Carl Starfelt and the recent criticism he has received...

Starfelt doesn't inspire confidence in me. He sounds like a smart guy but too often blunders with poor passing and seems to rattle quite easily. If Jullien was available, I think he might have been dropped by now.
Hope for his sake and ours he can come good.
The fact that this is not even the 1st thread devoted to CS tells you all you need to know. This is Efe Andrews syndrome all over again. Some won't hear a word against him because he had one good game.
I don't buy all this 'Starfelts being singled out for special treatment bollox, if he is it's because they see a weakness.
The error against St Johnstone was unforced, so he can't always say he's being picked on, I think if we still had Broonie he would have helped him, especially temperament wise, as SB had to learn himself.
No more excuses though, he's had enough chances for me.
Starfelt was targeted in the Hibs game all keepers kick puts were over that side and in the Ross County game the players physically targeted him. He needs to take a step back and stop grappling with players when trying to win the ball,and his concentration goes as you say when he feels aggrieved or has made a mistake himself. He needs to adapt to the game here and quickly before the indecision gets a hold on him and destroys him
Aye he's a bombscare at times but from the start he was thrown in without having a settled backline beside him plus a preseason alongside 11 other new players ,throw in a new league full of thugs and biased refs

it must be an eye opener to him too , he needs a preseason under his belt before we throw him under slippys bus

hopefully the 3 week break will help him and the team cut out the daft mistakes

Carl Starfelt and the recent criticism he has received. Article by Niall J...​

A fair and balanced article regarding Starfelt Niall J.
Fair enough to do a h/t report upon players especially when the Starfelt debate rambles on still.
Of the 12 players bought into the club, I would class 7 as Successful, 3 with the jury out on, and 2 projects from Sheffield who still have shown enough potential to date.
Starfelt seems to have fallen into the jury out category alongside GG and Mccarthy, yet GG and Mccarthy should be found "not guilty" still due to the lack of game time still, to prove there innocence still.
So that still leaves Starfelt, so I will have to remain upon the defence benches, as I have far better experience in the role, than that against the prosecution claims, of crimes against the club, not a easy task when many of the prosecution claims are all very warranted charges still.
So the defence case is as follows,
It has become quite clear now that Ange rates Starfelt as his 1st choice for the position in question still, with Welsh as the back up,
So would it be fair to say that it should really be Ange on trial here,
upon his decision making?
Yet Starfelt came into the club, on the back of a season where the defensive play was embarrassing to say the least, and with numerous options and players used, now we have the best defensive record within Scotland.
Set plays are a huge part of the modern game nowadays and against so many teams that think this is there only means of actually scoring a goal against us, yet we have improved no end upon a area so costly last season. Still say Starfelt is a much stronger option than Welsh in this area, as it still remains a huge area that young Welsh has still to improve upon but also well on the way of doing so still.
As supporters, there still remains a tendacy to look for scapegoats when been 2nd is clearly not good enough in general for us, but is such a charge warrented upon Starfelt so early into his career, especially when the stats are proving he isn't doing to bad of a job whatsoever.
Just to finish the case for the defence,
Still operate on the theory that defences win you the title, and the attack by how much and the midfield to keep the unity of that together, so therefore I say Starfelt still needs to be found "not guilty" on all charges against him, especially when still in a strong position to prove that all these charges at the end of the season were false when the title is actually won
The fact that this is not even the 1st thread devoted to CS tells you all you need to know. This is Efe Andrews syndrome all over again. Some won't hear a word against him because he had one good game.
I don't buy all this 'Starfelts being singled out for special treatment bollox, if he is it's because they see a weakness.
The error against St Johnstone was unforced, so he can't always say he's being picked on, I think if we still had Broonie he would have helped him, especially temperament wise, as SB had to learn himself.
No more excuses though, he's had enough chances for me.
Not as many chances as Mickey Johnston yet many still think he can get better🙄
So do we keep the Manager he picks the team simplistic yes but he keeps putting these useless players in the Team.
maybe he’s not as good as we thought.
I do rate the Manager best since TB imo
And just like the others opinions respect given.

HH 🍀
I think it has become fairly clear now on how Ange rates his players for each position involved jam Sam.
Can't find fault upon his decision making upon how he seems to rate the players upon where they stand in number of choice, and say Bitton has quite rightly jumped up the ladder to maybe where he was early in the season.
We have had to use far more players than I think he would have liked to so far this season, but that has been down to the injury list.
Huge improvements have been made so far and what seems like a completely different and far better attitude within the squad as a whole.
And all this already in place without the rebuild still not completed yet.
So in just 6 months the achievement with already 1 trophy won, with more to come is a remarkable feat to date, especially against all the obstacles faced so far.
To think that we still potentially will become stronger with new players, a break now to potentially work upon tactical adjustments if Ange sees fit, then is it any wonder the rest of Scottish football, especially them hun bastards, are all shitting themselves at the prospect of how strong we will become yet.
To think we were able to win a quadruple treble, without a potential squad that we have currently in the making imo, then the question could soon become of just how far this squad of players can actually bring us to?
A good side is measured by its bench also, strong and lots of depth to cater for injuries ,suspensions and rotation to cater and nullify according to oppositions strengths. Starting line up one of many we can play and stay strong, roll on a fully fit Celtic.
In fairness to Ange, boab he has still managed to fill a bench where every position can be covered in most matches to date.
I hope that Ange can develop another tactical formation during the winter break to help against the many park the bus teams, that have been so costly to date.
With the extra confidence within the squad now and hopefully the extra quality bought in, then hopefully it will give us far more better options from the bench to change things in games when plan A is stalling somewhat
Starfelt was targeted in the Hibs game all keepers kick puts were over that side and in the Ross County game the players physically targeted him. He needs to take a step back and stop grappling with players when trying to win the ball,and his concentration goes as you say when he feels aggrieved or has made a mistake himself. He needs to adapt to the game here and quickly before the indecision gets a hold on him and destroys him
That's an interesting point, he's often touch tight in one on one's and when the ball is in the air he's always trying to win the header. Perhaps that's down to playing in leagues where the opposition are strong with first touch and adept at rolling players. In Scotland a lot of players second touch is a tackle, perhaps he could bide his time, wait for the miscontrol and step in.
That's an interesting point, he's often touch tight in one on one's and when the ball is in the air he's always trying to win the header. Perhaps that's down to playing in leagues where the opposition are strong with first touch and adept at rolling players. In Scotland a lot of players second touch is a tackle, perhaps he could bide his time, wait for the miscontrol and step in.
Could be more to do with Ange wanting to win the ball back quickly Niall,
A fair and balanced article regarding Starfelt Niall J.
Fair enough to do a h/t report upon players especially when the Starfelt debate rambles on still.
Of the 12 players bought into the club, I would class 7 as Successful, 3 with the jury out on, and 2 projects from Sheffield who still have shown enough potential to date.
Starfelt seems to have fallen into the jury out category alongside GG and Mccarthy, yet GG and Mccarthy should be found "not guilty" still due to the lack of game time still, to prove there innocence still.
So that still leaves Starfelt, so I will have to remain upon the defence benches, as I have far better experience in the role, than that against the prosecution claims, of crimes against the club, not a easy task when many of the prosecution claims are all very warranted charges still.
So the defence case is as follows,
It has become quite clear now that Ange rates Starfelt as his 1st choice for the position in question still, with Welsh as the back up,
So would it be fair to say that it should really be Ange on trial here,
upon his decision making?
Yet Starfelt came into the club, on the back of a season where the defensive play was embarrassing to say the least, and with numerous options and players used, now we have the best defensive record within Scotland.
Set plays are a huge part of the modern game nowadays and against so many teams that think this is there only means of actually scoring a goal against us, yet we have improved no end upon a area so costly last season. Still say Starfelt is a much stronger option than Welsh in this area, as it still remains a huge area that young Welsh has still to improve upon but also well on the way of doing so still.
As supporters, there still remains a tendacy to look for scapegoats when been 2nd is clearly not good enough in general for us, but is such a charge warrented upon Starfelt so early into his career, especially when the stats are proving he isn't doing to bad of a job whatsoever.
Just to finish the case for the defence,
Still operate on the theory that defences win you the title, and the attack by how much and the midfield to keep the unity of that together, so therefore I say Starfelt still needs to be found "not guilty" on all charges against him, especially when still in a strong position to prove that all these charges at the end of the season were false when the title is actually won
Loved this, and a good idea for half time reports on players you may see I nick in the days to come!
Did you run the length of this post past Kelly though? - He counts.
Not as many chances as Mickey Johnston yet many still think he can get better🙄
It's a good comparison though. When Mikey loses the ball, as he often does, it's at the other end of the pitch and rarely ends in a goalscoring opportunity. Trouble for Starfelt is when he does it there usually is only the Goalie to save his blushes. That's a defenders lot I'm afraid.
For me, there are good things, and poor things about Starfelt's game. Most have been well covered here. I also feel that he has an issue with space. When drawn wide, he is poor, too easily turned or commits himself and cannot get back. Also gives away good possession when he has space and time to make use of the ball. Playing on his wrong side may explain this. But dealing with the high ball played in behind him has to be a priority for the coaches. It is not an insurmountable problem. No doubt he is being targeted, but every one he deals with with help his confidence. I think he will be okay.
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Carl Starfelt and the recent criticism he has received. Article by Niall J...​

Starfleet is decent defender, who, unfortunately seems to be prone to making mistakes in front of TV cameras in particular.
He appears to be struggling with the intensity that Ange requires and the pressure of wearing the jersey.
He will,I'm sure, come good in the end. I don't know if he will be given the time. If he needs inspiration he only needs to look at Ralston.