Celtic vs TheRangers - Match Thread

Seriously can we just get one thing straight about this whole 'Celtic were punished by Sturgeon' thing......it's complete and utter garbage! We weren't 'punished' we were made to comply with the same rules that every other person in this country were having to abide by.

One of our players breached the Covid quarantine rules.

He compounded his stupidity by keeping this to himself while he mixed with his teammates and staff.

The Covid virus has an incubation period of 10-12 days before it can be detected by a test so him testing negative a few days after his return is immaterial.

The rules stated, the same rules everyone else in this country had to follow, that he and anybody else he and they came into contact with had to isolate for 14 days.

It was this that lead to our games having to be postponed.

However inconvenient they may be to some these☝️are the facts! We were not punished, we were made to abide by the rules so can we give it a rest with this shit because it's the same type of wild conspiracy theory bollocks we mock the huns for. (y)
Aye and those huns were applauded by the same sturgeon for their handling of their players attending a house party and still no news on the "investigation " into the covid protocols at ibrox. And this is but one reason why Celtic supporters are aggrieved by this. We were given QUOTE" a yellow card " they were given a slap on the back and well done you handled it well. No consistency, no transparency and sorry shadow but not buying it
Starting to see videos appear of scum fans all outside their stadium hurling abuse at the Celtic players....the usual "peado" chants and things. Funny that its been sent to me from a mate and I've not had it pop up on daily record or sky news feeds....you know the wall to wall coverage that celtic fans got for putting life at risk and breaking lockdown rules and that. Has Tanner tweeted about his disgust at the neds in blue hurling abuse?? He is lennon and the celtic teams guarding angel after all.....
Starting to see videos appear of scum fans all outside their stadium hurling abuse at the Celtic players....the usual "peado" chants and things. Funny that its been sent to me from a mate and I've not had it pop up on daily record or sky news feeds....you know the wall to wall coverage that celtic fans got for putting life at risk and breaking lockdown rules and that. Has Tanner tweeted about his disgust at the neds in blue hurling abuse?? He is lennon and the celtic teams guarding angel after all.....
In any other country, the police would be spraying those fuckers with pepper spray and making arrests, but it's the West of Scotland, where they are keeping up their tradition of hatred of anything Celtic related
Nowhere, will your read of Slippy, or any of their club staff, denouncing those 'adults' who berated our players with their hateful spew, as the Celtic team bus arrived
This is learned behaviour and the blame lies at home, where they are reared to hate, based on religious, sectarian, grounds
Aye and those huns were applauded by the same sturgeon for their handling of their players attending a house party and still no news on the "investigation " into the covid protocols at ibrox. And this is but one reason why Celtic supporters are aggrieved by this. We were given QUOTE" a yellow card " they were given a slap on the back and well done you handled it well. No consistency, no transparency and sorry shadow but not buying it

Where's the footage of Sturgeon applauding the huns Winter? Where are the direct quotes from her praising the huns handling of the house party incident? What has ANY of what you've said above got to do with our games being postponed?

I'm a Celtic supporter......I'm not aggrieved by our games being postponed and I'm sure I'm not the only one who understands and accepts why they had to be. Our player broke the overseas quarantine rules, he was potentially carrying a virus that has killed over a million people worldwide, that player came into contact with teammates and staff and because of that anyone he or they had contact with had to isolate for 14 days leading to the entirely reasonable postponement of our games to mitigate any potential infection to others. Same rules applied to Celtic players and staff that the other 66 million people on this island were having to abide by.

Whether you, I or anyone else likes it or not the hun party incident was a completely different set of circumstances so the consistency argument you make doesn't stand up......hun players go to party, hun players get caught at said party by coppers and are reported, hun hierarchy order them to isolate before they have a chance to come into contact with their teammates, hun games go ahead because there was no contact with potentially Covid infected players.

So aye I'm sure some Celtic supporters, certainly not all, feel aggrieved at this imagined punishment but those who are being reasonable and objective do not feel that way and understand why our games had to be postponed. Also if your going to attribute quotes to people it's important to get those quotes right......'we' were not given a 'yellow card' by Sturgeon it was Scottish football as a whole that was issued the 'yellow card'.

If there's any lesson that people should've learned over the last few years it's that facts matter and that views and opinions are not the same as facts. You have your own opinion on this and I'm sure there are other Celtic supporters who might share it and while both you and they are fully entitled to those opinions not all Celtic supporters share them mate mainly because that opinion doesn't match up with the facts.

If this is about not liking Sturgeon or her party then fair enough mate......there's a shitload of things you could rightly criticise them for so would it not be a better use of your time to fight the real battles instead of wasting your time fighting imagined ones that have no basis in fact? (y)
Has absolutely nothing to do with being anti sturgeon or SNP ( who I voted for) it's about transparency and consistency and I for one have seen none of that. If all of football was/is on a yellow card for breaking covid19 protocols, then should it not already be a red card? The yellow card was bs and has been shown up as exactly that when the rangers have players breaking covid19 protocols. They can say that the club dealt with it this way or that way ( something like Celtic said) but the fact remains those players put people in danger and themselves if the rules we are told to follow werent. 👍
Draw your attention to this ( factual report)shadow you must be the only one who missed it?

Naw I didnae miss anything Winter, I seen the reports at the time......now kindly point out where in that Daily Record article it states that Sturgeon personally applauded the huns for their handling of the party incident like you say and show me the direct quotes from Sturgeon that it was Celtic who were issued with a yellow card.

I'll save you the bother mate you can't because it doesn't say any of that anywhere in the article and the reason it doesn't say it is because it didn't happen.

Your entire argument with regards to Sturgeon hangs on a statement released by an unnamed Holyrood spokesperson that at one point used the word 'commend' in relation to the hun's reaction to the party incident, that's it! There was no mention of 'praise' in the statement like the Daily Record hack inferred, there was no 'slaps on the back' or 'applause' for the huns from Sturgeon like you claimed and there was no 'yellow card' issued to Celtic by her either. What you've claimed isn't in any way backed up by the link you've posted above.

In fact Sturgeon herself didn't even comment on the hun party incident personally because funnily enough unlike the Boli incident the very same hacks who's words you pin your argument on didn't want to bring that particular subject up with Sturgeon during any of her briefings for some reason......now I wonder why the very same SMSM hacks who were falling over each other to get a statement from Sturgeon on the Boli and Aberdeen incidents didn't do the same when theRangers incident occurred :unsure:

Funny how the Daily Record, a newspaper universally despised by Celtic supporters for their lies and spin, all of a sudden becomes 'factual' when it suits a particular argument eh!
statement released by an unnamed Holyrood spokesperson
Well who do you think a Holyrood spokesperson is speaking on behalf of shadow if not the government? And last I checked the leader of the Scottish government is Nicola Sturgeon no? Also last I checked the word ' commend' means praise does it not? Let's just say we'll agree to disagree however I would be fairly confident that your view is in the minority amongst Celtic supporters and those here on the noise. You asked me to show you I did , still not good enough for you though is it?
Your entire argument with regards to Sturgeon hangs on a statement released by an unnamed Holyrood spokesperson that at one point used the word 'commend' in relation to the hun's reaction to the party incident, that's it!
No you've completely missed the point of my argument, which was theres no consistency nor transparency and that's it
Has absolutely nothing to do with being anti sturgeon or SNP ( who I voted for) it's about transparency and consistency and I for one have seen none of that. If all of football was/is on a yellow card for breaking covid19 protocols, then should it not already be a red card? The yellow card was bs and has been shown up as exactly that when the rangers have players breaking covid19 protocols. They can say that the club dealt with it this way or that way ( something like Celtic said) but the fact remains those players put people in danger and themselves if the rules we are told to follow werent. 👍

Show me the lack of transparency on this by Sturgeon or her government.

Explain to me how you can be 'consistent' with to entirely different incidents with entirely different circumstances.

Aye those players did put people in danger nobody is disputing that but unlike Boli they didn't have contact with their teammates or club staff so there was no valid reason to postpone their games.

The 'yellow card' was obviously meant as a public rebuke for Scottish football to get it's act together, a good soundbite to drive the message home that just because they are footballers they are not above the rules, if she had issued a 'red card' for the hun incident then there would be some Celtic fans and other fans moaning about that as well.

Damned if she does and damned if she doesn't!

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