Dave King to step down

Dodgy Dave folds like a pack of cards when the going gets tough, sinks club into further disarray, abandons ship during a liquidity crisis he creates, abdicates his royal throne with bluff and buster, claims he is a hero (think they all did) and msm fawn over his lack of any credible rhetoric.

The glib and shameless liar strikes again.

It will be somebody else fault the new club can't pay the bills, he left them very healthy indeed.
Dave King joins a new club that claims it is the same club

puts them as close to deaths door as any club in history including the Real Rangers

oversees a historic treble treble for Celtic

won zip

lost every court case he partook with rangers

got them delisted
got them into serious criminal territory over contracts
is a convicted criminal liar

cold shouldered

Rangers Radio and FF- the greatest chairman in clubs history

a man of his word

Dave King joins a new club that claims it is the same club

puts them as close to deaths door as any club in history including the Real Rangers

oversees a historic treble treble for Celtic

won zip

lost every court case he partook with rangers

got them delisted
got them into serious criminal territory over contracts
is a convicted criminal liar

cold shouldered

Rangers Radio and FF- the greatest chairman in clubs history

a man of his word


Well said
Dave King joins a new club that claims it is the same club

puts them as close to deaths door as any club in history including the Real Rangers

oversees a historic treble treble for Celtic

won zip

lost every court case he partook with rangers

got them delisted
got them into serious criminal territory over contracts
is a convicted criminal liar

cold shouldered

Rangers Radio and FF- the greatest chairman in clubs history

a man of his word

Yeah TET I loved how he glossed over the years of financial cheating by the board he was a member of to blame their downfall(must check his exact terms used for this) on Craig White. All swallowed by our media, the sfa and their deluded fans.
Some mad orange fecker