Nasty Nicola doing her best

Oh for gods sake Hoopy you know as well as I do this is not about protected species this is about respect for a really good First Minister. As for the other two comparisons you must feel you’ve either been really funny or really clever but those comparisons are known liars so why would anyone respect them.
So respect has nothing to do with being democratically elected as previously stated it has to do with you thinking shes done a really good job.
Thats cleared that up.
So respect has nothing to do with being democratically elected as previously stated it has to do with you thinking shes done a really good job.
Thats cleared that up.
It probably comes from my upbringing we were always told by our mum to respect our teachers and people in professional life. just the way it was in our day maybe old fashioned now though.
But I give you it respect does need to be earned - so hope that’s cleared that up and you feel better now.
For those who think she is a tyrant and Scotland has handled it poorly, there are 10 million people living here in Portugal as opposed to 5 million in we registered 10,000 new cases... Scotland around 2000.....I know who I would want running my country
It probably comes from my upbringing we were always told by our mum to respect our teachers and people in professional life. just the way it was in our day maybe old fashioned now though.
But I give you it respect does need to be earned - so hope that’s cleared that up and you feel better now.
Feel great now thanks, we agree that respect needs to earned, and wee sainted nicola has earned your respect but hasn't earned everyone's, which is the point I previously made....
I'm not going to pretend I know Nicola Sturgeon. I don't. But back when I was an angry Labour activist I had occasion to confront her about a couple of things which didn't please me regarding SNP policy. Have to also say she wasn't first minister at the time. She responded in what I can only describe as a very honest, articulate, and respectful manner. As for the gutter talk on here, cow, bitch etc, well, by all means disagree with her, but come on, don't let yourself down with that nonsense.
So obviously with the title of this thread you obviously have a deep rooted dislike/hatred for Nicola Sturgeon.

nothing better than I nice balanced view.

I actually find many of the posts on here quite offensive in their nature by name calling our democratically elected First minister.

now this thread was started to say quote “despite the rights and wrongs of the Dubai trip” so you are deliberately veering everyone away from the Dubai trip and onto Nicola Sturgeon. And right on cue the insults and name calling which I find particularly in bad taste begin.
This might go down well in FF but imo it has no place here on Celtic noise.
Rose , I don’t hate the FM , not at all , I don’t like her , but I don’t hate her, that’s for starters
Do I think she has done a good job during this pandemic , no , why ?? We are in a worse position now than we were at the start of this
As I said yesterday here a a few examples of her poor decisions
Releasing hospital patients into care homes , caused hundreds of deaths in first wave , not opinion fact
No testing for nhs staff , when she could have done this saving again countless nhs life’s

Return of the university’s hundreds of superspreaders all together , really clever idea

closing of COVID friendly spaces where thousands of pounds have been spent making them safe , encouraging mixing in insecure places

not shutting schools , only now does she realise the folly of that one

not closing the borders except to business traffic

so I don’t hate nic , I just think she is a poor politician who has made poor decisions

as regards your FF comment I will treat that with the contempt it deserves
Rose , I don’t hate the FM , not at all , I don’t like her , but I don’t hate her, that’s for starters
Do I think she has done a good job during this pandemic , no , why ?? We are in a worse position now than we were at the start of this
As I said yesterday here a a few examples of her poor decisions
Releasing hospital patients into care homes , caused hundreds of deaths in first wave , not opinion fact
No testing for nhs staff , when she could have done this saving again countless nhs life’s

Return of the university’s hundreds of superspreaders all together , really clever idea

closing of COVID friendly spaces where thousands of pounds have been spent making them safe , encouraging mixing in insecure places

not shutting schools , only now does she realise the folly of that one

not closing the borders except to business traffic

so I don’t hate nic , I just think she is a poor politician who has made poor decisions

as regards your FF comment I will treat that with the contempt it deserves
Look TT this virus has mutated over 200 times but this last mutation is more than 70% more transmissible than the last. That’s why we are in another lockdown.
All the elderly that were transported at the beginning into care homes from hospital was because of what was going on in Italy at the time and they didn’t want the hospitals under that same pressure. It’s not the Government who decides when a patient is to be transported it’s a clinical team and family need to be consulted too. The government as were the WM government were looking at France and especially Italy and that’s all they had of experience at that time. There has been cross party report already completed by Scientists for Europe which covers all aspects of the U.K. dealing with the pandemic I will try and get a link.

As for testing way back in March and April the Westminster government took control of the distribution of all testing in the U.K. so they removed the Scottish government from being able to have any say/control over testing. WM also prevented several suppliers supply to Scotland.
They also took over the super labs like the lighthouse so not everything is as you say just a bad decision by NS.

The Scottish government has no say in the closing of borders that is Reserved to Westminster. The Scottish government asked them to do it and they refused.

not shutting schools. Well do you remember the face masks NS advised people in Scotland to wear face masks and then Boris Johnson came out and actually said not to bother they don’t make one iota of a difference. now everybody has to wear face masks.
He was late shutting the schools in England first lockdown and now only this week he told the people in England to go to school on Monday and then on Monday night changed his mind and said not to go to school on Tuesday. Nicola Sturgeon has led the way and she has tried to look at New Zealand and some of the South Asia countries for their experiences.

this is a moving and changing crisis we are in and as far as I’m concerned NS has been exemplary in her clear messaging to all of Scotland with empathy and humility.

I thought this thread in poor taste TT as I’ve already said as it was aimed at one thing and one thing only Nicola Sturgeon. As for the comments like ‘poisonous bitch’and others of the same ilk I think we do not need on here a Celtic forum.
Speaking of social distancing.....and have the Huns complained about the referee manhandling one of their players?

View attachment 12814

How beautiful... True man-on-man love knows no racial boundaries.

"Rangers is proud to be a modern, diverse football club where people from all backgrounds, cultures and communities can unite to celebrate and support a common cause – our ground-breaking diversity and inclusion campaign 'Everyone Anyone'."

'our ground-breaking diversity and inclusion campaign 'Humping Everyone Anyone'."

Fixed that for you, Huns.
Look TT this virus has mutated over 200 times but this last mutation is more than 70% more transmissible than the last. That’s why we are in another lockdown.
All the elderly that were transported at the beginning into care homes from hospital was because of what was going on in Italy at the time and they didn’t want the hospitals under that same pressure. It’s not the Government who decides when a patient is to be transported it’s a clinical team and family need to be consulted too. The government as were the WM government were looking at France and especially Italy and that’s all they had of experience at that time. There has been cross party report already completed by Scientists for Europe which covers all aspects of the U.K. dealing with the pandemic I will try and get a link.

As for testing way back in March and April the Westminster government took control of the distribution of all testing in the U.K. so they removed the Scottish government from being able to have any say/control over testing. WM also prevented several suppliers supply to Scotland.
They also took over the super labs like the lighthouse so not everything is as you say just a bad decision by NS.

The Scottish government has no say in the closing of borders that is Reserved to Westminster. The Scottish government asked them to do it and they refused.

not shutting schools. Well do you remember the face masks NS advised people in Scotland to wear face masks and then Boris Johnson came out and actually said not to bother they don’t make one iota of a difference. now everybody has to wear face masks.
He was late shutting the schools in England first lockdown and now only this week he told the people in England to go to school on Monday and then on Monday night changed his mind and said not to go to school on Tuesday. Nicola Sturgeon has led the way and she has tried to look at New Zealand and some of the South Asia countries for their experiences.

this is a moving and changing crisis we are in and as far as I’m concerned NS has been exemplary in her clear messaging to all of Scotland with empathy and humility.

I thought this thread in poor taste TT as I’ve already said as it was aimed at one thing and one thing only Nicola Sturgeon. As for the comments like ‘poisonous bitch’and others of the same ilk I think we do not need on here a Celtic forum.
Ok rose , we must agree to disagree , many points you have made for me are incorrect but you and me are entitled to our own opinions , it would be shit if we agreed on everything 😂
My original point was despite Celtic having the 100% go ahead from all relevant people to go on this trip , the FM has been playing to the unionist crowd in order to gain popularity and of course most importantly votes
Ok rose , we must agree to disagree , many points you have made for me are incorrect but you and me are entitled to our own opinions , it would be shit if we agreed on everything 😂
My original point was despite Celtic having the 100% go ahead from all relevant people to go on this trip , the FM has been playing to the unionist crowd in order to gain popularity and of course most importantly votes
I dont think unionist votes will be interested in voting SNP

And if anything the nationalist votes at Celtic might be inclined to change with recent propaganda being one sided.

Im no sure what exactly you think any leader of country could do better against a virus tbh

All politicians are human

Im no really looking for a debate on this topic.

I understand your frustrations

Im more frustrated that our club remain silent in face of multifaceted attacks, but I can only guess that no matter what they say it will be used against them.

Saying nothing does no good

Sometimes saying something can be spun worse than silence though.

And all the political spinning has no-one untangling the knots very well.

And behind every msm channel you have the Boris types channeling discontent. as well as all the extreme politics everywhere throwing their weight behind hearsay and misinformation passed as factual. Plus you have the economy in nose dive. And potential for war, real war growing every day.

Cant say any party has ever impressed me, ever.

As much as sturgeon is NOT infallible. imo she is better than the rest by a country mile.

There is no answer to covid that works on all fronts.

my biggest worry is do orange controls SNP

if so perhaps voting SNP is my own death warrant???

But I detest union with Westminster more than I fear death in an orange state at hands of complete pyschopaths

Because Scotland for me will be discarded by Westmonster the minute it no longer subsidies their city

And I think its close already.

And when they discard something they give it civil war first, then orange psychopathic division extreme.

But sadly I think we are heading that path no matter who I vote for.
Look TT this virus has mutated over 200 times but this last mutation is more than 70% more transmissible than the last. That’s why we are in another lockdown.
All the elderly that were transported at the beginning into care homes from hospital was because of what was going on in Italy at the time and they didn’t want the hospitals under that same pressure. It’s not the Government who decides when a patient is to be transported it’s a clinical team and family need to be consulted too. The government as were the WM government were looking at France and especially Italy and that’s all they had of experience at that time. There has been cross party report already completed by Scientists for Europe which covers all aspects of the U.K. dealing with the pandemic I will try and get a link.

As for testing way back in March and April the Westminster government took control of the distribution of all testing in the U.K. so they removed the Scottish government from being able to have any say/control over testing. WM also prevented several suppliers supply to Scotland.
They also took over the super labs like the lighthouse so not everything is as you say just a bad decision by NS.

The Scottish government has no say in the closing of borders that is Reserved to Westminster. The Scottish government asked them to do it and they refused.

not shutting schools. Well do you remember the face masks NS advised people in Scotland to wear face masks and then Boris Johnson came out and actually said not to bother they don’t make one iota of a difference. now everybody has to wear face masks.
He was late shutting the schools in England first lockdown and now only this week he told the people in England to go to school on Monday and then on Monday night changed his mind and said not to go to school on Tuesday. Nicola Sturgeon has led the way and she has tried to look at New Zealand and some of the South Asia countries for their experiences.

this is a moving and changing crisis we are in and as far as I’m concerned NS has been exemplary in her clear messaging to all of Scotland with empathy and humility.

I thought this thread in poor taste TT as I’ve already said as it was aimed at one thing and one thing only Nicola Sturgeon. As for the comments like ‘poisonous bitch’and others of the same ilk I think we do not need on here a Celtic forum.
Were allowed to say what we feel on a forum. There will always be some that are offended. It's called freedom of speach. I call a spade a spade.
So obviously with the title of this thread you obviously have a deep rooted dislike/hatred for Nicola Sturgeon.

nothing better than I nice balanced view.

I actually find many of the posts on here quite offensive in their nature by name calling our democratically elected First minister.

now this thread was started to say quote “despite the rights and wrongs of the Dubai trip” so you are deliberately veering everyone away from the Dubai trip and onto Nicola Sturgeon. And right on cue the insults and name calling which I find particularly in bad taste begin.
This might go down well in FF but imo it has no place here on Celtic noise.
If we had a vote tommorow I would vote for Nicola Sturgeon over any other of the choices, Labour party is not the Labour we grew up with, I understand politics and that people will move with the majority in whatever party they are aligned to.
Like Blair he moved Labour closer to a milder conservative way of thinking, yet people who voted still suffered the same fates and hardships as they did when under the tory rule, Starmer will be no different, there is alas no place anymore for left wing politics as society will not accept the vision that the left wing parties offer, we are and have become a greedy nation of people now and thats the way it is, and we can be fine with it, as we all find our niche and way to care for others without the politics, we simply let the heart rule. Under the present Scottish Government it might not be brilliant, but its a lot better than what we had and its a government, not without fault, but a Government with less baggage than what is on offer with the others, it is also a party that would attempt to gain Independence and it understands if it achieves that goal, it will still have to work for the people, for as sure as night tuns to day and in reverse , the maggots and worms wil be back in an independant Scotland looking for our vote.
If we had a vote tommorow I would vote for Nicola Sturgeon over any other of the choices, Labour party is not the Labour we grew up with, I understand politics and that people will move with the majority in whatever party they are aligned to.
Like Blair he moved Labour closer to a milder conservative way of thinking, yet people who voted still suffered the same fates and hardships as they did when under the tory rule, Starmer will be no different, there is alas no place anymore for left wing politics as society will not accept the vision that the left wing parties offer, we are and have become a greedy nation of people now and thats the way it is, and we can be fine with it, as we all find our niche and way to care for others without the politics, we simply let the heart rule. Under the present Scottish Government it might not be brilliant, but its a lot better than what we had and its a government, not without fault, but a Government with less baggage than what is on offer with the others, it is also a party that would attempt to gain Independence and it understands if it achieves that goal, it will still have to work for the people, for as sure as night tuns to day and in reverse , the maggots and worms wil be back in an independant Scotland looking for our vote.
Hi Boab1916, your post almost pretty much sums up my own feelings. I agree with you on the fact that the left has lost the war, at least more or less. It's not too difficult to see why. Individualism is what drives us, and in truth we're all guilty. Times have definitely changed that's for certain. If those of us on the left are being honest with ourselves we would have to concede it's now about damage limitation rather than any massive change in society. Your summing up of the Labour party is also in my opinion pretty accurate. That's why I left them. Again though, you are correct, no matter what direction Scotland chooses to go, we'll always have the battle between right and left. My hope is that battle will be decided only by the Scottish people and no one else.

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