 2 or 3 minute wait hanging about for VAR to review and only then get just the ref to look at it on their own - they are all involved straight away.

They can freely put in their tuppence worth and come to a logical conclusion without any inference of someone making a mistake. This is the opposite of football where a couple of refs sit remotely and effectively tell the ref he needs to look at an incident again because he has made a mistake or missed something. 99% of the time the ref naturally caves in to the pressure they feel and go along with the VAR decision. There appears to be no discussion taking place whatsoever other than requesting to see something again or from another angle.

TMO in rugby is definitely not perfect and fans will still disagree with the outcome of some decisions, but you are at least 100% aware as to how they reached that conclusion and all of the refereeing team have been able to bounce points off of each other during the review.

The ref last night was awful, Simeone always has been a dirty cheating prick and we probably still would have lost even with 11 players on the pitch as they have some excellent footballers (if only they'd cut out the nonsense).
I know a lot of us harp on about how the TMO is used in rugby union compared to VAR is football, but it isn't just that the crowd are able to watch the replays and viewers at home (and fans who've paid the few £s for a ref radio) listen in to the referees discussion. It is also the fact that in rugby, as soon as an incident is highlighted, the 2 touch officials and the referee get together and they logically and calmly talk through the various aspects about what they are seeing and come to agreement on how the laws of the game should be used to adjudicate that part of the incident. It is not uncommon for them to agree that the ref's original interpretation was indeed correct. There is no 2 or 3 minute wait hanging about for VAR to review and only then get just the ref to look at it on their own - they are all involved straight away.

They can freely put in their tuppence worth and come to a logical conclusion without any inference of someone making a mistake. This is the opposite of football where a couple of refs sit remotely and effectively tell the ref he needs to look at an incident again because he has made a mistake or missed something. 99% of the time the ref naturally caves in to the pressure they feel and go along with the VAR decision. There appears to be no discussion taking place whatsoever other than requesting to see something again or from another angle.

TMO in rugby is definitely not perfect and fans will still disagree with the outcome of some decisions, but you are at least 100% aware as to how they reached that conclusion and all of the refereeing team have been able to bounce points off of each other during the review.

The ref last night was awful, Simeone always has been a dirty cheating prick and we probably still would have lost even with 11 players on the pitch as they have some excellent footballers (if only they'd cut out the nonsense).
The main difference it appears is that rugby isn't corrupt whereas football most definately is , not a single supporter worldwide regardless of who they support would argue against this, apart from maybe Hugh keevins and pals on snide radio.
Aye Atletico would have many more fans for them if they didn't have the " cheat" tag labelled at them.
They've always been this way but simeone is one wee rodent who instills this type of game in his players, except when he doesn't want it you'll see him shouting at greizzman like at CP to get up, as though he's the great sporting man
I will never forgive him for the 5WA. Either absolute incompetence or a blatant lie. And I know which one my money is on.
Yip - PL will never be forgiven for the 5WA. I do believe that he has never read it. We know a copy was sent to him by email at the time, so I suspect he got a colleague to read it out to him so he could 100% categorically state that he has not read it himself without lying.

If he just refused to discover the contents of the 5WA then that is definitely incompetence (as was his statement about having a drawer full of applications for our manager but he hadn't opened them and gave Lenny the full-time job in the Hampden showers), as it had such a fundamental detrimental impact on our club and the integrity of our national sport.

And, no matter what crap he utters in public, PL has clearly built our business model as being reliant on a strong sevco. He did not have the balls to walk away from the Old Firm and strike out on our own. As long as he finishes 1 point ahead of them and wins more cups that them then I believe he is delighted. That might be unfair but it is the only conclusion I can come to based on the evidence we can all see.
Yip - PL will never be forgiven for the 5WA. I do believe that he has never read it. We know a copy was sent to him by email at the time, so I suspect he got a colleague to read it out to him so he could 100% categorically state that he has not read it himself without lying.

If he just refused to discover the contents of the 5WA then that is definitely incompetence (as was his statement about having a drawer full of applications for our manager but he hadn't opened them and gave Lenny the full-time job in the Hampden showers), as it had such a fundamental detrimental impact on our club and the integrity of our national sport.

And, no matter what crap he utters in public, PL has clearly built our business model as being reliant on a strong sevco. He did not have the balls to walk away from the Old Firm and strike out on our own. As long as he finishes 1 point ahead of them and wins more cups that them then I believe he is delighted. That might be unfair but it is the only conclusion I can come to based on the evidence we can all see.
To my knowledge the following can be added to his 'greatness' with Celtic. His failure to challenge 'Sevco's' purchase of honours from a dead club. Thereby denying and delaying the club, of which he was then CEO, and paying his exorbitant salary, the honour of being the most successful club. And the opportunity of using it as a marketing tool, to attract additional income for Celtic. Yep. He's a beaut all right. Anyway BB, that's enough about the charlatan from me. Even thinking about him annoys me. 👍
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On the var

I thought it was 4 different angles, was the freeze frame now an option for the selector?

Now im paranoid at best of times but that talk radio attack on Celtic last night could be related to owners of the show taking political liberties. crap leagues shouldnt be getting auto champions league spots coz they are just foffer with no ambitions was the chat on british national broadcaster about a UK side. with gaffawing. could that be the propaganda wing of Uk doing their zionist masters bidding to stoke hatred
Forgetting an important stat, we are punching above our weight in every group we are ever in.
What these guys forget is that we are champions of our nation.
At the max there should be no more than 2 clubs per nation.
The fact that Newcastle are in the champions league is ridiculous.

Would man utd rather be in the championship than getting gubbed regularly by city, Brighton or 7-0 by Liverpool?
No of course not, why not?
Because they are a bigger club than that regardless of results they should have more than the 3 points from 3 games ( thanks to a very slender 1-0 win v Copenhagen).

Comparing the champions league to the Europa league is a complete non starter of an argument, its nonsensical. But *rangers did this , did that, no they didn't.
*rangers beat Dortmund and Leipzig before losing to a far lesser side in Frankfurt. What does this say?
Nothing other than clubs in the Europa league aren't as far ahead as the rest.
At least Celtic have a point on the board which is more than others and should really have more.
It's typical that the MSM will focus on a game we were thumped in and not the games we played well in.
Had Celtic lost 6-0 , three times I could see his point but we haven't and could easily be on 4 or 5 points but we're not so let's kick us out?
We have a point, Benfica, Union Berlin and Antwerp do not so we're hardly the worst side in the group stages not to mention we earned our position by being champions, Man City, English and current European champions are the only English club that's top of their table, conveniently forgotten, fkn knob heads
O'Haras opinion means very little ,a nobody in the game and won nothing his whole career.
England is that superior they came for Brendan back, they came for Ange, they came for KT, Christie, they came to Scotland for John McGinn, they rode on the back of European success with Alex Ferguson from Aberdeen, they won with Shankly at the helm. England are up their own arses always have been.
How many English teams have Celtic pumped or taken points off in Europe before the format changed, Euro Champ Lge is so predictable now that it will always be a one in 4 chance of a German, English, Spanish or italian team in the semis finals or final. Then for good measure throw in a French side like PSG.
Maybe Scottish clubs should pull out of Europe and in doing so they would never meet unless it was a friendly pre season crappy thing. So what would that look like, well, since, according to them, they wish to have it that way, then a condition of playing in Scotland is you shall not be allowed to be a footballer if you attempt to employ an agent, no agents, no highlights of our games beamed backed to Europe and England. See how that sits with the English.
For the English fuckwits who do their mickey mouse podcasts, Celtic were the first to show you what the big cup looked like in the flesh, never forget the first and also the club who sent all your giants packing in many other one off tournaments, The only fucking thing that makes English clubs strong at present is fucking arab blood money. The English and Europe 4 all forget that the title is Champions leauge, there is a clue in the name and it is not the runners up or 4th placed Champions of their country,
Agree MartyMcK. Hate the man. Didn't do right by BR re transfer window. Can't see it being much different come January.
Ally the reason the talkshow hosts are on is that they know they have clickbait material.
In every given section in the CL if it involves Spanish, English, Italian, German, French, then there will only be one game when the real champions of that country will be on the park, the rest will be runners up or fourth best in country.
If four teams from a particular country was to be in the semi finals, only one game will contain the real champions the rest will be pretenders. So how can it be Champions League?
On their logic then the world cup is the most meaningless tournament on the planet who the fuck is Faroes islands etc, so should we elimate these countries from taking part, thjey base their point on Celtics scoreline, but do not give the full picture.
1. Feyenord 2 0 Celtic 9 man Celtic
2. Lazio Narrow 2-1 defeat
3. Athletico 2 - 2
4. Atletico 6 - 0 10 man Celtic and disater of a night

But their point is why should we be in it, well the answer is simple. We are the champions of our country not some invited no mark who are spending someone elses money and still cannot win their respective league. The clue is there as to why we are rightfully there and also we are the champions of our country regardless of what group we are in. So mind your fucking manners ya pair of wankers.

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