Fascism on the rise in modern Europe

You have millions of ready made videos and bigoted posters but when you make shite up about me that is deeply serious you have no videos of pictures

is that because you havent invented them yet?

you sick sick man
maybe you should throw your hat into the demoncrat party political project to stamp out facism by promoting pink fascism. its not quite black but its worth nearly as many points in the break
Trying to hide your bigotry in a snooker analogy isn't going to cut it, bigot.
What has snooker to do with the American Democratic party?
Fuck all.
Same as it has to do with your analogy here.
No doubt the 'black' is to do with people of colour.
I'm sure you can quote bible verses to 'justify' your bigotry in this regard too.
Trump by name, Trump by nature.
Holocaust denial next on the agenda?
Is there a snooker analogy there too?
now reference anywhere that thats an attack on lgbt community

red or blue is the options but id suggest democrats are historically closer to black fascists than right wing blue party

absolutely no reference to lbtg anywhere other than in your warped bigoted agenda in your hate crime infested world

your a fascist in practise but your a coward to admit it and pretend its humour

you want people dead

not me

you promote hatred

not me

you feel the need to be monarch and claim your into democracy

then tar people with goebells style missinformation and twisted agenda

your much closer to black shirt nature than pink party

now go eat some snooker balls your sickness is disgusting

false allegation after false allegation

and never a solid reference to back up your delusions
you blocked him but your moved to comment on stuff you can't see................. confused.com
'sudo intellectual pater (sic)' yet you call him an idiot............hypocritical.com
'brings you down to his level'
'other threads...' - contributes plenty to football threads, revels outwith them

i don't normally get involved in other peoples beef's, but i'm really reading a personal attack on a fellow noiser
you don't like him or his output, fine thats your right but...... actively encouraging others to ignore/block him is pretty shite to be honest.

you must think a lot of yourself to be so vocal in trying to try sway others,
perhaps your an influencer with a tik tok following
Your still with us big man you been in hiding missed yi
Guid ti hae yi back (McGonagle a hink)

HH 👏
Yeah but the Columbian authorities took that attitude to Pablo Escobar's hippos after he died. They said 'just ignore the hippos and maybe they'll die or fuck off to Guatemala'; but did they? Did they fuck. Now there's millions of them and they're organised into the Hippo Cartel. They've defeated FARC, precipitated regime change in Brazil and got Mariah Carey's beautiful 'all I want for xmas is you' permanently banned from the Columbian airwaves. Is that democracy?
Canny stand Mariah yodelling Carey’s pishy voice to be fair not a patch on the Sultry silky sexy voice o Shane McGowan

HH Pogues 4ever
segregation laws ANC style brought into force by KKK Woodrow wilson as well as signing the federal reserve acts

Who woul have thought

another good ole boy of the democrats

segregation laws ANC style brought into force by KKK Woodrow wilson as well as signing the federal reserve acts

Who woul have thought

another good ole boy of the democrats

Do you hate the Democrats because they champion human rights for the LBGTQ community?
Good news from Germany today as the Polizei have arrested several Fascist scum seeking to overthrow the democratically-elected govt and reimpose the German monarchy. One of those arrested is a German 'prince' Heinrich XIII
No word on whether he's related to the German monarchy atop the English throne but I wouldn't be surprised.

Starts the morn on Netflix ....

I’ll be really interested to see how the royal family respond, especially if he starts washing the dirty laundry in public……..I can see the king coming right and revealing he’s not his biological son, he was DNA tested at birth…….James Hewitt is his “real” da😱

He’ll get totally stripped of all royal vestiges and publicly disowned 🤣🤣