A transfer, clickbait, football news of any kind & in general just whats on your mind thread

Was down ma bro’s this mornin, he’s getting a giant greenhouse in a couple of weeks and I offered to help lay the base for it.
Smashin day for it.
In the afternoon his neighbour pops in, never met the guy, but ma bro had obviously offered him some free stuff outta his garage..wee chat and then the offer comes..uz wanna come have a look at my manshed?
So off we troops next door..massive, pro built manshed, double glazed, the works..steps inside and yip….uv guessed it….a hun worshiper…the whole thing is laid out staunch loyal style.
Walls pro wrapped wi gazza etc, vinyl seats with rfc logo, bar, wrapped tables and so on.
Asked him what kinda dosh was in it…12k just for the shed build 😳
12 feckin k….😳😳
My big bro never been a football man, chattin away…Im tryin my best to stop the projectile vomit..😂
“ your welcome to come roon next weekend for the game”…
Aye right……
Cudny get oot quick enough..😆
Was down ma bro’s this mornin, he’s getting a giant greenhouse in a couple of weeks and I offered to help lay the base for it.
Smashin day for it.
In the afternoon his neighbour pops in, never met the guy, but ma bro had obviously offered him some free stuff outta his garage..wee chat and then the offer comes..uz wanna come have a look at my manshed?
So off we troops next door..massive, pro built manshed, double glazed, the works..steps inside and yip….uv guessed it….a hun worshiper…the whole thing is laid out staunch loyal style.
Walls pro wrapped wi gazza etc, vinyl seats with rfc logo, bar, wrapped tables and so on.
Asked him what kinda dosh was in it…12k just for the shed build 😳
12 feckin k….😳😳
My big bro never been a football man, chattin away…Im tryin my best to stop the projectile vomit..😂
“ your welcome to come roon next weekend for the game”…
Aye right……
Cudny get oot quick enough..😆
How long did it take the fire brigade to put the flames out that night 🤔
Was down ma bro’s this mornin, he’s getting a giant greenhouse in a couple of weeks and I offered to help lay the base for it.
Smashin day for it.
In the afternoon his neighbour pops in, never met the guy, but ma bro had obviously offered him some free stuff outta his garage..wee chat and then the offer comes..uz wanna come have a look at my manshed?
So off we troops next door..massive, pro built manshed, double glazed, the works..steps inside and yip….uv guessed it….a hun worshiper…the whole thing is laid out staunch loyal style.
Walls pro wrapped wi gazza etc, vinyl seats with rfc logo, bar, wrapped tables and so on.
Asked him what kinda dosh was in it…12k just for the shed build 😳
12 feckin k….😳😳
My big bro never been a football man, chattin away…Im tryin my best to stop the projectile vomit..😂
“ your welcome to come roon next weekend for the game”…
Aye right……
Cudny get oot quick enough..😆
was there any life size cardboard cut outs
Strangely enough no there wizny, no sign o Slippy at all now a think of it….he’s been erased from the “collective” memory..😂
Was the founding father and his friends invited? Or the incubator theory dude from America? He was rejected for proposing exactly what they now claim.

Weird the inventor of life after liquidation was told to feck off back when new club wasnt born yet
Stumbled across this on UEFA website.
Most goals scored by club in CL.
Really surprised to see us as high up and some of the names below us.
View attachment 18254
Thankfully it doesnt show goals conceded.
Cant see the sides above us but I'd reckon those who are above us are sides youd expect to be amongst the favourites to win that cup.
If we can continue to improve defensively and stop throwing away 2 goal leads like in Germany theres no reason why we couldn't fulfil our potential and go on to win this cup, but let's just focus on the big ears cup , that wans got our name on it.
Actually let's just focus on st johnstone first and foremost, no point in hunskelkping at snake mountain ( eh brim?) 😂 if we dont follow up with victory over last seasons double winners.