
without going all flat earth........ my belief is we live on a planet that has had a human existence which has been far advanced to us
like the rest of civilisations it was wiped out by eg flood or disease .......
.or maybe there was another rangers in liquidation leading to WW -1
No doubt we've gone backwards as a civilisation, thought only dogs drank from a toilet 🤷🏻‍♂️
without going all flat earth........ my belief is we live on a planet that has had a human existence which has been far advanced to us
like the rest of civilisations it was wiped out by eg flood or disease .......
.or maybe there was another rangers in liquidation leading to WW -1
We definitely haven't been the first to inhabit the earth.
A kindred spirit Shammy

Rose got 2 tickets to CP and £20 for steak pies/wine...........but jilted me

Perhaps i could interest you in a date of sorts.......
accompanying me to the moon on Amazons first flight...
don't worry about the expense...Hoopy hasn't sen his first years fee...
Will I get a wee packet of nuts?
apart from the greatest club in the world, love watching boxing, the games boxing sessions have been superb

Outside that i have no time through kids which includes trying to keep Hoopy out of jail,
but put on something that involves questions and answers to earth/universe/UFO's/existence of others and i'm fucking tuned in to fcuk

Skinwalker ranch, ancient aliens.... not the daft shite...but those that pose questions

How could humanity build something 3000 years ago that you couldn't nowadays
How could a human existence have an equal knowledge of time and the behaviour of the sun through man made tools etc..

I like people posing questions that are so obvious most people can't deal with it
Philosophers and historians I've studied suggest that any society which built the likes of Newgrange, Stonehenge and both the Egyptian and Mayan temples would have had to have had thousands of years of study of the movement of the constellations. This suggests society 'high' enough to have people employed at astronomy and engineering for thousands of years.
The Library Of Alexandria burned and much of the remainder of ancient learning was purged and burnt by ignorant and small-minded people who came after the learned ancients.
I believe that what has persisted of ancient knowledge in the form of legends and religion is a warning from ancient societies who fucked up their world in much the same way as we are doing now. Unfortunately the warnings have been mystified and mistranslated by self-serving scribes through the passage of time.
Fundamentally Judaism, Christianity and Islam all have one core belief; what Judaism calls the 'Golden Rule' - do onto others as you'd have done onto you. This can be applied to all things including the planet we live on.
Modern religion has strayed far from this fundamental and it's ironic that the gospels carry accounts of Jesus admonishing the Jewish authorities at, I think, the Sanhedrin trial where he accused them of being 'obsessed with the letter of the law while ignoring the spirit of the law'. Been a good while since I did GCSE religion but that has always stayed with me.
I watched the first couple of episodes of 'Ancient Aliens' and was astonished at the ancient artefacts found in India like jewellery which looked like jet fighters and accounts in the Hindu texts which described what could only be nuclear warfare. It's no accident that Robert Oppenheimer, father of nuclear bombs, studied the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita and quoted from it after the first atomic bomb test - “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”.
I reckon it's all been done before, here and probably on the planet Mercury before this and Mars will be next. Everything is dynamic and nothing is static. Earth could have been where Mars is billions of years ago and Mercury where earth is now. As we strip our planet of resources we take carbon compounds and metallic ores from the earth and they get processed and utilised in ways that reduce their density through oxidisation. As the earth loses density it will spin faster and move closer to the sun. Global warming will only accelerate the process.
All the talk of 'life on Mars' is an illusion. Mars is a future home only waiting a more favourable orbiting position to sustain life and earth will ultimately be incapable of sustaining life; just like Mercury.
I ran this by a scientist in an observatory once and he freaked out. "No chance, the planets are exactly where they have always been". I haven't got GCSE physics but I know that's pure shite and contrary to all manner of scientific sense.
If I suddenly stop posting you can assume I knew too much and they got me. :ROFLMAO: